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Everything posted by weteric

  1. Gay marriage legalised in England and Wales. For those of you confused about the idea, it's like normal marriage but with blowjobs, anal and fewer arguments about who left the toilet seat up. Courtesy of Sickipedia.org: http://www.sickipedia.org/hot#ixzz2zehCZLQL
  2. was watching the news this morning when the presenter said; "A man has been arrested after half a million indecent images of children were found at his home in Bradford. Our reporter Gary O'Donoghue has more." Gary, you filthy bastard!! Courtesy of Sickipedia.org: http://www.sickipedia.org/hot#ixzz2zegZEwB8
  3. Do not get married on a beach in England. If you manage to avoid the sewage on the beach you'll have 6 blokes from Newcastle, wearing black and white shirts and budgie smugglers trying to get in every picture. Plus it will be raining. And cold. Try getting married in a castle. Much more fun and classy. As for Ireland. It will be raining. I fancy going to Thailand. Beautiful country.
  4. http://www.imagefap.com/pictures/3460261/Celebrities-Golden-Showers-(Pee)-Fakes?pgid=&gid=3460261&page=0&view=4
  5. weteric


    Used to play hockey, (field, not ice) watch a fair bit of rugby and for my sins, support West Ham
  6. As a gentleman I feel I must insist you allow me to assist you in fulfilling your desire.:finger:
  7. I used to be a staunch opponent of the death penalty. Former FBI profiler Robert Resler wrote a book entitled "Whoever fights monsters" and in it he argued it is pointless. It does not deter anyone. It does not save money, as if we claim to be civilised we must allow every option of appeal. He gives the example of Ted Bundy. His appeal process cost the US tax payer in excess USD 12m. He could have been incarcerated for life for a fraction of that. And in the case of serial killers the death penalty removes the possibility of studing yhe offender to learn how to catch other offenders howev
  8. I remember that. It was quite hot
  9. What city areyou from, and what are the best places to watch girls peeing? Or where do you pee?
  10. I suspect there may be a few like minds here. welcome
  11. weteric


    You should dare them to post a pee pic
  12. Watched Jimmy Carr last night. He was asking for sexual fantasies from the audience. One guy said his girlfriend likes him to watch her pee. She was so embarrassed, you could tell it was true.
  13. Hello. Hope you enjoy it here
  14. Would be great to see you wetting yourself. Please
  15. weteric


    Thanks guys. Been rough.
  16. weteric


    Welcome Diana, what does your friend dare you to do?
  17. weteric


    Hi folks, sorry, I've not be around lately. Had a sudden death in the family, been pretty traumatic. Looks like you needed me to help out on the beat the admin thread, and seem to have a lot of pics n videos to catch up on. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute more soon.
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