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Posts posted by speedy3471

  1. 18 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    For recreating the climatic conditions of different parts of the world, so that within them you can experience different climates and the plant life familiar to them. For example, coffee beans and bananas are growing on trees in the tropical biodome, whilst oranges and lemons do so in the Mediterranean one. 

    Basically they are open then to paying members of the public to experience. A tourist attraction if you like.

    That's very cool. Iam gonna add that to the list of places I want to visit someday

    • Like 2
  2. 6 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    This is the Eden Project in Cornwall in southwest England, about 30 miles west of where I live.

    Situated in what was once an old quarry, it is a series of biodomes recreating different natural habitats inside.

    I have been here several times....



    Here are some views from inside the tropical dome. It is hot as hell in there as you'd expect....




    Inside the Mediterranean dome....



    O wow that's cool. What are the biodomes used for? 

    • Like 1
  3. 18 hours ago, Sephora said:

    I agree with you!

    Well, I should or should be getting the results in 3-4 days. It is nerve wracking however, I say to myself, I can't control what might happen and I will learn what needs to be learned.

    I'm hoping for the best for you. All will be good.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Sephora said:

    I am a responsible head of my department. However I do consume weed after super and I do find they are extreme with this. I am allowed to my private life outside of work.


    So I peed in a cup this morning, crossing my fingers that nothing will be said. A colleague at work said she ate a lot of asparagus the night before lolololol  She doesn't do drugs or drink but was annoyed that she still had to do it.

    I agree with you, it sounds extreme to me as well. If you indulge in weed or booze after work in my books that's totally fine. It's the people who use it on company time that should be punished.

    Hell I've been out drinking all night and went to work the next day, Iam lucky that I don't get hangovers lol. I would never get drunk at work tho, just as I know you don't let weed affect your work life. A few bad apples spoil the whole bushel

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  5. 5 hours ago, Blackinksoul30 said:

    I peed in a cup too yesterday... i've been trying to post a photo of it..but it's not working. I peed 1 cup. i have a lil bladder.

    I cup is still a good amount. I had couple of pints of beer and held my pre for awhile lol. Iam thinking I can fill the measuring cup next time lol

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, 2prnot2p said:

    Hey Speedy.  You lucky duck!  I've seen many vids on youtube of people who have foxes as pets and...it's nuts!  They're so hyper that they'd drive anyone crazy.  Plus, they will tear up any house.  Still, I love 'em.  I just would never try to domesticate one. 

    Me either haha. In fact between my parents yard and my grandpa's yard which is 1.6km there are 3 separate fox dens. Pups running all over the place this past summer lol. 

    The pups start coming out of their dens in late April to early may

    • Like 2
  7. On 11/5/2018 at 2:13 AM, 2prnot2p said:

    I love foxes.  We have them here in Michigan, where I live.  I've seen them several times.  We also have cougars way in the extreme northern part of the state.  And black bears, moose, deer, elk, many animals.  But, the fox is my fave.  So cute and very clever.

    I've got a fox den about 500 meters from my house. The pups are cute little things hahaha

    • Like 2
  8. 14 hours ago, Blackinksoul30 said:

    Each of these stories are completed except for 'The Cuddler' 

    Alice - 62 pages- 25,400 words
    Alice 2- 68 pages-25,000 words
    Alice 3- 61 pages- 25,384 words
    Alice 4- 63 pages- 24,997 words
    Alice 5- 70 pages- 29,015 words
    Magicians helper- 58 - 29,056 words
    3rd class lovers 71 pages- 31,645 words
    peter pan story- 51 pages- 22,648 words
    park of silence - 55 pages- 29,096 words
    Puppy love- 112 pages- 57,677 words
    flower children - 81 pages-37,073 words
    Broken Dancer- 127 pages-60,444 words
    Hatter baby- 129 pages- 60,607 words
    Recipe for Love- 132 pages- 64,500
    Princess and Pirates- 87 pages- 42,720
    robot story 73 pages- 36,606
    Bad boy- 116 pages- 59,274
    Magic guitar- 182 pages- 82,213 words
    little love bite- 94 pages- 47,461 words
    Paper Drawn Heart- 109 pages- 57,050 words
    The sexpert- 127 pages- 65,915 words- On old hard drive
    Hearts of Flame- 102 pages- 49,506 words- on old hard drive
    Cupid's assistant- 109 pages- 51,341 words- on old hard drive
    Sex paradise- 160 pages- 79,832 words- on old hard drive
    Teacher Lust- 181 pages- 86,583 words
    Babies times three- 184 pages- 91,357 words- on old hard drive
    The perfect baby- 213 pages- 107,300 words
    Photo of the past-225 pages- 109,200 words
    Teddy that i love- 226 pages- 113,000 words
    Addicted to the Escape 232 pages - 122,096 words
    The cuddler 197 pages- 95,000 words 

    Wow you have wrote quite a number of stories. Good for you. Have you thought of trying to publish any? I would bet that people would like to read them. 

    There is something relaxing about escaping into the world of the book or short story that iam reading. I just love it. Keep up the food work

    • Like 1
  9. 9 hours ago, Sephora said:

    A friend of ours is a welder and their boss said, if you are caught, you are fired on the spot.

    I hope so, I just don't know why it's affecting me, i work in the office all week.

    In my opinion it doesn't matter if you operate heavy equipment or work in the office, if you are impaired at work be it from booze or weed or whatever you should be fired. 

    If your not impaired at work your good to go. Iam not saying you can't enjoy yourself after work but leave it after hours, don't use or over your dinner hour or break.

    Iam not judging people who use pot, but just because it's legal in our country now doesn't mean you should use in on company time. Use it after hours

    • Like 1
  10. Well I didn't have the "piss scared out of me" I did find my self needing to pee as we were walking down the sidewalk tonight. 

    I just adjusted my costume, pulled my cock out and peed all over the sidewalk. My wife laughed and said my turn lol

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  11. Happy Halloween everyone. My wife and I took our 6 month old son tricker treating tonite. We just got home, he gathered quite a bit of chocolate lol.

    Iam sitting in the whirlpool tub fighting a chest cold now. I hate being sick. I turn into kind of a baby lol

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