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Flush Fetish

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I'm starting this to explain what Flush Fetish is and also try to promote it some. I imagine that there some fans of it here some place, maybe?

To start with Flush Fetish is an erotic desire to flush or be flushed down a drain. It can be a toilet (which is fairly common and my personal favorite), a sink, shower or tub. In sort, if it has a drain it can be flushed. Other fetishes, like peeing and scat, can be included, although, somewhat counter intuitively, they are generally frowned upon by the community at large.

There are three main aspects to a Flush Fetish scenario. The first the fixture, whether it be tub, toilet or something else, the next is the Flushee, the one getting flushed down the drain, and finally, the last is the Flusher, the one that is flushing the Flushee down the drain. It is also important to remember that the Flushee can also be the Flusher. It isn't difficult for someone to pull a stopper out of the a tub drain, or pull down the flush handle on a toilet, etc..

There have been two primary sub-categories that arisen in Flush Fetish over the years: Fatal Flushing, and Non-Fatal Flushing. Fatal flushing is when the Flushee does not come back after being set down the drain. Non-Fatal Flushing is when the Flushee does come back after they have been flush down the drain, whether it's back through the drain that they were flushed down, or out of another drain or fixture (again my personal favorite).

Without going into the history of the fetish, I'd say that's a pretty good explanation of the fetish.

Now on to some Flush Fetish content!

Edited by AmberRainArt
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This is the first Flush Fetish story that I ever wrote in full. I hope that you enjoy it.





Chapter One


The day had been a long and hot one, with an occasional gentle wind that had blown through the ash trees and across the open fields of grass that lay beyond them. The sun had shared the sky with little more than a few wispy clouds. Now, though, the sun hung low in the sky and exhaled a deeply golden red light over the landscape. Even the cicadas that had no doubt delighted in the sultry atmosphere since sunrise, having spent the whole day singing, were now packing up their many choirs for the evening.

The bathroom lay still and unused since the early morning, and it appeared so clean and pristine that someone would have no trouble assuming that it had never been used at all. It was lit only by the golden rays of the setting sun as they crept in and out the other side of its only window, a one-and-a-half foot square that sat a little less then three feet above the pure white porcelain claw footed tub. They made their way through the barely cracked dark stained ash wood blinds and across the bathroom to the sliding-glass-enclosed white granite tiled shower on the far wall.

The entryway to the bathroom was a stained glass door with an arched window at its heart and a polished silver lever handle. It sat in a dark stained ash wood frame. The glass was fogged so that no one on the outside would be able to see in, and it had been rippled as well. The border was made of a very deep blue color and the scene inside of it was one of flowers at its bottom, clouds in its middle and a sun at the top, with its rays reaching down through the clouds to the flowers below.

There was a silhouette that appeared outside the door. A tall female form that was obscured by the shadows that laid in the outward side of the door. Then slowly the the door's silver handle began to to turn and its lever descended. The door opened with a quiet moan and its hinges spun against one another as the woman was revealed...

Celina was a dark-skinned girl, with something of a heart shaped face, large deep green eyes, and long curly brunette hair that hung just below her shoulders. She was not that tall, and possessed an hour-glass figure. Her breasts, her butt and her hips were all about equal in size, but appeared quite large because of her stature, and they were very round.

She raised her arm and brushed her long slender fingers over the polished silver plated single-pole light switch. The LED bulb in the round ceiling light that hung in the center of the bathroom's ceiling lit up and threw out a pale blue light upon everything that it touched. Celina looked at it and smirked, thinking to herself that the light looked a single breast hanging down from the ceiling with a silver ring around it and a hard silvery teat.

Praise the Moon, she thought to herself as she lifted her arms above her head and stretched before she walked through the stained-glass door that lead into her bathroom. Her bare feet left wet tracks behind her with each step making a pronounced sloshing sound. She flipped her wrist, pushing the door shut behind her with a loud BANG! It startled her, as she didn't mean for that to happen, she hadn't put that much effort into it she had thought... maybe just enough for it to shut to?

