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Lessons in magick #2 The Gods

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I am interested in your beliefs. Are you saying that there is a supreme Goddess that lays behind everything? 

Is she a real personality that thinks in ways we can possibly understand? Does she take an active interest in us as individuals?

To be honest I see a lot of what I myself believe reflected in what you say, but my own beliefs are tending to be more generalised, less focussed.

I believe in reincarnation, but have always believed that it has occurred since the dawn of life, and that our souls have evolved along with the evolution of life through successive incarnations over millions of years. You tend to believe that reincarnation is a relatively recent thing that has only been going on for 13,000 years if I interpret you correctly. 

But I have long thought that between incarnations we go through a spiritual cleansing in the afterlife, during which we experience all the pleasure and all the pain we have brought to others, thus creating our own personal heavens or hells. I believe in what is often understood to be karma - what goes around comes around - that all the evil we do will come back upon us sooner or later, if not in this life then the next, likewise all the good that we do.  And that we ultimately learn from this through successive incarnations. So nothing good or evil, no pleasure nor pain, is truly wasted. It all becomes positive in the end.

I know as we all do that there is a physical reality, and the matter which makes up our bodies, the atoms and molecules within us, is part of that physical reality. But there is also in my beliefs a spiritual reality too, and an all-encompassing spiritual life force or energy which permeates the entire universe. Our souls are formed from this. And life is where spirit and matter come together, the means by which spiritual and physical reality become one. Am I thinking on the right lines? Could this be a vaguer understanding of your goddess? Am I intuitively understanding something without quite getting close enough to recognise an actual intelligent entity? 

I would be interested to hear more, and where any other gods fit in. Are they actual personalities whose natures we can hope to understand - a bit like the gods of ancient Greece? Or are we truly grappling in the dark, their minds so much more developed that we cannot hope to understand?  

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5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

I am interested in your beliefs.

Well mannered and forward looking, as Always.


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Are you saying that there is a supreme Goddess that lays behind everything? 

On Earth She is in chief. She's nothing compared to the vastity of the Universe and the Cosmical Entities that rule there, but on this planet She is Paramount. Not all powerful, but She does what She can. She governs and organizes the Collective Unconscious, cuddling it to embetter it, pushing us toward evolution.


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Is she a real personality

Yes, even describable in terms of yards and joules and ampere, only that I cannot do that. Beside Her actual "body" She can shapeshift or simply contact people telepathically


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

that thinks in ways we can possibly understand?

Oh yes, I even talked to Her once. It was like having the thunderous voice of God exploding in the cave of your head. Impossible to substain, started to bleed from nose, unconscious two hours, almost died.


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Does she take an active interest in us as individuals?

Difficult question. Yes and No. She emante a spiritual substance that fall onto everybody like a gentle rain washing sins away and giving us the firmness to follow our very heart, but She doesn't focus on singular people unless invoked through prayer, or because somebody is a long-term Witch who did much for the Gods, Usually Witches pray to Her children, the Gods.


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

have always believed that it has occurred since the dawn of life, and that our souls have evolved along with the evolution of life through successive incarnations over millions of years.

You are right.


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

You tend to believe that reincarnation is a relatively recent thing that has only been going on for 13,000 years

Oh no, it has only become much more nice and kept under watchful and helpful control by Her and the Gods after that moment


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

But I have long thought that between incarnations we go through a spiritual cleansing in the afterlife, during which we experience all the pleasure and all the pain we have brought to others, thus creating our own personal heavens or hells. I believe in what is often understood to be karma - what goes around comes around - that all the evil we do will come back upon us sooner or later, if not in this life then the next, likewise all the good that we do.  And that we ultimately learn from this through successive incarnations. So nothing good or evil, no pleasure nor pain, is truly wasted. It all becomes positive in the end.

