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The Line Between Fetish and Attraction


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Okay, something I've been thinking about for a while. The separation between fetish and just being attracted based on sexual orientation. Fetish is defined in summary as sexual arousal based on anything other than genitals. Scenarios, body parts, inanimate objects etc. It is also defined as an unusual amount of arousal to a body part. 

The definition makes sense to a degree, like with objects or something like infantilism but if you feel arousal at the sight of an attractive woman's legs and feet, does that mean you have a leg and foot fetish? If you really admire a good shaped ass, does that mean you have an ass fetish? Or do you simply admire the totality of her body, in which case one could argue that you have a woman fetish? What if the majority of people come to admire peeing, is it still just a fetish? Take bondage for example, some people like being tied up but how far is it from enjoying being pinned down unable to move under another person during sex? Or whipping, some women don't like it but like being spanked a little during the height of sex. Same arena though, that being pain. I like women with muscles to a degree, more so than most men, so do I have a female bodybuilder fetish or just attraction to muscular / fit women like some men do to blondes?

It seems like the term fetish implies abnormality. Most people get grossed out by pee but kissing is far more unhygienic but is considered as normal as breathing. Most of these questions are rhetorical. My main question is whether the way we think of defining fetishes should be re-examined and where to draw that line.


Edited by Brutus
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I agree.What is perversion?Is it perverse to want to watch a girl take a pee?If so,why?Society kind of accepts that "sex",the act of intercourse,is normal.If you want to rub your penis on a girls feet,your a pervert,or watch a girl pee,your a pervert.Who has decided these things.What business is it of anyone,if no-one is getting hurt?Its like censorship of films,books etc,"indecency" rules etc.

I presume 100% of the worlds population will urinate at least once today.So,why should it be "disgusting"to want to watch the process?Or even a lot of people are male or female,we all know what a penis or vagina is.Why shouldnt we be allowed to watch other people doing it if we wish,as long as we are adults,over 18?Maybe some fetishes ARE "disgusting",but if they dont hurt anyone,or cause public offence,whos to say its wrong?

Its like on the site "myfreecams",the models arent allowed to pee on camera,or youre not even supposed to mention it.So,do we assume the models are ignorant of urination,and would be offended by such a mysterious thing?Why should it be subject to censorship?

Edited by fannywatcher
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Those are great points. Who the hell decided these things are perverse? Is it religious based? Or did someone say that's gross a long time ago and society just went with it without thinking like pretty much everything else in history? Genitals are required to create life and even with that, some people believe genitals are disgusting things never to be spoken of. There shouldn't be any stigma to enjoying watching a normal bodily function. We watch ourselves do it every damn day and never think of ourselves as perverse yet it's exactly that if someone happens to like seeing it. 

I don't know what to say about "myfreecams" other than maybe it's prohibited because the audience is repulsed by peeing I imagine. Still, there is no reason to be repulsed. I once saw of video of TamTam South masturbating and peeing in a hotel room. In the comments, many guys where saying things like "it was hot until she peed, why would they even show that, I can't jerk off to some filthy bitch pissing", etc. Blew my mind to be honest.

Edited by Brutus
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  • 1 month later...

Yes, this is probably the very reason why I like all these outdoor activities. In one-on-one situations, whether out on the trail or in a small boat, it's not all that uncommon to pee in front of someone nor would they likely be considered weird if they watched.
Often, I'll make sure I'm out there with a full bladder, just so I can "test the waters."

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All of these points are valid, I know what interests me, and mostly what interests the ladies. I love to watch a petty girl walk across the street, so do my ladies, even to the point of honking the car horn at her, or wolf whistling from an open car window. But watching is all I do, I'm not going to rugby tackle her in the street, If I know some girl is going up a lane way to sneak a pee, I'm not going to follow her even though watching someone pee is one of the sexiest things I can imagine.

Is it a fetish? I don't think so, I think it's some male thing that's been there since the caveman days, we just don't knock them out and drag them away by the hair anymore. The girls think the same way, all through history there must have girls who liked girls, and guys who liked guys. All aspects of something "immoral" were smacked out at an early age, and this covers the harmless things that we call "sexy fun". Was it our parents? Where did they get it from? Who told them it was bad?

Most things can be attributed to the church until the 50's, but lately it seems every politician has also taken on the job as morality police. Who told them what is good for the population? Who decided what we can or can't watch? And the most damaging of all, who told all of the credit card companies to refuse transactions on things we like to see? This underhanded attack is aimed solely at cencoring what the population can access, regardless of who you are, where you live or how old you are.

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