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Town Hall: Issues? Suggestions? Improvements?

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I suppose it depends upon the jurisdiction. There have been moves in the UK by the government to attempt to bring a number of sexual practices - including golden showers - under the remit of censorship. The law remains to be fully tested, though, but several UK based pee porn sites have either been closed down or forced offshore. But our laws thankfully have no jurisdiction over sites hosted outside the country. And the police have better things to do with their time than worry about individual members of the public accessing such forums anyway, as long as everything here is consenting adults only. Peesearch, I believe, is still hosted from within the UK but no one has closed it down. The authorities have bigger concerns to worry about.

In the USA I believe forums such as this are wholly protected by the constitutional amendment guaranteeing freedom of expression.

But Scot_Lover resides in Australia. I have no idea what the legal situation is there.

Some countries are more censorious than others. In Saudi Arabia you'd probably get several hundred lashes if caught accessing this forum, lol.

But I fully accept that in whatever jurisdiction Admin is operating from, all content here is entirely legal.

Perhaps I should have been more clear, the forum and its contents are fully legal where they are being hosted, and where the company that owns the forum is registered.

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Perhaps I should have been more clear, the forum and its contents are fully legal where they are being hosted, and where the company that owns the forum is registered.

I guessed that this was what you meant, but I suspect Scot_Lover was talking about the legal status in his own country.

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Yes, I should have made it more clearer, sorry. Australia has pretty my the same censorship laws as the UK with a few additions. Any type of bodily fluid is a no no, lol.

Sorry again, didn't mean to make the site look bad, it was meant to mean this content is banned in Australia.

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I have noticed that - although upon my request my official designation as mod has been removed - my actual moderation powers appear not to have been taken away. I was, for example, earlier able to delete some duplicate posts by another member. Only a mod should be able to do that.

Anyway, whilst further rule suggestions were made and a few additional rules added, no one has voiced any disagreement with them. And I am happy enough to work with them.

So if the offer still stands, I would like to resume my moderation role, now that we all have specific rules as common points of reference.

Certainly, though, not to be a mod but to still have moderation powers is not really tenable. If for any reason I cannot be reinstated as a mod, then the powers of a mod really need to be taken away too.

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I have noticed that - although upon my request my official designation as mod has been removed - my actual moderation powers appear not to have been taken away. I was, for example, earlier able to delete some duplicate posts by another member. Only a mod should be able to do that.

Anyway, whilst further rule suggestions were made and a few additional rules added, no one has voiced any disagreement with them. And I am happy enough to work with them.

So if the offer still stands, I would like to resume my moderation role, now that we all have specific rules as common points of reference.

Certainly, though, not to be a mod but to still have moderation powers is not really tenable. If for any reason I cannot be reinstated as a mod, then the powers of a mod really need to be taken away too.

I have reinstated you as a Mod. I hope things are agreeable for you now.

- Admin

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I have reinstated you as a Mod. I hope things are agreeable for you now.

- Admin

Thanks Admin.

And thanks for sorting that little glitch I emailed you about. I appear to have access again now.

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  • 2 months later...
All, I want to have a town hall meeting of sorts, and give you a bit of an update. I am aware that there have been some issues lately, and a few people have left due to disagreements. Basically, I just want to hear from you. What can we improve upon? What needs to be fixed? What are the outstanding issues?

Update: After purchasing this site a few months ago I've been trying to figure out what can be done better. I am a firm believer in the concept of continuous improvement. As I am sure you all have noticed by now I've changed the name to PeeFans.Com, (watchgirlspeeing.com re-directs here). As I've explained in another post, I made the change to more accurately reflect what the site is about, and to make the name less wordy. Making the name shorter makes it easier to remember, is more search engine friendly, and having the word "girls" in the domain name of an adult oriented site might suggest something nefarious to outsiders. I've been doing some advertising on pee fetish sites, and we've seen some promising results. I've also been looking for a replacement for the video gallery as it is missing some administration features that I'd like to see, but so far none of the replacements have been suitable, so we will likely stick with what we have for now. I've recently made some back-end changes that will improve security, and should help improve the overall speed. In the near future I will be changing the fee structure such that you don't need to pay for a video gallery membership and a premium membership, they will be rolled into one, this is primarily to reduce confusion. For those of you who already have lifetime access nothing will change, it will only effect new signups. I've been working on trying to get more licensed content, and have been throwing around the idea of setting up a marketplace board where people can list items for sale such as pictures, cam shows, custom items, etc. I know there is a market for custom pee content, but most mainstream sites outright ban anything to do with pee. I've also been looking at acquiring other pee related sites to drive more traffic here. Ultimately, my goal is to make this site the premier pee fetish site on the web, with the best content and the most active community.

I think pee cams are a great idea! I know there are a lot of girls on Chaturbate (and other sites) who do pee shows (in private only) and it seems to be pretty popular on there. I also think maybe creating a clips4sale type of option for us girls who like to sell these types of videos would be a great addition. I know I would post my stuff here!

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It would also bring in a lot of new members. I'd be willing to bet most of the new members would be the type that think it's okay to treat all the women here as objects because they paid for it. There's already enough of those types running off the women here. Do we need more? The moderators already seem to have their hands full dealing with them.

Actually, the guys that pay for something tend to be a LOT nicer than the ones who want everything for free. Are there some? Sure, but in general anyone who is willing to pay for something tends to see the value in it. I've had quite a few guys on here buy my videos and they've ALL treated me like a queen! I think by getting more amateur content on here, the site will be able to draw interest as a specialty site. I might be wrong, but I don't think so. Now, there could be a completely different can of worms/cost associated with this, but it seems like Admin has some good background in this.

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I think it should be banned considering it's illegal in some places.

Unfortunately, so is pee in some countries, so that argument is not rock solid. I just think a site called Pee Fans should be 99% or more about pee!

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I disagree. I've spoke with more than a few of the members (that don't sell anything) here and a common complaint is: "I keep getting guys asking for free videos, cam shows, naughty chat, etc."

Right. Guys wanting these things for FREE. Key word. Someone who is willing to pay for these things treats it VERY different than someone who's not.

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Unfortunately, so is pee in some countries, so that argument is not rock solid. I just think a site called Pee Fans should be 99% or more about pee!

Generally, I agree - but with this proviso.....

This forum has an other adult topics subforum, where all legal adult sexuality other than pee may be discussed. Anyone interested only in pee need not go there. And the content is generally clearly signposted in there. I think as a forum we gain more than we lose by having such a subforum.

But I agree that the rest of the forum - in terms of sexual subject matter - ought to be 99% pee.

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