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BPB interview


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This interview series is fascinating.  As I am not much of a contributor I am going to have to put more into my introduction to try to provoke some questions.

Here is a picture of me with the bird whose picture is my avatar.Avatar.jpg

I had to think for about 6 months as to what avatar would represent how I see myself on this forum.  Since I don't have things to contribute I was mainly just watching, and I though that a picture of this Moruccan Cockatoo named Peaches which belongs to my brother would fit my idea of how I see myself on this forum

I was drawn to WatchGirlsPeeing from some items on YouTube.  This whole Pee Fetish was pretty much an unknown thing to me.  Needless to say, I have gotten quite an education from joining the forum in Jan 2014 and following the various items on the forum.  There are still some facets of the Pee Fetish that I just can't get my mind into.

I probably get my greatest enjoyment from this forum out of personal messenger in conversation.  My most successful conversations have been with Bi females.  Perhaps because we can look at erotic topics on females from a similar enjoyable view point.

I could wonder if I am the oldest person active on this forum.



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Hi bpb, thanks for making an interview topic! :)

You mentioned that up until finding this site via YouTube, the whole pee fetish was pretty unknown to you. Does this mean that up until seeing the video you'd never really considered pee as anything sexual?

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1 hour ago, Admin said:

Hi bpb, thanks for making an interview topic! :)

You mentioned that up until finding this site via YouTube, the whole pee fetish was pretty unknown to you. Does this mean that up until seeing the video you'd never really considered pee as anything sexual?

I have not and still do not consider any personal Peeing as being erotic .

I found the videos on YouTube of primarily women wetting their clothing as fascinating, but not not necessarily erotic.  I remember one scene of this girl in jeans standing between the bathtub and toilet and wetting her jeans as she stood there with no attempt to undress and use the toilet.  I didn't understand at the time why she would do this.  Well, I think that I know now  of the erotic feeling that she was having and the warmth in her clothing which she probably also saw as erotic.

I think that the Peeing pictures that I see on PeeFans, I find as erotic because of the female form more than the Peeing.  I enjoy the nude picture as much as the Peeing pictures.

There was a time after a prostate operation that any urge to Pee had to be dealt with in minutes as I would no longer be able to hold it.  There were times that I had to Pee my pants in the car seat because I could not hold it.  I looked at it with a great deal of annoyance and frustration has I had a clean up job when I got home.  I was also concerned with the damage to the car seat.

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  • 8 months later...
On ‎8‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 6:59 PM, bpb said:
This interview series is fascinating.  As I am not much of a contributor I am going to have to put more into my introduction to try to provoke some questions.

Here is a picture of me with the bird whose picture is my avatar.Avatar.jpg

I had to think for about 6 months as to what avatar would represent how I see myself on this forum.  Since I don't have things to contribute I was mainly just watching, and I though that a picture of this Moruccan Cockatoo named Peaches which belongs to my brother would fit my idea of how I see myself on this forum

I was drawn to WatchGirlsPeeing from some items on YouTube.  This whole Pee Fetish was pretty much an unknown thing to me.  Needless to say, I have gotten quite an education from joining the forum in Jan 2014 and following the various items on the forum.  There are still some facets of the Pee Fetish that I just can't get my mind into.

I probably get my greatest enjoyment from this forum out of personal messenger in conversation.  My most successful conversations have been with Bi females.  Perhaps because we can look at erotic topics on females from a similar enjoyable view point.

I could wonder if I am the oldest person active on this forum.



seriously speaking, that bird is amazingly cute

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I find your comments to be very cultured and well mannered, and sincerely would like you more around my many threads

4 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

My most successful conversations have been with Bi females.  Perhaps because we can look at erotic topics on females from a similar enjoyable view point. 

how much do I understand you! that's why I love having male friends too

I am NOT a tomboy but love a lot of things that usually are appreciated only by men (weapons,, sport, ancient and modern war, politic, and porn) and talking with them is great

talking with you is great too, because (maybe it's your age, but sincerely I think it's your soul) you got that "knows-best" attitude, calm but charismatic



anyway, by carefully reading your posts here in the interview it seems like you are still exploring this fetish

did you found anything actually interesting?

or the thrill you got here around is that of the actual porn-like intimacy about girls that pee, beside urine in itself?

