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girls peeing in pools methods

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We had to close our cottage for the winter last weekend. To bring the dock up on land, it was necessary to work on it while standing waist deep in near-freezing water. I made sure to build up a full bladder beforehand and warmed up my bathing suit nicely while working :12_slight_smile:

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On 11/10/2016 at 7:20 PM, P-Spud said:

We had to close our cottage for the winter last weekend. To bring the dock up on land, it was necessary to work on it while standing waist deep in near-freezing water. I made sure to build up a full bladder beforehand and warmed up my bathing suit nicely while working :12_slight_smile:

Frankly, that sounds like a good idea regardless of what the water belongs to. Brr, near-freezing water! I wouldn't want to have to deal with that for long. But I'm glad you got a pleasurable moment out of it, all the same. I bet that would've come in real handy.

One thing I have noticed in general, with peeing in water, is that it can actually be sort of easier when the water's cold. I think that's part of the phenomenon they call immersion diuresis. You might not think it, but people are more likely to need to pee in colder water than in warmer water. So clearly, when a swimming pool is heated, that's a way of keeping the swimmers from peeing in it quite so much!

Or it just helps disguise the warm spots in the water when people relieve their bladders in it. I think that might be it.

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I've never been hesitant to pee in a pool or hot tub for that matter, buy in a hot tub it's significant enough amounts, along with perspiration that combined with chlorine or bromine you get a choking odor along with the red eyes. My husband and many of the guys would stand up and piss off the deck to reduce the urine in the tub, but the ladies urine was still a problem. The we read about H2O2, (hydrogen peroxide, 35%) a very strong version of the beauty salon product. Used along with an algecide, it cleans and sanitizes the hot tub and when it reacts with urine it breaks down into water and oxygen as opposed to a toxic gas and skin irritant. Much more pleasant to bathe in, no side effects.

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13 hours ago, beachmom said:

I've never been hesitant to pee in a pool or hot tub for that matter, buy in a hot tub it's significant enough amounts, along with perspiration that combined with chlorine or bromine you get a choking odor along with the red eyes. My husband and many of the guys would stand up and piss off the deck to reduce the urine in the tub, but the ladies urine was still a problem. The we read about H2O2, (hydrogen peroxide, 35%) a very strong version of the beauty salon product. Used along with an algecide, it cleans and sanitizes the hot tub and when it reacts with urine it breaks down into water and oxygen as opposed to a toxic gas and skin irritant. Much more pleasant to bathe in, no side effects.

I like the implication here that women are just going to continue peeing in the water regardless of circumstances. I feel like that might be a little lopsided, but I can't quite call it unfair, because I'm not sure whom it favors! Men might have an easier time peeing in places of their choosing, both because of their anatomy and because of the expectation that males just do that sort of thing, but then women get to enjoy their pee beneath the surface without feeling like they should be expected to do otherwise. If I weren't into pee stuff, I might prefer the male position on this. (But I am. So there.)

I've never heard of H2O2 being used that way. I'd have to do some homework on the properties of that, and whether it has any safety-related effects of its own. Certainly, I don't hear about people using that in proper swimming pools. On a side note, though -- am I the only one who kinda likes the swimming pool smell? It can be nice, right? Smells like summer.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 16/11/2016 at 7:41 PM, Spectacle said:

I've never heard of H2O2 being used that way. I'd have to do some homework on the properties of that, and whether it has any safety-related effects of its own. Certainly, I don't hear about people using that in proper swimming pools. On a side note, though -- am I the only one who kinda likes the swimming pool smell? It can be nice, right? Smells like summer.

I like the 'swimming pool smell' because it indicates the presence of urine in the water. When visiting a public swimming pool as a large family group it could be quite satisfying to find the smell was stronger when we got out after our swim than it was when we'd got in!  

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19 hours ago, Maggie_555 said:

I like the 'swimming pool smell' because it indicates the presence of urine in the water. When visiting a public swimming pool as a large family group it could be quite satisfying to find the smell was stronger when we got out after our swim than it was when we'd got in!  

Due to a variety of factors -- olfactory fatigue, sheer volume of water, and so on -- I'd be very surprised if the swimming pool smell were really detectably stronger after a swimming visit than before. On the other hand, there's absolutely no reason not to pee in the pool to your heart's content, anytime, in any situation. I think if a large family group (or even a group of friends, or anyone who has a pre-existing relationship with one another) happens to visit a pool, they should all be prepared to spend a while swimming in each other's pee, and to leave the pool that much more contaminated in their wake. Ideally, they might openly discuss that with one another ahead of time, and agree that the pool will be an acceptable place for their urine to end up in. That way, they can all enjoy the feeling of urinating in the water, and not be as alone in doing it.

