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Where would you see me pee?

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44 minutes ago, glad1 said:

I see magic(k) as more the mirror image of science, something in a parallel universe or altered space. 

The two do not conflict, but rather enhance one another. Working together, hand in hand, like yin and yang, they take us please we could never get to by either one alone.

Even more connect and 'round-the-next-corner

They are exactly the same thing. Magick is the scientifical study of quantistic entities, and the discovering of psychic power. All the religious stuff comes half from misinterpretation, and half from a human-all-too-human (but this time in a positive acception) devotion toward entities that owe you nothing and still helped you out fixing your fucked up life.


Also, certain (VERY RARE) rituals produce altered states of consciousness and liberates real energy


1 hour ago, fannywatcher said:

I like how you take your pee seriously.Which it is of course,we put time and energy into producing and expelling it.

Pee has a very particular chemical composition which can channel actual energies from the Quantum Field of Earth. It is because of this that Evolution focused on it to get a personal-chemical-signatue. I mean, elsewhere why make something so much important as your chemical signature go in pair with a bodily waste product? Furthermore, limiting its availability to the times you got your bladder at least partially full? Evolution should have build our bodies to produce a substance fitting the role beside of pee.

It did not, because pee fits the role so perfectly that it could have NOT being surpassed by anything. It's too perfect, its chemistry channels both hormons and

currently-unknown-to-science-yet-real-and-soon-to-be-discovered energies.


Start to reflect, my friends, that THIS is the very reason both your fetish and this forum exists

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8 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

Pee has a very particular chemical composition which can channel actual energies from the Quantum Field of Earth. It is because of this that Evolution focused on it to get a personal-chemical-signatue. I mean, elsewhere why make something so much important as your chemical signature go in pair with a bodily waste product? Furthermore, limiting its availability to the times you got your bladder at least partially full? Evolution should have build our bodies to produce a substance fitting the role beside of pee.

It did not, because pee fits the role so perfectly that it could have NOT being surpassed by anything. It's too perfect, its chemistry channels both hormons and currently-unknown-to-science-yet-real-and-soon-to-be-discovered energies.

It kind of then makes it our duty, maybe our purpose, to channel our energies wisely.

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22 minutes ago, glad1 said:


I guess this explains why there are people you meet with whom you make a powerful connection.

In fact, it is indeed like that. The difficult point lies in understanding toward which destiny those encounter should lead you

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15 minutes ago, sathuta said:


Wearing panties is not bad too.

I worship Kali with all of my heart, Sathuta. In fact, I never called Her by name in my various posts, but whenevr I talked about the Great Goddess that rules this planet, I Always referred to Her. I never called her that way actually because it is just a pointless flaunting to call Entities by a culturally-related name, but since you are from there, I think this time it could go.


Are you privy to the concept of Digambara? "Dressed by Space only". In fact, I avoid trousers or pantyhose for the same reason, and in Summer I also quit stockings, wearing nothing that short dressess, or even better blouses that barely cover my tits (hope you liked them in the previous posts of this thread:')) and microskirt to barely cover my pussy.


The more nude I am, the more powerful I am. She is the storm and I am NOTHING else (and nothing less!!!) than Her servant.

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No, they cannot, elsewhere I would be fined for public indecency:')

That is actually the reason I gave up my original intention to put my videos on sharing platforms. In origins, this Whole thread started as list of requests from various

forum-members about making videos where I pissed in the places they liked, dressed the way they liked, and (if they liked) talking to the camera, speaking with them.

I also made a few, before discovering that the video gallery was down, but they are all still in my pack, stored for better use. I had been adviced to put them on various sharing platforms, but in my country public indecency is heavily fined and the various sharing platforms required personal information. Usually, law-enforcing activity doesn't fine amateur videos about public indececy, but sometimes it happened. Some years ago, a woman took a very public (not "risky", plainly stupid!) pee in the center of a public place, and police found her because she posted the video on the web. Her face was shown and her personal datas, on request of Authority, had been divulged by the site owner to the Police.