Utterly agree, with the only adjustment that She gives for free a little improvement from Mathematical karma. Good ones are treated twice good than crudely deserved, less good ones, one and a half. Really evil people are forgiven too, but sometimes they are so nasty that they refuse to enter the DreamWeb as a matter of insolence. Thus they cannot be helped and when they are eventually sucked in are not happy to be there, thus feeling really offended instead of realizing they are being helped out. Stupid fuckers:')

5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

I know as we all do that there is a physical reality, and the matter which makes up our bodies, the atoms and molecules within us, is part of that physical reality. But there is also in my beliefs a spiritual reality too, and an all-encompassing spiritual life force or energy which permeates the entire universe. Our souls are formed from this. And life is where spirit and matter come together, the means by which spiritual and physical reality become one.

Exactly, They are "simply" living being made of quantistic matter, just like our souls. The only difference is that They remain in the spiritual world (which is ultimately made of the same substance as matter indeed, quantum energy) while humans soul project herself into the flesh to evolve faster (pure spirits evolve slower than humans, that's why an enlightened magician can command almost every spirit). The Gods are already very evolved and need not an incarnated life.


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Are they actual personalities whose natures we can hope to understand - a bit like the gods of ancient Greece? Or are we truly grappling in the dark, their minds so much more developed that we cannot hope to understand?  

They are incredibly VAST but not uncomprehensible. What sometimes puzzle people about Them is that They seem to be (not utterly, They are not so evolved, but a bit yes indeed) Beyond time, giving advices or acting in ways that doesn't produces results immediately, like a craftman making a portion of the structure first and another later. They are eternal and provides long terms advices, it is so cute hearing Them telling us during rituals


but They also can give incredibly swift and focused advices, from the dangers of a public piss (I'm not joking) to how to spellbound somebody in real time if I saw he/she isn't well-asnwering to my simple speak, to the long-term dangers of a choice of any type (from work to casual sex) that a non-occultist should only go blind about.

5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

I would be interested to hear more, and where any other gods fit in

The other Gods are Her children, I'll write something soon, They are more relatable, for each generation is closer to humans than the former.


Whatever other question is well received;*

Edited by spywareonya
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Does the earth goddess overlap in any way with the New Age concept of the Gaia Hypothesis?

"The Gaia hypothesis, also known as the Gaia theory or the Gaia principle, proposes that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet."

And is there any all encompassing universal entity at all? I have long believed that there is a kind of spiritual energy - the stuff our souls are formed from and simultaneously a part of - that permeates the entire universe. Do you believe this to be the case too, or not? And if there is such a universal spiritual energy or life force encompassing everything in existence, is this just another facet of reality like all the atoms and molecules that exist everywhere? Or is it all a part of some universal cosmic being, a kind of universal cosmic supreme being with a mind and a will? Are our souls part of that? Or do cosmic entities and gods and goddesses exist independently of the universal spiritual energy field, which is just maybe a creation of theirs?

Are the Christian  concepts of God, the muslim concepts of Allah, and so on, ways of understanding some universal cosmic force or energy or entity? Are the organised religions derived originally from imperfect attempts to understand something real? Attempts that quickly became fossilised and dogmatic, when open-mindedness is the way to real truth?

Would find your thoughts on this interesting.

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3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Does the earth goddess overlap in any way with the New Age concept of the Gaia Hypothesis?

"The Gaia hypothesis, also known as the Gaia theory or the Gaia principle, proposes that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet."

Complicated. Very complex. Ok, let's try. There is not a crudely "positively existing" entity that encompass everything, the Gods are more like enormous individuals who patronize newcomers-into-life. There is a Balance that is ever-reaching and ever-responding but is not a living single entity. It would require an entity too big, they exist among the Multiverse but not on Earth, it is heart-touching and even true to a certain extent, in the meaning that at certain level of depths in the spiritual world, all is connected, indeed, but is not individually thinking. Fate control everything but is a loose personification of the scientifical/spiritual laws that coopt Balance, more than single living entity.


3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

And is there any all encompassing universal entity at all?