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People have been peeing in pools for years and years! In a lot of public pools people are peeing daily and ever multiple times during their visit. Even with all that urine being added to the water you never hear of pools being shut down or drained due to excessive urine in the water. If you have ever been to a resort on vacation you will find that the pool is packed but the pool side washrooms are quiet in comparison. It doesn't take long to determine where people are peeing.  If you had the same amount of people drinking anywhere else there would be a constant line for the washroom but not at a resort pool.  It's clear that people are peeing in the pool and why wouldn't they when there's nothing wrong with it. I've been a swim up bars where many people have been peeing and peeing and the water is crystal clear the next day. Peeing in the water if completely fine in a properly maintained pool.   The only reason that people say you shouldn't do it is because the non peers don't like it. That's not enough of a reason for me to close my flood gates so to speak.   If I'm swimming than I'm peeing in the water. It's that simple


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On 28/11/2016 at 9:23 PM, Spectacle said:

Due to a variety of factors -- olfactory fatigue, sheer volume of water, and so on -- I'd be very surprised if the swimming pool smell were really detectably stronger after a swimming visit than before. On the other hand, there's absolutely no reason not to pee in the pool to your heart's content, anytime, in any situation. I think if a large family group (or even a group of friends, or anyone who has a pre-existing relationship with one another) happens to visit a pool, they should all be prepared to spend a while swimming in each other's pee, and to leave the pool that much more contaminated in their wake. Ideally, they might openly discuss that with one another ahead of time, and agree that the pool will be an acceptable place for their urine to end up in. That way, they can all enjoy the feeling of urinating in the water, and not be as alone in doing it.

OK perhaps it's "wishful thinking" but I still like to believe the smell is slightly stronger after I and my family have peed in a pool over and over again!:12_slight_smile:

I like the thoughts of Spectacle on sharing the experience within a large group - of people who are related or close friends - by telling each other when they are peeing while in the pool.  Also I love the idea of discussing it ahead of time so as much urine as possible is added to the pool water during a visit.  Lovely ideas!

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13 hours ago, sara babe said:

People have been peeing in pools for years and years! In a lot of public pools people are peeing daily and ever multiple times during their visit. Even with all that urine being added to the water you never hear of pools being shut down or drained due to excessive urine in the water. If you have ever been to a resort on vacation you will find that the pool is packed but the pool side washrooms are quiet in comparison. It doesn't take long to determine where people are peeing.  If you had the same amount of people drinking anywhere else there would be a constant line for the washroom but not at a resort pool.  It's clear that people are peeing in the pool and why wouldn't they when there's nothing wrong with it. I've been a swim up bars where many people have been peeing and peeing and the water is crystal clear the next day. Peeing in the water if completely fine in a properly maintained pool.   The only reason that people say you shouldn't do it is because the non peers don't like it. That's not enough of a reason for me to close my flood gates so to speak.   If I'm swimming than I'm peeing in the water. It's that simple


I couldn't have put it better myself. I've never been around a public pool of any kind -- at a resort, at a waterpark, at a gym, anyplace -- where the actual bathrooms seemed proportionately busy to the number of people there. But did we need that to know that nearly everyone's peeing in the pool? Besides a few very politely minded people (of which I used to count myself as one, in fact), the fact of the matter is, swimmers pee. If you have a public pool, it will get peed in. It's just a fact of life.

It's also one that I'm happy to contribute to myself. Just like you, and just like @Maggie_555. The only real difference is that here, we're getting some extra enjoyment out of it. If only we could all go swimming someplace together! The other swimmers would never know what hit them.

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On ‎30‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 0:01 AM, Maggie_555 said:

OK perhaps it's "wishful thinking" but I still like to believe the smell is slightly stronger after I and my family have peed in a pool over and over again!:12_slight_smile:

I like the thoughts of Spectacle on sharing the experience within a large group - of people who are related or close friends - by telling each other when they are peeing while in the pool.  Also I love the idea of discussing it ahead of time so as much urine as possible is added to the pool water during a visit.  Lovely ideas!

Hi Maggie, I'd just like to know how you convinced the rest of your family and or friends to save their pee for the pool and do they know its a turn on for you, I just wouldn't know how to broach it except for my wife of course who often saves a nice strong one when she's sun bathing!

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1 hour ago, sara babe said:

I have been peeing in pools with family members for a long time. As far back as I can remember I was pissing in the pool with my sisters and my mom. It has always been something that was acceptable in our family. I remember as kids we would all hold our pee before swimming. The pool our mom would take us to was a bit old and wasn't maintained all that well. If it was a busy day it didn't take long for the bathrooms to get dirty. My mom would always tell us to avoid the dirty toilets and to go pee while we swam.