And she got a very heavy fine.


My face is never revealed in my videos, and I am careful never to zoom Street signal or any other stuff that could reveal where I'm from. If Police doesn't get that my public violation happened in their own nation, will not look after me. Deutschland police care not for Spanish girl peeing where they shouldn't, just to be more clear. Yet, I don't feel at ease nonetheless, so my videos will remain on my pc until a video gallery will be back on this forum



But all of this is about the risks related to what could happen to me if I ever got taped/caught while doing something lawbreaking!

If people simply see me but they pose no threat to me, then it is all just a game!!!


How do I feel if people see my pussy? Like pornstars feel. Amused and powerful. And by the way, a Dakini (originally female dark fairies, but later a name to also indicate female human servants of Kali/Durga) as I am is committed to upset, rock and arouse people


Demolish Sampradaya (Tradition) and establish SampradaHa (incineration)!!!

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18 minutes ago, sathuta said:

If other people could see your pussy, how do you feel it?

No, they cannot, elsewhere I would be fined for public indecency:')

That is actually the reason I gave up my original intention to put my videos on sharing platforms. In origins, this Whole thread started as list of requests from various

forum-members about making videos where I pissed in the places they liked, dressed the way they liked, and (if they liked) talking to the camera, speaking with them.

I also made a few, before discovering that the video gallery was down, but they are all still in my pack, stored for better use. I had been adviced to put them on various sharing platforms, but in my country public indecency is heavily fined and the various sharing platforms required personal information. Usually, law-enforcing activity doesn't fine amateur videos about public indececy, but sometimes it happened. Some years ago, a woman took a very public (not "risky", plainly stupid!) pee in the center of a public place, and police found her because she posted the video on the web. Her face was shown and her personal datas, on request of Authority, had been divulged by the site owner to the Police.

And she got a very heavy fine.


My face is never revealed in my videos, and I am careful never to zoom Street signal or any other stuff that could reveal where I'm from. If Police doesn't get that my public violation happened in their own nation, will not look after me. Deutschland police care not for Spanish girl peeing where they shouldn't, just to be more clear. Yet, I don't feel at ease nonetheless, so my videos will remain on my pc until a video gallery will be back on this forum



But all of this is about the risks related to what could happen to me if I ever got taped/caught while doing something lawbreaking!

If people simply see me but they pose no threat to me, then it is all just a game!!!


How do I feel if people see my pussy? Like pornstars feel. Amused and powerful. And by the way, a Dakini (originally female dark fairies, but later a name to also indicate female human servants of Kali/Durga) as I am is committed to upset, rock and arouse people


Demolish Sampradaya (Tradition) and establish SampradaHa (incineration)!!!

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8 minutes ago, ndr1968pz said:

Sorry, didn't mean to make light of your observance. 

No offense;*

9 minutes ago, ndr1968pz said:

 It's just that it looked so dam erotic to me!

Rituals must be homungous indeed. Majestic, turning arousing into the Glory of Mankind. So, thanks, appreciation means I did a good job:7_sweat_smile:


10 minutes ago, ndr1968pz said:

And your "theoretical" you described above just about blew me away!

There 's more back in this thread and in my thread "post 666". It is quite important for me to see that side of my contribution to be appreciated

12 minutes ago, ndr1968pz said:

Love back at ya, girl!


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On ‎28‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 12:50 PM, Alfresco said:

@spywareonya I've only just come across this thread today, but what a thread!   I love the idea of you peeing in all those naughty places and thank you for the pics which definitely show your beauty.

I am "a bit" back, so ask whatever you like!

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21 hours ago, spywareonya said:


 If I was to piss in your mouth during a ritual, I would climb a small rock and you would kneel in front of me; I would squat and spread my pussy, and then sprinkle out my stream on your face, for you to drink like from a watering can




This second person 'hypothetical' plus the photos really did it for me!   I become aroused every time I read it!    It stirs my imagination totally up!    It forms a living image in my mind!     I am sitting here with wood even as I type this!

