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Windows 10

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Has anyone else got this yet?

What did you think? On my not so standard desktop beast, it works fine, not running it on the Alienware Luggable yet, not to sure on the driver support (and the update failed to install)

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If my internet connection wasn't so terrible I'd probably give it a whirl, but I've estimated it would probably take a whole day just to download. I think I'll stick with linux.

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Still on XP here. I suppose I will have to buy W10 eventually because XP is starting to get flaky and you can't buy W7 any more.

Perhaps I will finally get around to moving to linux.

I hear that if you have 7 and upgrade to 10, some of your media playing features will disappear.

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Still on XP here. I suppose I will have to buy W10 eventually because XP is starting to get flaky and you can't buy W7 any more.

Perhaps I will finally get around to moving to linux.

I hear that if you have 7 and upgrade to 10, some of your media playing features will disappear.

I have found nothing that has not worked, but I am running VLC, media player works fine.

I thought Windows 7 was the best Microsoft had done to date, this could change that.

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I have found nothing that has not worked, but I am running VLC, media player works fine.

I thought Windows 7 was the best Microsoft had done to date, this could change that.

Glad to hear that everything is working.

I have a fairly old printer and flatbed scanner, so I hope I can still get working drivers when I change over.

I also use VLC, so it's good to hear that that still works.

My current PC is 5 years old (a quad core Yorkfield processor) so I'm thinking of buying a new I7 box with an OEM version of W10. Intel is about to release a new chipset in the near future, so I may hold out for a chance to buy "last year's model" at a discount.

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If my internet connection wasn't so terrible I'd probably give it a whirl, but I've estimated it would probably take a whole day just to download. I think I'll stick with linux.
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I've heard that W10 brings back some of the functionality of Win7, but retains the advances made in Win8. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the tablet interface design of 8, which is why I'm going to give 10 a go. I haven't had the notification to say I can upgrade yet, but I'll be doing so as soon as I can.

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Windows 10 looks like Windows 7, cleaner interface, just looks smoother.

Only issue that I ran into was nvidia drivers, they would not install, no error message, just failed. Windows update found the drivers and installed it fine. Run 3 monitors, one on the onboard Intel graphics, and 2 of them from the nvidia card.

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Lol, I know 8.1 is nuts, suspend to ram or something, this is an I7 - 3770k, 10 hd's, 16gig of ram, 3 monitors.

I've used the sleep mode on Win10 and it's pretty much instant, quicker than the ipad, but the thing is still on, being noisy.

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Lol, I know 8.1 is nuts, suspend to ram or something, this is an I7 - 3770k, 10 hd's, 16gig of ram, 3 monitors.

I've used the sleep mode on Win10 and it's pretty much instant, quicker than the ipad, but the thing is still on, being noisy.

I'm kinda nervous about upgrading now. Haven't heard amazing things about some of the hidden features in W10 either...

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Lol, I know 8.1 is nuts, suspend to ram or something, this is an I7 - 3770k, 10 hd's, 16gig of ram, 3 monitors.

I've used the sleep mode on Win10 and it's pretty much instant, quicker than the ipad, but the thing is still on, being noisy.

Any chance you can hibernate instead? I know it'll suspend to disk so it won't be as fast but surely it'll still be quicker than a standard boot.

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Any chance you can hibernate instead? I know it'll suspend to disk so it won't be as fast but surely it'll still be quicker than a standard boot.

Sleep mode does this, after a few minutes, all the fans and hd's power down, and it sleeps until you touch the keyboard, not a bad option, turn on the PC, sleep when I go do something, and power it down over night.

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One of the worst things I have heard is the lack of privacy and the collection of private information by win 10, and the difficulty of changing all the settings needed to protect yourself. I have mostly windows XP still, I have one laptop that has 8.1 (which I hate and despise, and will be changing to Win 7 as soon as I am sure that 10 is as bad as I think.

Yeah, I have since found this out, pretty much wants to know what brand and colour jocks you have on.

There are some web pages popping up the walk you through the privacy options, I just hope turning all of these off don't degrade windows too much. I have found searching for options is a lot quicker than trying to find them in some obscure menu, the settings tab has a search bar, very quick and handy. Some things I used a lot (cmd prompt and Powershell) don't have a start menu entry, but you can still find them.

Running it through the FreeBSD box shows that there is a lot less network traffic than Windows 7 generated, it's fairly quiet in that regard. This is still on a pretty bare system, just Windows 10, avast antivirus, and a couple of apps, will be doing some software reinstalling over the weekend, trying to keep them off the boot drive where I can.

I will keep posting on what I find.

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Something that has been in the news a lot is a major security exposure with the way it handles WiFi access.

There have been several reports in the media that if you allow a friend who has Windows 10 to use your WiFi, their PC will immediately share your WiFi password with all of their Outlook and Facebook contacts, so potentially hundreds of strangers will suddenly have access to your home network. The feature is called something like "WiFi sense." You can't turn it off because it's on your friend's computer, not your own.

I can barely comprehend the Olympic Standard Stupidity of whoever at Micro$oft thought this was a good idea. "Hi there Mr. Customer. How would you like us to bust your network encryption wide open and broadcast your private communications to the whole world?" Yeah, thanks but no thanks. :frown:

If any of my friends need to connect at my place, it's going to be by Ethernet cable only from now on.

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Laptops are tethered here too, have a 3 port wall plate embedded in the floor, as weird as sounds, the cables don't get in the way, lappie bricks are plugged into power anyway. We do have wifi but its for the phones only, has a range of about 50 meters, no problem there.

You can turn off all the options for sending info to Microsoft, but guess what? ........ Windows resets the ID that you used to install Windows in the first place. No wonder this was given away, MS must be making a mint from advertising companies.

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Laptops are tethered here too, have a 3 port wall plate embedded in the floor, as weird as sounds, the cables don't get in the way, lappie bricks are plugged into power anyway. We do have wifi but its for the phones only, has a range of about 50 meters, no problem there.

I have a 3 port WiFi bridge that I can take anywhere in the house. Only the bridge knows my WiFi credentials - a visiting laptop can just plug into one of the ports with an RJ45 cable.

My laptop and phone can use the WiFi, but the router is locked down to allow only the specific MAC addresses of those devices to connect.

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One of the worst things I have heard is the lack of privacy and the collection of private information by win 10, and the difficulty of changing all the settings needed to protect yourself. I have mostly windows XP still, I have one laptop that has 8.1 (which I hate and despise, and will be changing to Win 7 as soon as I am sure that 10 is as bad as I think.

I was traveling for work when my 10 year old laptop died, and I was forced to buy a cheap replacement late that night. The only options I had were an 8.1 machine, or a Chromebook. If I had not needed to complete a report that evening (work required) I never would have purchased that laptop.

You can disable these things during the installation, as long as you go for the custom option, as opposed to letting the default settings apply. There are also guides available online that tell you how to remove these things (i.e. giving facebook friends your wifi password, allowing microsoft to use your bandwidth for downloads, etc).

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I am well aware of how to disable these "features" but even so, I still do not believe they should be the default. I trust Microsoft about as much as I trust the government. In other words, not at all, not in any way, shape or form.

I agree, making those the default is pretty poor form, but then it's no different to installations that have browser add-ons auto-enabled by default. Just highlights the need to be careful when installing anything, I suppose.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm ok with Win10 so far. Have it on two devices now. One is a band-new netbook that came with Win8.1, the other is a 2009 netbook (came with XP, upgraded to Win7 (with activation hack!) and got the automatic upgrade to Win10.

So far both appear to be running fine. My main laptop is still Win7 though, won't change that one anytime soon.

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