She jumped up on her toes and gracefully spun around on the ball of her left foot with loud dull screeching sound and faced the door to make sure that the it was alright. It appeared fine, but for some reason it was locked. I must be losing my mind, she thought with a playful shrug before she unlocked it. Then... she felt her head slowly turn to her right, seemly guided by some queer unseen force, and she found her gaze fixed upon her new toilet. It was a pure white, high-tank, pull-chain toilet, with a silver chain, and stained ash wood handle. She noted that it almost seemed to blend into the white granite tile that covered her bathroom.

She hadn't had it for very long; it had actually arrived the day before, so it was a very new addition, as its predecessor had broken... Suddenly. When she had called the company about it to complain, they had suggested that she get a “more robust” model. When she had inquired further, they said that they had just the thing for her, and that it was the last one that they had in stock. It sounded too good to be true, but she wasn't about say “no,” especially if that meant not having a working a toilet in her home.

Suddenly she blinked and for a moment she didn't understand why she had done that, but after shaking off her apparent stupor, she walked over to her bathroom vanity and turned the cold water on. She took a bar of soap in her right hand and began to wash her hands.

Her day had been long and hot, and she was so wet from sweating that the soft blue floral sun dress that she was wearing clung very tightly to her voluminous form, exposing everything that she was wearing under it. This infuriated her to no end. Not because anyone that laid eyes her could count the petals on the flowers of her matching floral bra and panties, but because it felt so restricting to her. She was tired, hot and her exposed skin was covered in large beads of sweat that sometimes would join together and drip off of her, which wasn't that bad, but tickled her when it happened. She wanted little more than to just tear her clothes off of herself.

When she finished washing her hands, she signed, then wiped her face off with her right hand. Then her eye caught something behind her... The toilet's pull chain was lightly swaying back and forth. Had she hit it when she came in? She didn't remember doing it. She began to think about it and then she found herself staring at her toilet again. She turned around and faced it. She felt a strange cold energy from it that appeared to be calmly emanating from it. She raised her left brow in curiosity.


She tapped her right thumb against her chin, while she eyed her new toy.

“Do you want to play?” she asked, slowly cocking her hips to the right.

The toilet sat still- silent, but somehow Celina could have sworn it smiled... but in a way that you couldn't see.

She reach down and grabbed the bottom edge of her sun dress and pulled it up and over her head to the right with a pronounced: SHURCK, the material not easily letting go of her wet, oily, skin. She let go of the wet clingy mass she held in her right hand and let it hit the tile floor with loud: SPLAT!

She shifted her weight to the other side, cocking her hips to the left.

“Do you want to play?” she asked again. “Hm?”

The toilet's smile got wider.

Celina smiled back and bent over and grabbed her sun dress, lifting it up off the floor. Taking it in both her hands she said, “Catch,” and threw her dress at the toilet. There was a soft splash as the dress landed in the waiting bowl.

Wow, she thought and said, “Good catch.”

Dumb luck.

Celina paused, wondering what she was doing... Had she really just thrown her favorite sun dress into the toilet? Ew. What was she thinking? Then she remembered how dirty she was, and how dirty her dress was. Did it really make any difference? She hadn't even used it yet.

“Hm. No harm done,” she thought as she playfully bounced her index finger off of her bottom lip.

She walked over to the toilet, then looked down at her dress resting in the shallow front end of the bowl, half submerged in the water.

“Enjoying your dip?” she asked her dress as it gently rocked back and forth with wavy water. “I bet it's really refreshing.”

Then out of nowhere, she reached up and grabbed the pull chain and pulled it down.

“Everyone out of the pool,” she said with a giggle.

Her eyes widened as she watched the toilet roar to life with a loud “Fush!” sound as water flew from the rim jets. The water in the bowl quickly began to spin around and raise up and take her dress with it. Her eyes rolled around and around in her head as they followed the dress spinning faster and faster as it was pulled into the center of the twirling waters. There came a sharp “Crackling” noise as the cycle finished, then water fell hard with a loud “Woosh”. There was no resistance at all as her dress was pulled into the outlet and down the siphon, out of her sight with loud “Gargling” noise. Then the bowl began to refill with a deep “Hiss” until it was at last full again.

She let the pull chain go and let her arm drop to her side.

“Wow,” she said with genuine wonder.

What had just happened? Had she really just flushed her favorite sun dress down the toilet? She couldn't believe it. Where did that come from? It had felt like someone had taken her hand and guided it to the chain, or it was like some kind of a phantom force.

