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Moderator Attack Peeple and Close Thread

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Yet here we are a number of posts later and you are still droning on....:banghead:

I say that to MyFetish. You fail reading again. Too busy try to convince of you superior to lowly member. I hope owner see this.

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I see now why so many member and so few post.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

We are actually the busiest and most popular pee fetish forum on the internet right now.

So we must be doing something right. :biggrin:

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:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

We are actually the busiest and most popular pee fetish forum on the internet right now.

So we must be doing something right. :biggrin:

Maybe other moderator carry and make up for you attack members?

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Tip optional. Fee mandatory. What more need to be say? You keep make excuses for poor method of advert. Compare to private show failed logic and serve make you look bad to other potent customer that read. I no longer discuss.

Judging from your posts, I'm going to assume that English isn't your first language. Do you think that, just maybe, the problem here is that you are simply misunderstanding the original post?

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Judging from your posts, I'm going to assume that English isn't your first language. Do you think that, just maybe, the problem here is that you are simply misunderstanding the original post?

I not misunderstand. Admin just make post explain that this is the way cam site operate. Not everything free even though advertise as free. He assume we know business model of cam site. Not all do and that make it seem as if a tip is optional. Instead tip is used incorrectly as to mean fee and assume everybody know cam site work this way. His post clear that up.

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I not misunderstand. Admin just make post explain that this is the way cam site operate. Not everything free even though advertise as free. He assume we know business model of cam site. Not all do and that make it seem as if a tip is optional. Instead tip is used incorrectly as to mean fee and assume everybody know cam site work this way. His post clear that up.

If you don't know the cam site business model, and you were making incorrect assumptions, that's... kind of the definition of you misunderstanding. But I honestly don't buy that you don't know the business model of a cam site. It's fairly intuitive. You go into models rooms and chat with a model. If you want her to do something for you on camera, you tip her, she does it. The bigger or more elaborate thing she has to do, the more it costs. Very simple.

Furthermore, nowhere did it state that everything was free. It said that it was free to watch the cams, which was true. But there was a paid show that occurred, and you're upset because you didn't want to buy a ticket. If no one bought a ticket, the paid show wouldn't have happened. But that also means that the model probably wouldn't have wanted to be on cam anymore that evening because, again, this is what she does for a living, and she's not about to work for free.

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If you don't know the cam site business model, and you were making incorrect assumptions, that's... kind of the definition of you misunderstanding. But I honestly don't buy that you don't know the business model of a cam site. It's fairly intuitive. You go into models rooms and chat with a model. If you want her to do something for you on camera, you tip her, she does it. The bigger or more elaborate thing she has to do, the more it costs. Very simple.

Furthermore, nowhere did it state that everything was free. It said that it was free to watch the cams, which was true. But there was a paid show that occurred, and you're upset because you didn't want to buy a ticket. If no one bought a ticket, the paid show wouldn't have happened. But that also means that the model probably wouldn't have wanted to be on cam anymore that evening because, again, this is what she does for a living, and she's not about to work for free.

Again you reply have nothing to do with subject and repeat same rhetoric of model being paid which I never disagree with. I care not what you buy and don't. The wording came from Admin and he has explain now. At this point you do nothing for defend and it no longer matter regards as one who make advert explain meaning. I now place you on ignore as I have state repeatedly what I found as problem and you keep saying same unrelated thing and it now be explain by he who made advert.

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By Free, they meant you can sign up free of charge, but anyone who goes on those sites know that you have to pay to have a special show, nothing in the world is free bud.

I do not go on those sites. This new to me and I not know gimmick. I know now Thanks.

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If it had been advertised as partially free chat, but the actual peeing show required payment, then those who were not willing or able to pay (for whatever reason) would not have taken the time to sign up and watch the preliminaries, only to be tossed out when they declined to pay.

Ok, I take your point. When I first showed up she was in the middle of peeing so I had no access until I paid the $5. So I personally wasted no time viewing the preliminaries in that way. And yeah, I know that some people will have significant others who would not be happy about credit cards being used for porn, and may well have spent time viewing the chat without realising that the peeing itself wouldn't be entirely free. Though I must admit that I personally would have had moral qualms about watching for free something which at least expected voluntary tips, knowing that I could never pay anything. If I was going to be wholly unable to tip I would not have tuned in. But that's just me.