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1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

I find your comments to be very cultured and well mannered, and sincerely would like you more around my many threads

&spywareonya,  I do thank-you for the compliment.  I have thought many times about trying to have a conversation with you, but I just can think of comments that are likely to keep the conversation going.  The conversation that I had with CrissyP for almost two years was just wonderful.  She carried on conversations with many of the people on this forum.  She went on a cruise with her girl friend an boy friend.  She just disappeared from existence after the cruise.  It took me months to finally run down a that she had married the boy friend and felt that continued presents in the Pee world was not her cup any more.  I think of her often because our conversation was about sexual items, and boy did she have some neat stories to tell. 

I will try harder to see if I can generate some items in your threads.  Many of your threads take on a nature that I am not sure that I can in style.


1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

how much do I understand you! that's why I love having male friends too

I am NOT a tomboy but love a lot of things that usually are appreciated only by men (weapons,, sport, ancient and modern war, politic, and porn) and talking with them is great

talking with you is great too, because (maybe it's your age, but sincerely I think it's your soul) you got that "knows-best" attitude, calm but charismatic



anyway, by carefully reading your posts here in the interview it seems like you are still exploring this fetish

did you found anything actually interesting?

or the thrill you got here around is that of the actual porn-like intimacy about girls that pee, beside urine in itself?

I find that sexual items just fascinate me and I love to talk about them.  I did not and do not have a Pee Fetish, but I have enjoyed the education that I have gotten from following items in this forum.  I guess that I enjoy pictures of Ladies peeing because I get perhaps the best views of their pussies then any other porn site.

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1 hour ago, spywareonya said:

seriously speaking, that bird is amazingly cute

My brother bought a breeding pair of Muloccan Cockatoos and tried to get some chicks going.  The mate, Sugar, generated an egg that was too large to be laid and the shell broke in the process and that was curtains for Sugar.  The expected life expectancy is such that my brother had to put in his will what was to happen with the bird upon his death.

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17 hours ago, spywareonya said:

then maybe we can start through a Pm and see if it fits

I have not had the best of luck striking up a conversation with Ladies on this forum.  I guess that I haven't tried the Males (not interested).   I have watch you to see what style you have and tried to come up with a started conversation.  I wasn't sure that I could keep up with you.  However, with an invitation like this I will generate a starter.

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1 hour ago, bpb said:

I wasn't sure that I could keep up with you

you were grown up enough to understand life at least a bit during World War II

you were already adult during Vietnam

you were even older during Cold War and Gulf-Crisis War

I think you are tough as fuck so I'll simply tell you which way I work: when I like a subject, I could talk about it for hours. When I do not like a subject, I could anyway talk for hours with the person I'm chatting with, if this person is interesting

I don't spend too much time on PM because of the very reason I am on this forum, a very complex one that I'll disclose only through PM (hahaha) but we start chatting, and then see if we can move it to one of my thread, keep it into PM, or simply let it fall

even among my most loyal PMers many times conversations simply expire!

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  • 3 months later...

I was once asked if I saw anything erotic in Peeing.  My answer at the time was no.


However, this morning I was reminded of a time in my young life before I understood masturbation and the pleasures that it could bring.
I could put up an erection and I had this intense desire to Pee thru it while it was erected.
I would wrap my prick with toilet paper and sit down in the toilet with ring up.
My butt would fit down thru the porcelain with my prick sticking up clear.
I would proceed to Pee and the toilet paper would keep the Pee stream contained.
Urine would fill my lap and be contained until I started to wiggle out and let it flow down between my legs into the toilet. 

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23 hours ago, bpb said:

I was once asked if I saw anything erotic in Peeing.  My answer at the time was no.


However, this morning I was reminded of a time in my young life before I understood masturbation and the pleasures that it could bring.
I could put up an erection and I had this intense desire to Pee thru it while it was erected.
I would wrap my prick with toilet paper and sit down in the toilet with ring up.
My butt would fit down thru the porcelain with my prick sticking up clear.
I would proceed to Pee and the toilet paper would keep the Pee stream contained.
Urine would fill my lap and be contained until I started to wiggle out and let it flow down between my legs into the toilet. 

there's something really visceral in it

deep and intimate


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