I know you only meant it as an example but believe me, I got much more from it than that.  Silly me!  Mind always in the gutter ;)   Can't help it.   I am just a dirty old man.

Speaking of magic; Isn't it wonderful what the power of written language can do?  Just those little squiggles and lines on a screen, made by one person and later, viewed by another can cause such profound understanding between the twain.  Mental intercourse at a distance.  Distances that can be crossed through space and time.  Utterly amazing, the human brain!  As Carl Sagan said; "Books are time machines".  I submit that any written language can also have Time Machine status as well as all the other amazing tributes mentioned above.

Edited by ndr1968pz
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14 hours ago, spywareonya said:

I am "a bit" back, so ask whatever you like!

Well it is good to see you "a bit" back.   For me, peeing in naughty places is the main key ingredient.  From reading your posts, it sounds like being caught in your country could be particularly bad, so any public peeing is risky for you.  

I would love to see you peeing in a telephone box or bus shelter or in a car park stairwell for example.   In nature, I would love to see you peeing into a river or stream - say off the side of a bridge or river bank, adding your golden stream to bless the moving waters below.

For clothing, I love the fact that you don't wear underwear and favour short skirts/dresses.  That is my favourite attire, so any of your normal outfits would be great.    I would also like it if you were dressed up as an innocent character and taking a pee in a naughty place.  An example would be something like a princess from a Disney film or a superhero.   Pic below shows Tinkerbell, Alice (from Alice in Wonderland), Snow White, Wonderwoman and Superwoman, but I'm not saying they are the only ones.   You may think these are too frivolous, so I would be equally happy with something like a Disney Villain such as Cruella Da Ville or Medussa.



Whatever you do, enjoy doing it and I will always look forward to the pics.

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Oh yeah, I got a little sidetracked there.  In response to the spirit of the thread:  I would like to see you pee in any clear container.  I would like to see the liquid...the color...the volume...your stream filling it.  In short, I want to see your pee.

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2 hours ago, ndr1968pz said:

This second person 'hypothetical' plus the photos really did it for me!   I become aroused every time I read it!    It stirs my imagination totally up!    It forms a living image in my mind!     I am sitting here with wood even as I type this!

I know you only meant it as an example but believe me, I got much more from it than that.  Silly me!  Mind always in the gutter ;)   Can't help it.   I am just a dirty old man.

Speaking of magic; Isn't it wonderful what the power of written language can do?  Just those little squiggles and lines on a screen, made by one person and later, viewed by another can cause such profound understanding between the twain.  Mental intercourse at a distance.  Distances that can be crossed through space and time.  Utterly amazing, the human brain!  As Carl Sagan said; "Books are time machines".  I submit that any written language can also have Time Machine status as well as all the other amazing tributes mentioned above.

Sagan was a fucking Genius, and one of my greatest inspiration, though I have Always had to frown upon a little about his agnosticism because what the fuck, my experiences about the supernatural started as scientifical experimentation and developed in a religion only years after. But for what concerns extra-terrestrial civilizations, Sagan was glorious. His sagaciousness, his being so well-mannered yet never hypocrite, his smartness, and his fierce battle against cancer nonetheless. Great quote my friend.

For what concerns your boner, I'm honoured and fully satisfied with it: I'm a Witch, and Witches are slutty!!!;* One of our trials requires the capability to summon so much intensity from our own unconscious, bringing down so many barriers and gettin past so many inner demons, that your glance become so intense to give a man a boner with a single, no more than 3 seconds, look.