The thought scared her a little. A cold shiver echoed through her, and for a moment, the bathroom felt very cold, empty, and very threatening. Then it felt like something took hold of her again.

She felt her blood fall down through her like a golden rain and it pooled between her legs. She bit her bottom lip. It was like a furnace had been lit in her and she glowing with a silver heat, and again she could feel a cool energy emanating off of the toilet in front of her. It felt so inviting to her.

She took her fingers on her left hand and ran them down the cool smooth porcelain of the toilet's tank, then bit her lower lip a little harder.

“Did you like that?” she asked, her voice a little higher pitched.

She closed her eyes.

From the black in her closed eyes she saw hands emerge from the inky dark mist. Hands all over her. Beautiful feminine hands with long slender fingers of warm silver light. All of them fully over her soft, wet, dark olive skin. Spiraling around her entire approving nude body.

She opened her eyes again, then ran her finger tips down her neck, over her chest and across her breasts, down her belly, and then let them glide lower down into her panties.

She gasped as an electric wave rolled through her semi-nude body.

“Who's first?” she asked as she looked down at her bra then her panties.

She felt her panties tug on her hand, then she smiled.

“A volunteer!” she said, excited. She slipped them off, past her hips, down her thighs, over her calves and under her feet, first the right then the left.

She held them up in her right hand over the bowl and stared at them for a second, then lifted them up to her lips and kissed them before dropping them into the bowl beneath her.

She took hold of the ash wood handle of the pull chain in her left hand and pulled it down.

The toilet growled to life once again as the water exploded out of the rim jets with a loud “GAH-GOOSH” and began to spin the water in the bowl.

“Bye, bye.” She said like a little girl before she pursed her lips and waved to them with her fingers.

Feeling impatient, she reached behind herself and unfastened her bra strap and let her full breasts throw it off of themselves and down to her elbows before she lowered her arms and let it fall down the rest of her arms. She caught the shoulder strap with her right hand before it got away from her.

“Look,” she said with wide eyed wonder as she looked at the bra then down at her panties that were swirling the white waters rising in the bowl, “you have a friend that's going to join you!”

She let go of her bra and let it splash into the water below her as it reached its apex in the bowl. It didn't take any time for the two of them to catch up to one another as the water began to crackle and descend toward the outlet. The two seemed to embrace each other as they spun faster and faster down the cyclone that had formed above the outlet.

Celina's eyes watched, unblinking, and unable to look away as her undergarments were thrown down into the outlet and out of her sight into the drain by the siphon jet. The water then GLUGGED as well as it followed after her bra and panties into the outlet and out of her sight.

Celina was completely naked and had a large smile on her face as the toilet began to hiss and fill the bowl back up again.

“Wow,” she said giddily as she jumped up and down a bit, causing her curly brunette hair, breasts, butt and thighs to spring up and down with the repeated impacts.

There was no sign of resistance, not for her bra and panties, or for her sun dress. It's one thing for a toilet to be able to flush a pair of panties, but a sun dress was unheard of. This toilet was really something.

“What are you made of?” she wondered as she ran her long curious fingers over the seat.

“Hm,” she hummed to herself as she lifted it to its apex and left it to stand erect on its own.

Looking down at the crystalline waters as the hissing faded away, she walked over toward the front of the toilet, skirting around the edge of the bowl as she ran her left index finger over the cold glossy white rim. She stopped in front of the toilet, turning just a bit to face the tank and kept her gaze locked on the water, standing straight up with her feet held evenly apart lined up with her shoulders. She closed her hands into fists and put them on the soft flesh of her hips, before she clenched all of her lower muscles and stood up on the balls of her feet, then relaxed again, softly allowing her dirty grassy heels to land on the floor again.

“Well, if this was a game, you'd be winning,” she said playfully giving the toilet a sharp look, before squatting down in front of it. “You want to go for the high score?”

She furrowed her lips, lightly bringing them to rest against the outer edge of the rim. She slid her finger tips over it as far as her arms would stretch, pressing her breasts tight against the bowl, before turning her hands palms out and letting her smooth finger nails follow the voluptuous curve of the outer bowl back to her. The suction of her lips against the rim “popped as she gently pulled her head back from it. Rolling her tongue around her cooled lips she found them to taste sweet-- as if she had gotten honey on them somehow. She again rolled her tongue over her lips and found the sweetness to be fading away. She smiled. Bringing the fingers of her right hand up to her mouth she touched her lips.