On different planes of Existence, yes, there are even single living entities which are bigger than a universe, but they don't live in our own, obviously. The universe has 3 dimensions, Multiverse has 10, and is filled with uncountable universes, some of them got 3 dimensions, Others 4 or 7, or whatever, 9 uh, you cannot even imagine how vast it is, how enormous some of its inhabitants are. But not here around.


3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

I have long believed that there is a kind of spiritual energy - the stuff our souls are formed from and simultaneously a part of - that permeates the entire universe.

yes it exist, but we also possess a certain degree of individual existence, let's say like fingers compared to the overall hand. it is an exceedingly loose and far concept, is it true but we must focus on individual existence, its possibilities, risks, duties.


3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Or is it all a part of some universal cosmic being, a kind of universal cosmic supreme being with a mind and a will?

It is know that the overall Gaia of some universes is individually sentient, I had been told that the one of our universe is still in the process of interlinking enough, and at the present is more of a loose concept of Balance, becoming a living entity maybe after the Death and rebirth of this own universe.


3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Are our souls part of that? Or do cosmic entities and gods and goddesses exist independently of the universal spiritual energy field, which is just maybe a creation of theirs?

It is like a matrioska, energy levels each wider and bigger than the lower, those who live in a level are like "computer programmers to programs" compared to those living below, but this usually works only for entities of a different number of dimensions, I mean an hypothetical Gaia of 3 dimensions will anyway be to a "common citizen" of 4 dimensions like the 2-dimensions picture of a god in a comic could be compared to you. Thanos from Marvel's Avengers is said to be allpowerful but is indeed just ink on paper compared to you Steve.


3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Are the Christian  concepts of God, the muslim concepts of Allah, and so on, ways of understanding some universal cosmic force or energy or entity?

Yes, and no, this is very problematic. The concept of an anthropomorphized god is surely a pionereestic way to try to imagine a first degree of contact between the single human and the cosmos, but it all underwent problems when people started to think it was more than a simple metaphor. The Gods are NOT anthropomorphic, nor in shape, nor in mindset nor lifestyle nor morals. Existence is NOT anthropomorphic. So as long as it is a metaphor, excellent. When christians and muslims start to say that their own god want different things from is own people, then it's human folly.


3 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Are the organised religions derived originally from imperfect attempts to understand something real? Attempts that quickly became fossilised and dogmatic, when open-mindedness is the way to real truth?

Indeed. But the thing is not just technical and loose. It was a story filled with actual events. Religions were not born out of phylosophical inquire, were born from humans contacted by the Gods, thus becoming prophets. After their Death, those who came later started to misunderstood, and the Gods moved to new populations, patronizing them until they all became "too-human" in their interpretation. Since then, people defended their own misinterpretation of the truth, and something very, very Dangerous happened.

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A bit tired right now which has it's advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages include greater difficulty in thinking clearly, but the advantages include being nearer to my subconscious.

So let me get this right - please correct me if I am wrong - Kali is the Earth goddess you spoke of before, and Satan is her first born and also chief among the Gods? But he is not the entity Christians and others describe. There ARE demons who are terribly evil but they are not followers of Satan. Satan is not an evil entity?

You realise of course that the very name conjures so many negative connotations in the minds of most of us that it can set off alarm bells in the minds of some reading this. I expect you anticipate that. But I have an open mind. 

You say the Satan you describe can be cruel - presumably when it is necessary to be - and stern, but is not evil.

You say he is the busiest entity on the Earth and that he teaches fierceness and justice. Is that what he is busy with? How does he reach out to people? Who does he reach out to?

I know I am not willing right now to communicate with such entities because I am not strong enough and too fearful of negative consequences. It is foolish to fuck with the occult unless you know exactly what you are doing and what the consequences will be, and I don't.

I think I need to sleep on it and read it again in the morning. Sleeping on something can sometimes encourage insights


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I have a question.

Who or what is the person or entity you refer to as your "Patroness"?