But it was always obvious to me that no girl would offer stuff like this for free indefinitely if at all. And that anyone taking advantage of a freebie who knew they'd never be able to pay anything was always going to be "tossed out" at some future point.

I was entirely new to camming but to be honest, even I realised that free entry and free chat were unlikely to include free peeing - or that if it did it would be a one off only as a marketing ploy to get more people interested. I also knew that - with camming - even stuff advertised as "free" generally included some insistence upon payment for the actual fetish stuff. It was access and chat that was generally free.

What has occurred here is simple misunderstanding, miscommunication, and assumption that people understood something without it needing to be spelt out when they did not. There was an assumption that by "free" most people knew that it would be access and chat that would be free and not the actual peeing. Clearly not everyone realised this, so felt aggrieved. But what was most unfair were the insinuations - not from yourself but by others - that what was occurring was deliberate deception, when it was a case of simple miscommunication and misunderstanding. I don't believe that Kimberley X, MyFetish Cam, nor our own Admin ever set out to deliberately deceive anyone.

And that's where your own criticisms differed in nature from those of others. You never implied that anyone was being deliberately dishonest, thereby attacking the integrity of others. From the start you were always prepared to accept that it was unintentionally innaccurate and just wanted to express your annoyance at that and have it acknowledged. Goldenpiss, however, was implying deliberate dishonesty - and doing so in regards to someone who had become a forum member and was posting on the forum. That's what made the post I deleted a borderline rule break.

As a forum we have seen female members being driven away a number of times by the hostility of others. I am thus highly sensitive to that. I did not want Kimberley X being made to feel unwelcome here.

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This might help clear up some confusion about my use of the term "Free Cams". I explained this in a PM to Egwalrus: The the term "free cams" is commonly used in the industry to differentiate sites where you have to pay to see the cam (with per minute billing for example), versus those where you can view the cam without having to pay first. If you look at any of big cam sites (MyFreeCams, Chaturbate, BongaCams) you will see that they also use the term "Free Cams" and work off the same public/private chat model.

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What I see in the "Free" area is what looks like Pre recorded loops of women chatting..I'm sure some are live but not sure which ones. I'd hate to buy and pay credits to watch a show that was not live and where you had no way to interact with the model.

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This might help clear up some confusion about my use of the term "Free Cams". I explained this in a PM to Egwalrus: The the term "free cams" is commonly used in the industry to differentiate sites where you have to pay to see the cam (with per minute billing for example), versus those where you can view the cam without having to pay first. If you look at any of big cam sites (MyFreeCams, Chaturbate, BongaCams) you will see that they also use the term "Free Cams" and work off the same public/private chat model.

Ok. I get that for some reason free cam show not normally free is usual. Why is it okay for Steve attack me and call me fucking cheap?

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That's just the way Steve is. I used to come here often until he did the same thing to me. He has called me someone with "a persecution complex" and later made snide comments in the chatbox only to start removing my replies. All because I disliked his posts in his "cry because Peemax was mean to me" thread complaining about a competing site. Much like with yourself he thinks this behavior was okay because I didn't agree with him.

Frankly, that is total BS.

You were reported to me by several other members long before I saw anything offensive. And when I looked, you were clearly being hostile to a new member in a manner likely to make her feel unwelcome. That is against forum rules. I deleted the most hostile posts and issued a warning.

You've held a personal grudge against me ever since, as demonstrated by your insulting manner above. And you expressed that by posting negative icons on every post of mine you think you could get away with doing it to without looking silly. Which is something you do to everyone on your hate list. Which has been noticed.

Yeah I eventually commented on that in chatbox. But you went on and on there in response in often insulting tones. We wouldn't allow you to speak in that way to other members, so we mods shouldn't have to put up with it either.

If you want to criticise a mod decision you can open a thread to do so, and conduct your argument in a reasonable and non-insulting manner. Otherwise it is likely to be deleted.