She half laughed with surprised amazement, causing her breasts to jump and fall, then she extended her arms and grabbed the rim firmly with both of her hands. Widening her tongue, she licked the edge in front of her. It was sweet, like clover honey.

“What are you doing to me?” she asked, moaning seductively as she thrust her bare vulva onto the toilet's pedestal, kneading herself against its tall polished form.

Holding the rim for support, she kept the pedestal between her legs and followed it up to the bowl where she traced its curve with her outer labia until it ended leaving a wet trail of mucus behind her. Standing once again, she took a quick breath and, closing her eyes, she held her arms high above her head, arching her back and stretching. Then she spread her legs and straddled the rim of the toilet. She took her left breast into her hand as her right hand glided down her body to cover her soaked labium.

“Your turn!” she exhaled as bolt of pleasure electrified her body. “Ahhhh-haaa!”

Supporting herself with her left hand on the rim of the toilet, she leaned forward dipping her right hand into the cold glassy water and began to whirl her index finger around the drain opening.

“You want me-- say it!” Celina commanded, continuing to rotate her finger around its polished white orifice. Over and over again she played around the hole, and each pass, the opening felt like it got harder and harder to her. Finally she stopped, and the opening now looked far larger to her then when she had started. Taken aback by this, she slowly raised her hand out of the water, only to find that it had become thick and slimy.

Celina held her hand up, smiling, as she studied her gooey hand with large fascinated eyes.

“Oh?” she asked almost laughing. “You do want me, don't you?”

She gently bit her lower lip.

“Well guess what?” she asked, nearly whispering as she bent forward. She licked the rim over the back of the bowl near the seat hinge. Sitting back up she looked to one side and then the other with a smile, checking to see if anyone else was there simply out of reflex, and then said seductively, “I want you too.”

Her smile widened.

Raising her right foot first, she slowly lowered it into the cool clear slime inside the bowl and slipped it into the toilet's wide waiting orifice, followed by her left foot, both fitting with smooth comfortable ease. She shivered, sending a rush through her whole body and both of her nipples became firm.

“Mmm, you're cold,” she moaned softly as she slipped her butt off of the rim and gently into the bowl below her. Another rush rolled through her body as her vulva broke the surface of the slime, causing her to shiver once more and her nipples to harden again.

“You're really cold,” she said throwing her arms behind her, and arching her back again, “and it feels so goooood!”

It was such a relief to her, feeling the cool of the fluid drinking the heat out of her burning skin. She was sitting in the toilet bowl facing the direction of the tank with the top of her hips sitting over the rim with her knees almost shoulder height and her thighs pressed against her breasts. The ooze that filled the toilet came up her legs to just below her calves and just barely covered her lower groin, keeping her vulva under it surface.

“I'm in you now,” she said softly, taking her hands and gently gliding her fingers down the sides of the bowl and back up again, leaving a trail of slime behind with her right hand. “How do you feel about that?”

Celina reached up with her left hand and grabbed the ash wood flush handle, and pulled the chain taut.

“Woooo!” Celina exclaimed, jumping suddenly- feeling something cold against her hips, nearly pulling the the handle down, before she let it go, allowing it to swing free.

She leaned to her right, looking down to her left at the bowl beside her and saw the rim jets secreting more clear ooze. Taking her left hand she ran her index finger under the rim collecting some of the ooze on the tip of her finger. She brought her hand close to her face examining the this odd substance that her toilet was excreting around her. She tenderly rubbed her thumb and her index finger together then slowly pulled the two apart causing a clear string to form between them. Holding it close under her nose she found that it had no smell. She quickly brushed her tongue against her fingers, but found it had no taste. It was like water, but thicker and more viscous. After thinking a second she paused, her expression contorted to shock.

You porcelain bitch! she thought, You're horny!

She leaned back, laughing before doubling over. I've turned you on!

Celina buried her slimy right hand between her legs with a thick crackling as it passed betwixt her thighs, then grabbed the ash handle again with her left hand as it swung towards her again.