And did the gods come into existence at the same time as life? Or are they higher beings evolved in previous universes, now in this one? And if so, where did they reside before the Earth came into being?

And you said that whilst life exists in many places in this universe, only here do gods also exist. Why is that? Why do we have gods when other planets teeming with life do not? It seems to me that if such gods are a natural part of the universe, why are there not gods wherever there is life?

Sorry, a lot of "whys" there. But those questions have all occurred to me.

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5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

Who or what is the person or entity you refer to as your "Patroness"?

the Goddess of Vicious sex, unpredictability, and Mastering of unconscious. The grand-grand-daugther of Satan, member of the youngest generation of Gods, the generation that interact with humans. I'll describe Her among the last since I started from Kali coming down down down along generations.


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

And did the gods come into existence at the same time as life? Or are they higher beings evolved in previous universes, now in this one? And if so, where did they reside before the Earth came into being?

Oh no, They are not that old, nor that powerful. Steve Listen this should be a coven secret, I'll tell you but please no more question on that.

In the beginning, a thoroughly new sex-less entity was born, which immediately splitted up in two, a Male and a Female. The Male was too unstable and died/vanished shortly after impregnating the Female. The Female was thus stabilized and survived and She indeed is Kali, pregnant with Satan and His sister, which also became His Wife, the next entity I'm gonna describe indeed.

This first entity, the sex-less blob, was born about 10 000 years ago, I scrambled things a bit in a previous post when I said Kali built the DreamWeb 13 000 years ago, 9000 is more realistic, sorry. From later on, generations of the Gods proceeded. They are Earthlings like us, only enormously powerful, much Beyond what should be "normal", because the sex-less blob They descend from was immensely powerful, much more than what could have been thought possible for an Earth-located entity. In fact, Steve, other planets do NOT have Gods. Aliens for example abduct us throughout ages and generations to study if our brain had been influenced by the fact that we live on the same planet of so Majestic quantistic entities like the Gods. Other planets do not have Gods because a God is actually something so ahead of your evolution that is fitting to actually consider it a... well, a "god"! And in every world, existence started from little, and evolved during time, without usually givin birth to such isolated sprites like what enacted the existence of Gods on Earth. We are gods to the ants, but we are a race evolved with time, not a little party of singular entities of exceeding-powerful descent.

What enacted the Birth of the sex-less blob was anyway your actual answer, isn't it?


I don't feel ready to reveal it. I should first ask if I can. Anyway I hope I already cleared some doubts.


5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

And you said that whilst life exists in many places in this universe, only here do gods also exist. Why is that? Why do we have gods when other planets teeming with life do not?

just answered 😋

5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

It seems to me that if such gods are a natural part of the universe, why are there not gods wherever there is life?

every living being is natural, the Gods too are, but the possibilities that could happen such an event that it could trigger the Birth of something SO AHEAD FROM THE START of any other race of a said planet is very scarce. The Gods didn't evolved. They just descended from an entity (the sex-less blob) that was born exceedingly ahead of any other entity on this planet, or in this very universe. They are NOT all powerful, but are already quantistic beings, every planet has little quantistic beings of little dimensions like those we silly call "fairies", but Second-Stage (it means un-related to natural environment) quantistic beings, like the souls of living beings, are at the present at a specifical evolutive point that is loosely the same among various planets, I mean human souls and alien souls are at very similar levels, aliens are just a bit ahead of us about technology but nothing that absurd, sincerely speaking, their bodies are normal bodies made of matter, they have sex and eat and feel fear. The Gods are not other-wordly ahead of us compared to a cosmical scale but are indeed VERY ahead of us, but They di not evolved, They were born already like that, and that is very rare, it happens only when something triggers the Birth of things like the sex-less blob.


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@spywareonya, it is the vastness of the universe and the issue of probability that I struggle with somewhat.

When it comes to life, the universe is so vast, with so many countless trillions of potential planets out there, that it is inconceivable to me that amongst all that vastness, this is the only place with life. I doubt whether you'd disagree.

