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Andrew S

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Everything posted by Andrew S

  1. Thank you Sophie.Happy peeing.
  2. Hi,Finally plucked up courage to do this.I would love to hear from some ladies on their habits while using public toilets.Hoverers?,squatters? How long do you spend roughly in a public toilet? Hope to hear from you.Thanks.
  3. I finished work tonight and I'm off until 4th Jan.
  4. Had to share this.As it's still very mild for this time of year I had a wander around a large local park.Within this park there are many places where you can be well hidden.I knew that I needed to relieve myself,so after walking around for a while i spotted a deserted work area(it's Sunday),with large metal containers.I made my way behind one of these.There was plenty of room to completely conceal myself.I quickly unzipped and proceeded to spray pee all around the ground and the back of the container.It was very enjoyable and felt quite naughty as I could hear people's voices not too far away.
  5. Not a music festival,but a big outdoor arts festival a number of years ago.Big crowds,long queues for toilets.Lot's of sightings of people young and old M/F relieving themselves behind trees and not bothering to conceal themselves.A memorable day with great sightings.
  6. Rear view in a half squatting position with a nice strong stream is the best.Side view comes a very close second for me.I can only think of one occasion when I got a full on front view.
  7. Some gorgeous bottoms there.Thank you for sharing.
  8. It started for me when I was about 7 or 8 and I was playing with a girl of the same age and she needed to pee.As we were playing in an old shed in the woods,she just pulled down her trousers and pants and did it right there.I remember it like it was yesterday all though it was a long time ago.The same girl also peed into an old saucepan which we found lying around.I had to empty it outside.That's how my pee interest began.
  9. I agree.Nightclubs and surrounding areas are good for "sightings" Taxi queues also provide entertainment.Especially late at night.
  10. Yes.Some lovely bare bums there.
  11. Hi, . I live in Scotland near a large city.I have seen a few sights over the years.Mainly at weekends and at night.In alleys,car parks,in parks and even behind statues on a Main Street.My most memorable one was late at night as I walked towards a tunnel which runs underneath the biggest street in the city.As i looked there was a girl with her jeans and knickers round her ankles squatting.I got brave and walked right past her.She carried on and just said "I'm peeing" As I looked back I got a wonderful sideways view with a visible stream.Very memorable.There have been others.Hope you l
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