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Everything posted by Sephora

  1. Well, if we base it off the color, i don't think i will be rich as it's transparent. A trainer that was doing my diet program asked me what color was my urine and when i told her, she said it was possible that i drink too much water. Even my boyfriend made that remark a few days ago and asked me if I was sure that i am peeing because there was no sent.
  2. Last thing i want, is to stop or try to stop peeing to dial 911, telling them that i just drowned my BF because i drank too much!!
  3. Why thanks! I am the one that calls the shots!! Lolol we both do but i believe a little more me. He has been sending me text msgs since telling me to drink alot of water and he is getting me my favorite wine. I already drink almost 3 litres in a day. I will have pee coming out of my ears!!! I told him to be patient since its my first, i just never peed on someones face before, at least i don't think so lmao!
  4. Hahahah, Awwww am i going to have a line up? If only my urine was a cure, i would be rich lol
  5. Just a while ago, before login here, i was texting my BF. I decided to have fun and told him that i will text him on my break because I need to go to the washroom. Then he replied saying, think of me while your there. I giggled and asked him, what do you want me to think about? :wink: He replied, imagine my face is there and just aim for it. I told him that I will make an effort. So i go to the washroom which has 2 stalls and one had no paper so i used the other. I decided to remove my low heels and place them on that water container for the toilet. I lift my skirt up while standing up and at
  6. Hi Elena and welcome to this forum, i am also new from this week and i was very welcomed and surprised how much people are helpful.
  7. Hi Steve, thank you for the advice and i do feel more comfortable with it. Everyone here has been friendly and helpful. I told my BF, if the feeling is right, we can attempt to try it tonight. He doesn't force me which is a great thing.
  8. Thank you Kevin, i will give it a try when the moment is right. :wink:
  9. Kevin, thank you for the advice. Fannywatcher, no worries, i was just enquiring. As said, i don't have a problem showing a picture from time to time but I don't want my face or tattoo showing so that i can be recognized :tongue:
  10. I only sit at home, in public I hover. Even after all these years, I still can't aim for the target at first. There are times that the seat gets splash pretty bad and I just run out before anyone says anything lolol.
  11. I'm not sure about taking pictures of myself in it. I am affraid of getting recognized with everything you hear that goes on the internet.
  12. When I go to the beach with my friends, we pee in the water. There are line up for the bathrooms and sometimes waiting in line was too long.
  13. Thank you for the advice. i did talk to him about it and he asked me if i would be comfortable to get peed on. To be honest, I never tried it but i don't think my reaction would be the same. As i like to see the person's reaction, thats what turns me on.
  14. When I was in my late teens, I was working for a sport center with gym, aerobics, pool ect. I was working at the reception. There use to be a janitor in his early twenties, that got fired and no one knew why until a few weeks after. There was a few gym trainers and some lifeguards that asked me if that guy ever asked to avoid sitting on the toilets because he was waiting for parts to fix it and sometimes the seat had grease. Personally, I don't sit on the seats, but a few told me he got caught licking the urine off the seats. One had noticed that he was always in the toilet area and when she l
  15. Glad1: A friend of mine told me about asparagus, maybe she was doing the same to her ex :shifty: I will ask her to how and why she knows this lolol I drink about 2-3 litres of water per day, specially during my workouts. I never put salt on my foods so that is a good thing and i eat healthy 9/10 times. Bpb: thanks for that info about crissyp. Age wise, i just turned 27 and thank my mom's genes, some think i am 21
  16. Awww thanks for cheering and yes i found it helpful. If I apply myself, i can pee far enough without getting myself wet. Its amazing how it changed him because he was talking about it last night. I had to ask him if he had limits or what would turn him on? And he would like to try a goldenshower at least once. What is the foods or liquids to avoid. I am affraid he won't like the taste. If its going to be his first, i want it to be a good experience. Also, for me to do this the first time will be a challenge because it is not normal to me. Any advise would help.
  17. When i read this msg, i found it a turn on and its giving me ideas. Thank you
  18. I decided to go as normal, at least it won't be weird for me to stop in the moment. He did ask me how far i wanted to go with this? I don't really have an answer for now. I guess all depends on the mood and i did hinted that if i had some wine.. Who knows? :wink:
  19. I can maybe learn from this as domination and I do like to take control and have fun. Maybe not you and your girlfriends level. Enjoy it, you seem to love her alot.
  20. About an hour ago, we tried it out and He let me pee on his hand. What i found such a turn on is how he was enjoying it, his facial expression and then sent me a comment telling me that I was the most sexiest thing on the planet and it made me blush really. I am sure i can make room in my closet for exploring on this and what i am willing to do and not. *wink*
  21. Same here, I find the porta potty's smelly and gross. When I go to festivals, parties or camping, i will go in the nature, besides i get that leg workout by squating.
  22. Just by reading this, I am surprised how many are into this. I love camping but this is on a higher level hahaha. Who knows, maybe one day. It was an interesting read.
  23. Well, i just called my boyfriend and told him that when he comes home soon. I will let him watch me pee. Just by his reply, I know he is interested because now he is texting me how happy that makes him feel :thumbsup:
  24. Sephora


    Wow, this place is so openly welcome. Thank you for the warm welcome
  25. Thank you for the fast reply. To answer your question as to like watching girls pee. I am curious to look but not stare when i am with friends peeing outdoors such as camping or festivals. Like, i am not sure, but i find it interesting. I do believe there is something there or else i would not have search for a site to talk about it. I believe at the time what turned me off is that i asked a friend of mine about peeing on someone. And replied that is just gross and discusting, then i replied, i know! Because i was affraid of what she might of thought about me. For the past month, it's been pee
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