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Surprising & potentially life changing News for me...

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So tonight i received some news from my Doctor that was pretty surprising to hear. After a fairly long bout of various gastro illness, and liver irritation and inflammation due to my weight and other things, it turns out i might have celiac or crohn's disease...

The Doctors have referred  me to the liver and gastro specialists at a hospital where they will follow this up to see what the irritation is. Its a result of a stool sample showing that the inflammation im getting is caused by either of the two diseases, but they cant determine which without further investigation...

Right now i'm not entirely sure what this means for my future but i know neither of those diseases are a good thing to have as theyre both very deadly (or can be).

Secondly to this im also attending physio sessions next week to alleviate sciatica in my back. However with this im also having bladder problems which is causing me to want to go to the toilet all the time. The Doctor thinks this may be a herniated disc in my back but may have now developed into nerve impingement which can require surgery if its deemed necessary. He suggested that the physios will do an emergency MRI scan as this bladder issue has been serious for a long period of time but they can't treat it effectively with random physio as this wouldnt be for the best. At present they are managing potential pain and nerve pain with a few types of drugs...

Im honestly not sure how to feel at the moment but im sure its not as bad as it seems with me typing this out...is it?

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Ouch, doesn't sound like fun!

I'm also dealing with some gastrointestinal issues at the moment, nothing serious (as far as I know as yet).

Just don't worry too much - I've rarely heard anyone describe celiac or crohn's as deadly. I mean, asthma can be diedly, and people die from the flu, but that's all pretty rare and extreme. Don't look at the worst case scenario too much. Enjoy life and try to be healthy.

Hope the hernia will be fixed too!

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My friend has Crohn's disease. It's caused her a few problems but to be honest hasn't really affected her day to day life. I had no idea and she wouldn't have told me were it not for the fact that she was there for me a lot while I was having chemotherapy a couple of years back and we got talking about everything that's happened to us over our lives and she mentioned that. Now I know it's caused her some pain at times, some discomfort and has once in a blue moon stopped her from going to work but other than that she leads a perfectly normal life. The girl works two jobs and works behind a bar 12 hours a night at weekend without a problem so it's not the end of the world. 

Good luck with whatever the end diagnosis is and just put your faith in the docs. I did and I'm bloody glad!!

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