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Posts posted by speedy3471

  1. On 10/25/2018 at 9:54 AM, owlman76 said:

    It was years ago when I found a woman's g spot, and it's a lot easier to find than a lot of people make out, look at the word SHOPPING, and there it is, after all, lads, we all know that most women if asked, would rather spend a couple of hours walking around the shops than in bed. lol

    Hahahahaha good one

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  2. On 2/25/2018 at 7:39 AM, Sandi4urn said:

    My first pee experience was when I was in high school and I was at a party and this new girl at school named Katrina was there. And during the party that girl Katrina and me were play wrestling in the livingroom with around 25 people watching us. Well a few minutes later when Katrina ended up on top of me sitting on my chest I heard her tell me to open my mouth.. And when I did all of a sudden I felt her peeing down my wide open throat while I was just drinking as much of her urine as I possibly could right there in front of all these people. Needless to say while I was drinking her pee I fell in love with the warm salty yellow taste of that girl Katrina urine in my throat. 


    Now that would of been quite the site to see. Very hot

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  3. On 10/24/2018 at 7:36 AM, Blackinksoul30 said:

    Hooray for boobies! If you know what CD title reference that's from let me know. 😄 

    Tell me what you like about your breasts and maybe what you don't like. Do you like to wear or bra or maybe you prefer going 'bra free'.

    When i was a baby i had open heart surgery. Which resulted in a horizontal scar on my chest. It actually goes through my left breast, right below the nipple. So below the nipple it is flat against my rib cage. I have the upper curve but not below. It didn't really bother me until i started going through puberty and i would be in the girls locker room for gym class and i'd see other girls and their breasts starting to develop. Not only did i have to deal with the fact that my breasts seemed to develop at a slower rate than the other girls.. (i was in a training bra a bit longer) but i had half a boob on the left side. I became too shy/self conscious to change out in the open in the locker room near the other girls and started changing into my gym clothes in a far corner away from them. When puberty ended i just... dealt with being different. I accepted it for awhile. Til i graduated high school. I was tired of feeling like it was noticeable. So i went to the store and got a padded insert for my bra. the first padded insert i had was pretty firm... not real soft. the second padded insert i got a few years later was softer and it actually seemed to 'fit' the space that was missing. it fit right below the breast. I liked wearing this insert but it would shift. 😞   I could never figure out how to make it stay in one place. I didn't want to use tape. Then i kind of stopped wearing bras. I started to develop rib cage arthritis and didn't want excess pressure pressing on the cartilage near the sternum. At one point I considered reconstructive surgery.. but then decided against it. I love my right breast. I love the shape. Not too big. Just enough for me to 'cup.' the left one.. i wouldn't say i 'love it'. but... i accept it... 

    Good for you, we all should be proud of our body's. No one is perfect and I've yet to meet a perfect person. In this day and age it takes alot of bravery to embrace our selves for who we are. 

    You also asked about bras. My wife prefers to "free boob it" lol. She also has fairly big boobs so iam guessing it feels better than wearing a bra all day long 

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  4. Iam sorry that happened to you. Words can and do hurt. Added to the fact that media and porn shows males and females in the so called perfect shape and form

    It's very damaging to young people seeing this. Porn shows guys that are hung like horses, not every guy is like that. They say feel like something is wrong with them if they don't have a 10 inch cock

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  5. 36 minutes ago, Blackinksoul30 said:

    Me and my husband haven't made love together since February. Any advice? We've tried to rekindle the romance but we both end up giving up. It's for us to stick with a 'program' 

    Awe iam sorry to hear that. Have you two tried having "date nights"?

    My wife and I went thru a period were sex was bland and then we stopped. It was only for 4 weeks so not terribly long. We found just having date nights, going out for supper(that's what we western Canadians call dinner) and sending each other racy texts helped spark our relationship again.

    We have been together for 10 years now. Its the little things that keep our sex lives interesting 

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  6. 3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    This is a sunset over Plymouth Sound, the estuary entrance to Plymouth UK, my home town and where I live. The Island to the left is known as Drake's Island, named after Sir Francis Drake....



    This is Drake's Island in daylight.....




    Drakes island looks so tranquil and peaceful at sunset

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  7. 57 minutes ago, 2prnot2p said:

    Yikes!  Merino wool socks are a must in those temps. I don't mind winter as I have the right clothing, but those lows would get to me.  Stay warm!

    Yup proper clothing is a must. It's hard to dress for the wind, it just bites right through you. It was very nice here today. It got up to 18 Celsius. It's only gonna go down to -3 tonight. According to the weather man that is lol

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  8. 3 hours ago, 2prnot2p said:

    Speedy3471, if you're 500km north of the Montana border, your winters must be brutal.  My sister lived in Winnipeg for a year and she told me about their winters.  It was so cold that most people wore fur coats.  This was back in the early 1970's.  Here in the Detroit area, we had our coldest & snowiest winter on record in 2014, the year of the Polar Vortex.  They said it was due to cold air coming down from Canada.  Thanks for that!  LOL!

    Ya our winters are brutal. Average temperature in December and January is -30 celcius. Polar vortex we Canadian just call it winter lol

    We have some wild temperature swings, we go from 35 celcius in the summer to -40 in the winter. When we factor in the wind during the winter it can feel like -50

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  9. 43 minutes ago, Flapnjack said:

    Im never ready for snow 😞


    Me either. This year we have had snow on September 28, it melted and then again on october 8. It also melted away. Its a bad start to fall lol. It makes for a long winter when the snow falls in october and doesn't melt till March or April lol

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  10. 4 hours ago, 2prnot2p said:

    Fall is my favorite season too.  And, I love Canada!  I'm twenty minutes from the bridge from Detroit to Windsor, Ontario.  Our neighbors to the north, you gotta love 'em! 🙂

    We like our neighbors to the south of us as well. Iam quite a ways west of you lol. Montana is strait south of me about about 500km

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  11. 4 hours ago, Blackinksoul30 said:

    i'm going to a halloween party tomorrow with my hubby. then to a pumpkin festival on Sunday 😄

    Iam planning on attending a Halloween party with my wife on 27th. Providing I get harvest all done by then lol

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