And yet amongst all that great vastness, this is supposedly the only tiny corner of that entire universe, where gods came into existence without ever having to have evolved.  In all that vast region of space and time, just here, just now (the last few thousand years are effectively just now on cosmological timescales) seems almost too exceptional.

Combining the vastness of the universe and the laws of almost infinite probability that is intrinsic to it, that it happened just here, just now, is a difficult thing to try and believe.

I recognise that you perhaps cannot say more on this and I respect that, which is why I have not raised this in the form of questions. It is nevertheless a leap of logic I struggle with.

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14 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

@spywareonya, it is the vastness of the universe and the issue of probability that I struggle with somewhat.

When it comes to life, the universe is so vast, with so many countless trillions of potential planets out there, that it is inconceivable to me that amongst all that vastness, this is the only place with life. I doubt whether you'd disagree.

And yet amongst all that great vastness, this is supposedly the only tiny corner of that entire universe, where gods came into existence without ever having to have evolved.  In all that vast region of space and time, just here, just now (the last few thousand years are effectively just now on cosmological timescales) seems almost too exceptional.

Combining the vastness of the universe and the laws of almost infinite probability that is intrinsic to it, that it happened just here, just now, is a difficult thing to try and believe.

I recognise that you perhaps cannot say more on this and I respect that, which is why I have not raised this in the form of questions. It is nevertheless a leap of logic I struggle with.

There are a lot of planets with intelligent life. Earth has been visited by at least three different races of aliens.

For what concerns the Gods, nothing is born outside evolution. It simply cannot happen, the spiritual interlinks of Boltzmann Brain (scientifc theory about spirits) doesn't interlock, it needs evolution. Unless a multidimensional entity, seeing the general picture, decide to use Earth as a breeding nest for a manufactured race of Teachers... if you understand what I'm saying... maybe you do not remeber our talks about the Overseers in Post666...

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8 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

.. maybe you do not remeber our talks about the Overseers in Post666...

You are correct. I do not remember that. Could you possibly post a link to it to help me find it? Thanks

Don't worry...have found it.

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17 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

no it's not a coincidence Steve🤣


I realised that as soon as I found the thread, lol. Which is why I immediately edited my post. Your quote caught the original version, lol.

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3 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

I realised that as soon as I found the thread, lol. Which is why I immediately edited my post. Your quote caught the original version, lol.


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So allow me to summarise - and where necessary question - to try and clarify my understanding. Please correct anything you believe I have gotten wrong or misunderstood. Though understand I reserve the right as an independent thinker to think things through for myself.

The Earth gods are spiritual - and immortal? - beings - akin to our souls but much higher and more powerful than us. They think similarly enough to us for us to understand them. They did not evolve over countless eons as we did, but were created - by the overseers? - a few millennia before the dawn of civilisation, or rather the Earth goddess and a male version who was somehow destroyed after coupling, were created. The Earth goddess is known by several names, one of which is Kali, though names are unimportant. The overseers are almighty beings throughout and well beyond and outside of our universe - and beyond and outside the entire multiverse. Their minds are so complex and so much higher than ours that we cannot hope to understand them. Kali gave birth to other god-like entities, the first born of which is kind of a lord amongst gods and known by various names, including Satan. But He is not the evil entity as described by the bible, where He is only portrayed that way  because the enemies of the Hebrews worshiped him under the name Marduk. 

The timeframe seems to suggest that Kali, and from her other gods, were created a few millennia ago, just as we were starting the process of moving away from being hunter gatherers to become farmers creating a food surplus, upon which civilisations were ultimately built. Which leads me to the obvious conclusion. The gods must have been created in some way FOR us? Maybe they are in some way necessary for our spiritual development once we had become thinking beings moving gradually away from nature, seeing ourselves as lords of it instead of part of it? This is mere conjecture on my part, but is their ultimate purpose to guide us along a path consistent with the natural ways of nature? Instead of down a path of material destruction and total disconnect with the natural world?