“I hope you're ready!” she said, ringing her toes around the rim of the drain. Then she took a deep breath and pulled the handle down.


Celina felt the ooze blast out of the rim jets and coat her lower body as it began to swirl around her and flow underneath her. The thick substance licked underneath her, caressing her anus and coursing under her labium and lapping at her clitoris as it slowly rose, finally covering it.

She let go of the handle letting it swing free again as her body convulsed uncontrollably from an ever growing influx of sexual pleasure that gripped her in an iron fist that would not be broken. Her heart raced in her chest visibly, beating against the wall of the bone cage that held it. Her eyes rolled up into her head and she began to softly whimper as the ooze swam through the tight folds of her vulva, swirling and embracing her clitoris.

The ooze reached its apex in the bowl, twirling with unbelievable force against Celina's bare legs, swirling around the smooth skin of them, twisting them close together as the siphon jet kicked on full force with a loud CRACK, and knocked her feet completely into the waiting drain.

Celina's legs fell sharply as a bright red flash of blinding gratification struck her, and her jaw dropped hard as she screamed straight from her center, with the water falling and disappearing out of sight through the drain, taking her feet with it.


The toilet hissed as its tank refilled and Celina screamed again, sharply inhaling, only to scream again. She had lost control of herself, and was shaking violently and whimpering. Her breaths were sharp and jagged, and she couldn't speak. Only high-pitched moans let through her mouth.

The tank finished filling with loud Sh-Tink, and Celina finally inhaled on her own.

“Fuck you!” she screamed, starting to cry again, her expression tight and coarse.

She raised her hands to her face to wipe away her tears from her pinkened eyes and smeared goo on her cheeks. Her lips quivered as clear streams of fluid dripped out of her nose. She sniffed and wiped her nose, smearing the goo across her face even worse.

She didn't care.

The handle swung back to her and she snatched it back with her left hand, glared down at her legs that had partially disappeared in the drain, clenched her teeth, and pulled down.


Celina stood up as the rim jets spat out their thick discharge. She was now knee deep in the ooze, and the force of the whirlpool that quickly formed in the center of the bowl above the drain began to effortlessly spin her around, slowly at first, then faster and faster. As the ooze reached its apex in the bowl just below the rim, Celina raised her arms into the air and crossed them behind her head, closing her eyes as she imagined she was a ballerina, pirouetting at the at the end of a ballet. She spun gracefully around with the speed and form of a figure skater, and as the siphon jet awoke and it began forcing her into the drain, she began descending into the bowl. The drain and siphon wrapped snuggly around her feet and legs as they were sucked through the drain's large mouth. It seemed to be contorting to fit her into itself like a pair of wanting lips. Her wide hips and butt fit through the opening with at SHOO-POP as they had been fully lubricated by the whirling slime that now coated her entire nude body and clung tightly to her. She opened her mouth, allowing a breathy moan to escape, as she felt the engorged lips of her vulva lovingly thrust against the cold inside of the siphon like a smooth ceramic tongue. She gasped as she continued her descent as the siphon persisted in its sustained deep kiss of her labium. Her whole body tingled with raw sexual energy and tears returned again to her eyes before rolling down her cheeks.

She felt the current of the whirlpool around her beginning to fade as the level of the ooze continued to vanish through the drain, racing past her wanting body, stroking it tenderly with its thick viscous form. Then as the cycle was completing and the toilet began GLUGing, Celina reached up and took hold the of the ash wood handle a final time, and held tightly to it with her left hand as she allowed the weight of her descent to pull it down.


The toilet roared again, refilling the bowl with ooze as her hand slipped off of the handle and she began spinning again. As she spun around she pressed her chest against the inner wall of the slick white bowl around her- stimulating her full sexuality at her tender nipples as the siphon squirmed against her vulva again, until at last her breasts were lovingly sucked into the drain's thick supple lips and her body exploded in a golden radiant electric orgasm that caused her constricted nude body to convulse and shake in the siphon.

Smiling with her eyes full of tears, she cocked her head back as it disappeared beneath the surface of the ooze, just as she raised her right hand into the air. She relaxed her hand, letting her fingers separate on their own and fall downward , almost waving good-bye as it sank below the surface of the ooze then out of sight as it slipped down the drain.