For what concerns Language and his capability of connection you touched a terrificly important subject and this bring my post to much more dead-serious attitude. The greates kind of Language, upon which telepathy toward Spirits is based, is the decodification of sensations. That is the reason why un-trained people perceive entities in such a different guise from each other: the way an entity communicate is to send images in your brain, filled with meanings, but you should NOT interpret them, NOT AT ALL!!! You should get through and discover what They actually wanted to say, not simply what those images could mean to you, like it happens with dreams. Anyway many times Their messages are strange and that requires a bit of understanding.

For example, my personal Patroness which is the Goddess of Sex and Love (not Kali I was referring in previous posts, Kali is the Queen of the Gods, my Patroness is one of her daughter/descendants) sometimes manifested as to me as a 10 feet tall, body-building woman, with a bad look on her ugly face, disgusting muscles, and various parts of her body rotting and infested with maggots, trying to strangle me to the point I had to interrupt the ritual. During subsequent rites, I asked Her if this was some kind of retaliation for a sin or even that I had been attacked by something that was NOT Her, but her response was:




I asked what I had to understand but I already got it in my unconscious. The disgusting muscles, the infesting maggot, the hateful attitude of her manifestation. Her answer was:




She was right. I was experiencing a terrible crisis about some personal immaturities, making me feel lonly in very soul-wrecking way. She wanted me to understand that Love (Her cosmical duty) come from striving to be better, not to hide your imperfections. I got the wrong road and I was stubborn because I feared to sense I was wrong indeed, but without the capability to grasp a higher path. She REALLY HAD to do that to me but She wanted to help. So yes, sometimes a bit of interpretation is needed. That is the greates of all languages: codification and decodification of perceptions.

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2 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Well it is good to see you "a bit" back.   For me, peeing in naughty places is the main key ingredient.  From reading your posts, it sounds like being caught in your country could be particularly bad, so any public peeing is risky for you.  

I would love to see you peeing in a telephone box or bus shelter or in a car park stairwell for example.   In nature, I would love to see you peeing into a river or stream - say off the side of a bridge or river bank, adding your golden stream to bless the moving waters below.

For clothing, I love the fact that you don't wear underwear and favour short skirts/dresses.  That is my favourite attire, so any of your normal outfits would be great.    I would also like it if you were dressed up as an innocent character and taking a pee in a naughty place.  An example would be something like a princess from a Disney film or a superhero.   Pic below shows Tinkerbell, Alice (from Alice in Wonderland), Snow White, Wonderwoman and Superwoman, but I'm not saying they are the only ones.   You may think these are too frivolous, so I would be equally happy with something like a Disney Villain such as Cruella Da Ville or Medussa.



Whatever you do, enjoy doing it and I will always look forward to the pics.

Being caught in my country is bad but this doesn't mean that people don't pee freely. It is more difficult to TAPE the action because it drows attention, my country is very populated and quite ready to scream out in moral contempt


All the places you indicated are common spots for me relieving my bladder, more than anything stairwells are good because you can piss down the stairs avoiding splashing on you shoes (I'm still a woman, give me purses and shoes:'))


For what concerns Disney, he was a Freemason and there is very little of innocent in his work, but I understood what you mean. I am an avid Disney consumer, I was when I was a tender child and I still am now that I'm a powerful woman. Mulan had Always been my favourite, next to Pochaontas, strong women who didn't need to be saved by Prince Charming, women that helped their community. I recently developed a twisted fascination for Elsa, because people do not know it but the reason why Frozen had been such a Blockbuster is that is filled with powerful archetypes everybody's brain resonate with.

Elsa is based upon Gullveig, from Norse mythology, a Witch with the power of Ice, and the archetype of the TRUE WITCH, between what is commonly peceived as "Light" (Gullveig was the handmaiden of Goddess Freya, the Goddess of Justice and Love) and what is commonly referred as Darkness (after growing up afraid of her power and overcome with moral-bashing doubts, she eventually became unbearably beautiful, predatorial and cruel to men).