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25 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

So allow me to summarise - and where necessary question - to try and clarify my understanding. Please correct anything you believe I have gotten wrong or misunderstood. Though understand I reserve the right as an independent thinker to think things through for myself.

The Earth gods are spiritual - and immortal? - beings - akin to our souls but much higher and more powerful than us. They think similarly enough to us for us to understand them. They did not evolve over countless eons as we did, but were created - by the overseers? - a few millennia before the dawn of civilisation, or rather the Earth goddess and a male version who was somehow destroyed after coupling, were created. The Earth goddess is known by several names, one of which is Kali, though names are unimportant. The overseers are almighty beings throughout and well beyond and outside of our universe - and beyond and outside the entire multiverse. Their minds are so complex and so much higher than ours that we cannot hope to understand them. Kali gave birth to other god-like entities, the first born of which is kind of a lord amongst gods and known by various names, including Satan. But He is not the evil entity as described by the bible, where He is only portrayed that way  because the enemies of the Hebrews worshiped him under the name Marduk. 

The timeframe seems to suggest that Kali, and from her other gods, were created a few millennia ago, just as we were starting the process of moving away from being hunter gatherers to become farmers creating a food surplus, upon which civilisations were ultimately built.

sounds like listening to a fucking gifted pupil

100% correct, not the slightest misinterpretation, awsome, incredible, perfect, astonishing


26 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

The gods must have been created in some way FOR us?


27 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Maybe they are in some way necessary for our spiritual development once we had become thinking beings moving gradually away from nature, seeing ourselves as lords of it instead of part of it? This is mere conjecture on my part, but is their ultimate purpose to guide us along a path consistent with the natural ways of nature? Instead of down a path of material destruction and total disconnect with the natural world?

humans are different from any other alien race. every living being is inherently ALSO violent (one of the alien races that visited Earth are identical to the aliens from the Predator movies installment), none is as much as humans

aliens didn't need Gods

humans, unless helped, would have destroyed themselves

with the help of the Gods, we have deployed our potential in a way that seems normal to us but not that much compared to other alien races: we evolve technologically speaking to a terribly quick pace

for example, the humanoid aliens called Plejarens (the so called Nordic aliens, though it is a pathetic definition since they are not necessarily nordic at all) were 4000 thousand years ago at the same evolutive level we will reach in 50 years from now

but in 200 hundreds year or maybe less we will have topped them and even surpassed them

we are destined to lead the Galactic Federation because the Gods exist along the Guidelines of the Overseers, and their rules tell that the power to protect and control oneself wisely is rooted (Beyond our sight) to the same root of the predatorial instinct: so, only the ultimate enlightened underwent by a violent race can create a true leader

only something that was predatorial and violent can be forged into a wise and good-hearted leader through wisdom and maturity

milder races will remain ultimately milder in everything they do

beware, alien races are NOT mild

but are MILDER than us on the technical/archetypical level

the Overseers had been wise indirectly enacting the Birth of the Gods to lead us

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So a kind of question, though more a thought.

Why do other alien races - even the very violent ones - not need gods? 

Is it because - in spite of their violence - they still live as one with nature? And do not try and set themselves above it as humanity has done?

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6 hours ago, steve25805 said:

So a kind of question, though more a thought.

Why do other alien races - even the very violent ones - not need gods? 

Is it because - in spite of their violence - they still live as one with nature? And do not try and set themselves above it as humanity has done?

quite exact, let's just add something

we could say it's because they tend LESS than us to be overcome with "drives"


to be more clear, let's say this

a race whose "drives" can overwhelm foresight on a score of 7/10 is able to avoid falling in error. It can, but can also fix things by itself.

a race whose "drives" can overwhelm foresight on a score of 10/10 needs guidance, and without it becomes a monster.

