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Everything posted by jodi69

  1. If someone doesn't like something you've said they're out to get you and should be discredited? :banghead:
  2. You just wish to shove my complaint out of view so it can be ignored without others seeing it.
  3. This forum is for complaints and this is my complaint about you. Don't be bossing me around and demand that I do something else when I have followed the rules. :mad:
  4. I agree with you about the content. However I followed the rules and just moved on. :banghead: That's what you always preach. The limits of the rules seem to be arbitrary and related to what you like and don't. If this would have been a criticism about peeing on carpet you would have lost it. :yawn:
  5. The rules say "Don't criticize the fetish behavior, confessions, pics, experiences, or fantasies of other members" and Steve replies with this here. If any of us said it he'd be the first to delete it and chastise us. Why does he continue to be allowed to be above the rules? :banghead:
  6. I think you misunderstood. I was only commenting that it is impossible to ignore Steve because he is a moderator. The site will not allow that. :banghead: Since he suggested that other guy do so I pointed out it is not an option. :frown: Maybe he'll change it so we can because I would like to ignore him myself.
  7. I've always wanted to pee off a boat but am afraid of falling in!
  8. 100% is an impossibility. You do know that right? :banghead:
  9. I don't understand either. Sounds rather desperate to me. I mean it stinks in there! :meh:
  10. I just pee. Sometimes I do try to aim it but why bother being all fancy with it? :unsure:
  11. Making a mess where other people have to clean it up isn't a very nice thing to do. :frown:
  12. It's not possible to ignore a moderator. :frown:
  13. I think it was a big mistake.
  14. Thanks for explaining. It looks like the horrible actions of the other two got him so bent out of shape that nothing could fix it. Too bad because he seemed pretty active.
  15. I can't even think how many times I had to pee and was stuck in traffic. :O_o:
  16. I've done this but usually there isn't a puddle by the time I get up.
  17. Why would this be marked friendly?
  18. That is awful. Someone should be ashamed of themself!
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