And this post of yours seems to have been made with the sole intention of stirring shit.

Why can't you just move on?

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Somehow this takes me back to several threads complaining about the moderation at a different site. The only difference is what side is taken :whistling:

To be honest, seeing the BS that mods have to put up with just for doing our jobs is a serious eye opener. I have much more respect for PS mods now, and realise I was way too harsh on them. Of course, they never got everything right. And criticism is always possible. But we havent got everything right either. And considering the shit that comes our way just for being mods, perhaps they deserve our respect for their restraint.

And Peemaxx, incidentally, posted a public apology to me for his rant, and we have been chatting along very nicely since.

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I went to a restaurant that was advertising a buy one burger, get one free special. My wife and I ordered identical bacon cheeseburgers. The food was good, but when the check came there was only a partial credit for the second burger. When I asked about it, I was told that the credit was the cost of a basic burger . I would have had no problem if we had purchased different burgers, with one being more expensive than the other, and the free burger was the lower priced one. I was very unhappy about what I considered to be false advertising. We paid the tab, and did not return to that restaurant for 6 months. We had been regular customers, but the fact that I felt that I had been overcharged and taken advantage of caused me to stay away. The actual dollar amount in question was less than $3.00. Some may say that I was "cheap" because I got upset about that small amount of money.

It was not the money, it was the idea that something was advertised and the terms and conditions of that offer were either unclear or changed after the fact. I know that I would be much less willing to make a purchase from a merchant or vendor who advertises one thing and changes the terms after I respond to the advertisement. If the merchant tried to blame me for not knowing what the "industry standard" was, and acted like I was the unreasonable one, they would get my business on the third Thursday of the sixth week in February (which does not and will never exist)

I do understand your point. You feel misled and for you it is the principle of the thing and not the financial amount that matters.

But I just don't believe that deliberate deception was involved. Admin has explained himself.

And lessons will have been learned.

Let's just see what happens next time and reserve judgement for now.

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If you remember, there was a moderator at PS with whom I had some major problems. She basically said that I was the equivalent of a rapist because I would watch a woman who chose to pee in public. She did not like the fact that not everyone agreed with her, and really did not like the fact that she could not chase me out. She finally posted a long attacking rant, and locked the thread.

I knew enough people in power from interactions on other sites that I was able to have the issue brought before other mods and they took action. The fact that someone is a moderator does not give them power to impose their own views as the only acceptable ones. I often self censor my personal opinions because I do not want to be seen as attacking those with differing opinions. There have been several members here that I personally thought were total and complete idiots (I will not say assholes because an asshole has a purpose and they did not qualify). I would have taken great pleasure in banning them, but was not willing to do something that could be considered to be the abuse of the power entrusted to me.

Sometimes it is fun to watch someone complain about someone else, when the shoe is on the other foot

If I were to go around banning people just because I think they are behaving like assholes, several would have gone already. But I don't. And I don't even think criticism of mod decisions should be banned. But I think such criticisms need their own threads rather than derailing existing ones, and should be conducted in reasonable tones.

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Wow, MegaPoop, so much energy wasted on so much negativity.

You are behaving as if you have a persecution complex, so I don't suppose that I never said it.

And yeah, for some reason Kevin is on your hate list too. But no, SEVERAL people reported your behaviour

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When someone has a comment removed by a moderator, they often can consider it to be a personal attack, especially if they think it is an attempt to silence their opinion. To expect them to quietly start a new thread rather than responding where they feel they have been attacked is not really realistic

But allowing it to continue indefinitely utterly derails that thread. That is why a seperate thread is preferable. And telling someone to open a new thread is not telling them to shut up. It is telling them to say it somewhere else rather than ruining the discussion with it here.

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Steve should know this from experience... How many times has he whined here about that other site?

Many members here have complained about the other site including myself. But I have moved on from that now.

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Back to the insults Steve? Let your true colors show for all.

You come here full of hate, will not let it drop, are constantly trying to attack me and even dragging others on your hate list into it when they have said nothing here, and behaving as if you feel persecuted, then when I say that you construe it as an insult....

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