Aliens are a bit less hormonally and psychologically and spiritually violent than us, and a bit less overwhelmed by emotions

and that bit can really part ways

we destroyed nature because of our flaws, indeed, but our flaws are so easy to manifest because the only one true flaw is the misuse of violence

and since we are more violent than them, we can easily make that mistake

Evil and Supremacy are different, Supremacy is about destruction, Evil is about POINTLESS destruction

a race born to reach supremacy (thus violent) can fall to Evil on an EASIER base because of violence being such a hot topic for it, while aliens see it as a facet of existence, but not so urgent


for example, Demons were once nature spirit, the so called Djenoun, singular is Djinn, like the one of the middle-east folklore, Aladdin and his Lamp to say things clearly. When the Gods were born, They called the Djenoun to help Them in a Great Plan to make humans become one day the rulers of the Galaxy. Some of them agreed for a certain period of time, which exhausted in the past, and now they share a peer-to-peer relationship with humans, some Others refused, and the Gods, knowing how proud and violent the Djenoun are, did not took it as insolence, because in the epoch Djenoun were superior to Humans (during millennia, Magick and Science put us on a peer level) so the Cosmical Good prevented the Gods to force the Djenoun to mandatorily love and help humanity, they simply parted ways, with a truce, very peaceful indeed. Those djenoun were more shy and sometimes rude to humans but were not evil at all.

But a little Group saw the Great Plan as an act of insolence of the Cosmical Good againste the supremacy of the Djenoun on Earth, and declared war against Existence itself, the Gods and the Overseers and the Cosmical Good, their own Djenoun Brothers, considered traitors, and more than anything, humans, who had been, in their eyes, the source of the problem. Many of them were defeated by the Gods and the loyal Djenoun, but Others survived, though jailed and unable to escape unless summoned. They are the demons.

Now, since every living being knows in the very fabric of his essence that the Cosmical Good is balanced, how is it possible that the demons went that mad? Because some energies can be su furious to overwhelm foresight, and the Djenoun got them even more than humans. Actually bliding you to the Truth. You only perceive what you feel, and reality is no more. There is a good use of this Truth, like when you love somebody who doesn't actually deserve that and ends up savin this person because you believe in her unwithstand everything else, or when you use meditation to overcome bad emotions which are fully justified, just in order to find a lucid way to fight back

and only entities which are proe to this fury can indeed learn how to overcome reality, substituing it with a new one, like when you save somebody that no one would help beside you.

but all of this also mean that we humans can be blinded by an immature utilization of this fury. The Djenoun for example were so prone to this that they rejected good to such an istance that they actually detached from it. A human could never reach such abysses of depravation. then you will ask: if fury is up to be forged and the more furious a race is when it starts, the wiser it will become when enlightened, why didn't the Gods pick the Djenoun to rule the galaxy?

because they evolve slower than us. and because shortsightened of character is not ALWAYS sign of great power to be channeled, sometimes it simply mean brutishness. sometimes a scumbag is not a fallen hero, sometimes he's just a scumbag. and Djenoun are really too prone to anger, they're less willing than us to change their ways.

we are the most perfect horse to bet on

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry, got caught up in real life for a while so lost track of this thread.

So where do the djenoun reside? Are they spirit creatures? Or do they have a physical reality?

And when we play with ouija boards  and summon anything dark, is that likely to be just the spirit of an evil person or an actual demon?

A friend knowledgeable in this area spoke of entities which in the singular are called a succubus and an incubus. What are these and what is the difference between them? Are they a form of demon? And if so, are there different kinds of demon even if they are all djenoun?