The toilet began hissing as its tank began to refill a final time, and in short order it had finished, completing with a short series of metallic clinks, then the bathroom fell eerily silent. The light flickered, then the toilet began to vibrate, then it suddenly stopped before violently jerking to the left. It sat still for moment afterward, before it began to gracefully deform with a sound reminiscent of being slowly pulled from its scabbard. The high tank began to descend as the S-bend behind its base detached at the bottom, and the seat began elongating. The S-bend slowly began to take the form of legs as the seat the took the form of arms. Breasts began to emerge from the tank as it joined the toilet as a whole. The rim thickened as it descended down the bowl and came together as two round lips as it found its way between the newly formed legs. The toilet thrust itself forward causing the tank and bowl to roll forward as a head began to take form about the tank and the arms rose to the top of the tank. The rounded glassy white mass quivered, and then it steadily ascended to its newly formed feet.

There, standing in the middle in of the bathroom, was the voluptuous nude porcelain white form of a woman. Her breasts, large and round in perfect defiance to the force of gravity, were capped with silvery mirror-polished teats. Her hips and butt were in flawless proportion to her beasts. Her thighs and calves were tight and strong beneath her. Her arms, slim and sculpted, ended in slender gentle hands with long lean fingers that she held at her sides. Her heart-shaped face had high cheek bones below her large, round, tightly closed eyes with thick, shiny, silvery eye lashes and eye brows. Her large, lush, glossy, silver lips rested above her powerful chin and jaw. Her long silvery hair braided into a long chain at the top of her head that hung down to the small of her back.

Then suddenly her eyes darted open, revealing two fiery gems that emanated a bright blue plasma-like light, terrifying to behold. She lifted both of her hands and placed them on either side of her largely endowed belly, and as she looked down upon it with her piercing eyes it became transparent where her vision fell upon it, revealing an apparently peacefully sleeping Celina with her beautiful body softly rotating in fetal position at its center.

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4 hours ago, spywareonya said:


wow the story was great

sincerely, you write marvellously

just beware scat, the forum cannot host it because of some complicated policy about hosting server

Thank you! I'm glad that you liked it. I've noticed that even if that story isn't to most peoples tastes, they still enjoy it.

Ah-ha! I wondered what the deal was with scat. Thanks, for clearing that up for me. I don't usually do scat though. Speaking of which I should make an addition to first post up there. Thanks again!

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31 minutes ago, AmberRainArt said:

Thank you! I get that response a lot from this story, actually. I'm glad that you were able to enjoy it!

What brought about this fascination on "flush fetish"?  Was there something in your life that set it up?

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Hmm. Have to admit that the theme is not for me - I guess I'll have to stick to the naughty peeing fraction once more.

But your writing is flawless!

How should I put it.... "I don't like the ingredients - but you're an amazing cook!" 😄

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On 6/6/2018 at 12:03 PM, bpb said:

What brought about this fascination on "flush fetish"?  Was there something in your life that set it up?

You know I honestly cant say. It was just something I went searching for one day. I expected to find something, this is the internet after all, but believe or not there wasn't anything there. I looked for years off and on, before I came across something. Then, when I finally found it there was hardly anything there, a few pictures and stories and several very devoted people in the community. So I elected to start making my own content, it's what got me started rendering. I've made several series, I haven't posted them yet, their pretty long. But, honestly it was something that I thought was cool, and I was surprised there wasn't more of.

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21 hours ago, Carthoris said:

Wow. That's amazing. I love the part where she's kissing and rubbing herself against the toilet.


Awesome picture Carthoris! Yeah, I figured that I would use the toilet like a lover in the story. I sick idea to some I know, but I tried clarifying things in the prologue. With a fetish like this the toilet kinda has to be a character and have a life all its own. Or at least I think so anyway.

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21 hours ago, WantonLee said:

Hmm. Have to admit that the theme is not for me - I guess I'll have to stick to the naughty peeing fraction once more.

But your writing is flawless!

How should I put it.... "I don't like the ingredients - but you're an amazing cook!" 😄

Thank you WantonLee. I can understand if isn't for you, but I'm glad though that you liked the writing anyway. Thank you.

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