Gullveig is the basis of all the dark rites of Witches and I mean really dark. Not evil, but un-trained people could misjudge, believe me. She also is the First of Our Kind for what concerns the magickal utilization of piss

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20 hours ago, spywareonya said:

Oh, seeing me pee is much different from me actually peeing in a container. A Witches piss should never ends up elsewhere than in a human mouth or elsewhere dispersed in the world. The toilet is fine only as long as you do no have better options and/or flush often. This has a very deep meaning: we cannot be recoiled. We cannot be graspe in our entirety. WE cannot be contained because we ever change. We don't exist in the consequences of our actions (the observable container filled with pee) we exists in the act of pushing out the stream. Be there while it happens or imagine it by guessing at the puddle I just left in your apartment hallaway:')

But nobody will ever "possess" my piss


It is not that we don't collect our pee in contanitor, but Always and only for terrificly powerful purposes. A Witch's bottle requires a Witch's piss, iron thorns, blood, various herbs, and a lot of other stuff, and can actually summon the dead. It is the original concept of the lantern of Jack of All Saints, wandering between Heaven and Hell, in the realm of ghosts, in a deep darkness illuminated only by a magical lanter made of a carved pumpkin. And if you really want to play hard, there is something about Witch's piss so holy that it reach to the myths of the Holy Grail, yes the Christian relic about Christ, but I'll keep this for later, it is too powerful

I must say I'm a little disappointed but don't in any way want you to do anything you would be uncomfortable with.  (Would loved to have seen the color.  That's what makes pee in containers so attractive too me.  I love the transparent yellow color of healthy urine.  It's so...yellow!)

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1 hour ago, ndr1968pz said:

I love the transparent yellow color of healthy urine.  It's so...yellow!

You don't know how much do I agree with that!!! It's just that I usually do not do that!!! 

What I'm a bit not at ease with is the idea of my pee forever on display in a pic. If you somehow manage to steal somebody's piss you can hex that person badly, because pee is actually the quantistic signature of the embodied soul, even more than the aura. I don't think obviously somebody would try to hex me

(also because enrage my Patrons isn't wise:'))

it's just that pee in itself it is too intimate to be shown as herself. It is like what I think could feel a much more shy girl than me about sending through the web a pic of herself naked, I mean a pic which contains both her face and her pussy, for other to use as they want, if you get my point.


In my country you can be fired if it is uncovered that you had relationship with the world of porn so I don't send pics of me with both face and pussy but elsewhere I would have already started working with some lesbian pornstars I befriended in the past, and shown my face without problems in this forum. Let's just say I am almost identical (to the point of giving embarass to both me and Alex first time we saw it) as the Black Widow from first Avenger.


Unless it was for this I would have no problems with people using a pic of me as they want. I would be a bit sad if rude boys, embarassed by morality-bashing societies and lookin for a manle-all-too-manly behaviour to reinstall male-self-esteem would make sexists comments about my "un-shyness":') but I could cope with that.


But not pee

Pee is too personal, much more than my face or pussy. 

Maybe one day I'll change my mind, a Witch changes completely, we serve The Snake, and as He does, we change skin from time to time

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I often drink my own while looking at porn on computer.  I usually catch it in a wine goblet and like a fine wine this is much how I enjoy it.  Flavor, appearance, odor, temperature all add their part to the experience.  Would you drink a nice rose' or Zinfandel off the floor?  Or, even straight out of the bottle for that matter?   Of course not! (There are exceptions to this).  Wine drinking is a sensual experience and so too can pee drinking be.  In fact, when taken this way, urine is every bit as sensual as wine  and more.  There's the naughtiness and taboo factor to feel also.  I understand if you are a bit shy about it.  Don't want anyone to get outside their personal comfort zone here!  I was just answering the thread question, letting you know what I would love to see!  

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4 hours ago, ndr1968pz said:

 I understand if you are a bit shy about it.  Don't want anyone to get outside their personal comfort zone here!  I was just answering the thread question, letting you know what I would love to see!  

Shy not for shyness, read better my post:')

No offense, and I am quite honoured indeed!;*

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