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11 hours ago, steve25805 said:

So where do the djenoun reside? Are they spirit creatures?

we could say they are huge fairies, they are utterly spiritual, anyway  they are said to be so close to human to be able to manifest themselves as some kind of poltergeist, so spiritual yes but both visible and able to interact with matter

I consider this to be exceedingly rare, though it's not impossible

11 hours ago, steve25805 said:

And when we play with ouija boards  and summon anything dark, is that likely to be just the spirit of an evil person or an actual demon?

demons are so powerful and evil that it is almost impossible to call them by chance

every demon (or better said, those who were too powerful or well hidden and were not executed by the Gods!) is chained by the Gods themselves with formulas and magickal sigils, he cannot move without being summoned

yet is it true that the demons got servants, human souls of black magician who became so deranged that the DreamWeb of Rebirth could not help them, and they will never be reborn, and will serve Evil for eternity 

it's not a matter of punishment, no sin can force the Good to relinquish you, the Good punishes everything but also forgives everything if you are willing to expiate, Hitler will be reborn and in the end redeemed just like anybody else , what keeps the soul of the damned chained to hell is not a heart-less decree of the Gods, it's the actual magick of the demons themselves. A black magician (not a bloke teenager summoning a demon because it's cool, I have had among my friends redeemed black magicians who parted way with demons as soon as discovering they were evil), I mean a real one, is asked to perform rituals where he renounces the patronage of Good and voluntarily link his destiny to the race of demons. the funny part is that the soul is inherently linked to Good so this choice doesn't make you utterly evil, it makes you split in a half between opposing loyalties: your deepest unconscious will pull you to the Good from whence your soul originated, the Pact will lead you to evil.

result? a real black magician becomes MAD. and kills and mayhem without remorse, usually leading criminal gangs, pretending to be willing to scare enemies when in truth he is simply completely possessed by the need to ruin humans, just as much as he is ruined himself

when Rowling described the Horcrux, a device to split the soul of a black magician, used by Voldemort to live forever and chase Harry Potter, and she wrote that he who uses an horcrux will forever feel no emotions beside insanity and hatred and a huge cold void where his soul were split, she indeed fictionalized this thing. In an interview she said her editor had doubts about fictionalizing actual black magick, but she said (she had relatives who were born and raised under the Franchist fascist rule in Spain) she wanted to denounce true evil, and used true evil to build her villain


this is the saddest and darkest chapter of all the things a white magician should learn.


Evil is disgusting


anyway, it is possible to raise one of this servants (we usually use the Hebrew word Dybbuk to describe them, yet it is partly unaccurate because theoretically spirit a dybbuk is just a damned soul and sometimes it seeks redemption, something the servants of demon never do, but in folklore had become synonim of actually  hellbound souls) through a Ouija, but it is rare, because of a very important spiritual truth, heavily underestimated by pratictioner of magick:


"it is very, very difficult to summon an entity with which you have few to none similarities"


a Dybbuk is too evil to have any resemblance to a human, so humans are less likely to summon them accidentally, unless of strange situations like this dybbuk was a relative of yours, or you are actually using a Ouija exaclty in the house he lived in (and likely killed people for years before getting caught), but unless it's not that likely to happen

from human perceptions a Dybbuk and an actual demon are indistinguishable. Indeed, all demonic possession were enacted by Dybbuks. Demons are nazi against humans, they would never inhabit a member of the race they fell for hatred against of. That's also the reason why possessed people are said to deploy all worst feature of the human race, it's because they are not possessed by demons, but by deranged human ghosts

Exorcists claim the Name of the Demon is mandatory to exorcise it, and then you could ask, why, if the person is possessed by a Dybbuk and ot a demon? Because the Dybbuk lost his individuality when becoming a servant. He portrays as his master, claiming he is him, and indeed he is so linked to his master that the demon's name is actually the key to expel it.

I know demons and believe me, a human possessed by a demon would not shout fowl words while trying to bite you

he will walk the Earth proud, well mannered, and people would have Stendhal syndrome at his passage, and hail him as a leader or even as Christ Reborn, and shout and cheer and flay themselves and hail the Saviour in frenzy


good for us the God sealed this possibility, ripping each demons of the capability to get far from hell for too long  due the spiritual chains that imprison them there


the worst thing that LIKELY could happen when using a Ouija are anyway quite disturbing


Edited by spywareonya
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