About 15 years later my oldest sister had kids. It wasn't long before we started taking them swimming at the local rec Centre and water parks in the summer. My sister and I always peed in the water when we were there and taught her kids to do the same. At that time I didn't realize that I got a sexual thrill by peeing in public pools but I did for sure know that it was something I enjoyed.   I liked the warmth that surrounded me as I was peeing in the water and I also like the fact that I was peeing right in front of people and that they had no idea what I was up too.

I remember the first time we took my sisters kids swimming at the local pool. I really had to pee and I was planning to pee in the main pool quick before joining my sister in the baby pool with the kids but there was a race on that day and I wasn't able to go any where near it. The baby pool was my only option. I went and found my sister with her children in the shallow wading pool. I informed her of my situation and told her I was going to run to the washrooms but she said that wasn't necessary. I remember her saying "if the children can piss in here why wouldn't we?". Than she mentioned that she had peed when she got in and that I should just squat down in the shallow water and go. I really did need to pee so that was all the encouragement I needed. I squatted down and as soon as my crotch was fully submerged began to pee. I remember feeling an overwhelming sense of relief and excitement as I began to drain my self into the shallow pool. As I peed I glanced around at my surroundings and noticed all the mothers lovingly playing with their children and teaching them how to swim. It was a very wholesome environment and there I was in the middle of it having a huge piss into the water that all these innocent children were enjoying with their mothers.

Than all of a sudden I began feeling like a horrible person that first time I peed in the baby pool.   Unlike all my other pool peeing experiences, I began feeling guilty, embarrassed, dirty and disgusting but yet I was still feeling the satisfying feeling of relief and excitement all at the same time. I didn't realize it at the time but that was my first experience with naughty peeing. As I continued my pee into the water the mix of thoughts and emotions continued to run through my mind. That, almost out of no where, I realize that there is a small child to my right not more than 5 feet away with a small plastic pail. He takes a scoop of water and I watched as he raised it to his lips and began to drink. It was like a train wreck! I wanted to stop him but I couldn't. For one I was still peeing and secondly, what was I going to do, tell the kid "hey don't drink that, I just pissed there". As I watched the kid drink from the pail I continued my piss in the water beside him. I was happy to see him only drink alittle and than dump the pail out but than he took another scoop and this time much closer to me. I knew there was pee in that water. I had needed to pee so bad and I had peed for so long that the water surrounding me had to have a good amount of pee in it at that point. As the last few squirts of pee left my body, I watched as he put the small pail to his lips and had another drink. I couldn't believe that this child was drinking water I had just pissed in. His mother finally noticed what he was doing and told him to stop and I sheepishly left the scene of the crime. 

I remember feeling embarrassed about the whole thing.  I felt so weird because part of me had enjoyed pissing in the small pool full of moms and children while part of me hated it and I was shocked at my own behavior. The whole thing weighed on my mind and later that day I told my sister about what happened. To my surprise she just laughed and said, 

"do you have any idea how much pee is in that pool?  All the babies pee in there, all the kids and all the mothers as well! You don't need to feel bad at all! It's a perfectly normal thing to do". 

Talking too her made me feel better but I still remember feeling uneasy about the whole thing but I couldn't figure out why. I laid in bed that night with my thoughts still running through my mind. On one hand I felt justified in my actions knowing that that pool was a regular pee spot for children and adults alike, on the other, morally I felt bad having had a big piss in a pool designated for innocent and helpless children and their sweet mothers. 

To take my mind off things I decided to slip a couple fingers into my panties and massage my clit a little. As I did that I began to realize that thinking about pissing in the pool was actually making me really really horny. All of the bad thoughts that were running through my mind were actually bringing me closer and closer to my orgasm. I imagined the whole situation again in my mind and it wasn't long before I had a mind crashing orgasm. After that I decided that I would continue pissing in the wading pool next time we went.

Well, now. ... I don't even know where to start in replying to this. Except maybe that reading it completely made my morning. Needless to say, you're not the only person who can get some pleasure out of your experiences. I hope you're proud of yourself today. If I could like your post multiple times, I would. Maybe once per paragraph would do.

I never would've thought of peeing in a children's wading pool in particular as being a naughty place to do it. But I think my upbringing in particular has altered my perspective on that. As far as I'm concerned, any enclosed body of water that people are immersing themselves in is a naughty place to pee. Big pools, little pools, wading pools, whirlpools, you name it. All of it is naughty to piss in, in my experience. All of it gives me the same rushing thrill when I empty my bladder into it. But I can easily see why a wading pool would feel so much naughtier to pee in. It does feel different when there are little kids around, it's true. Even if little kids are notorious for not caring about rules against pool peeing. It seems like the sort of thing that shouldn't be messed with for pleasure.

And as far as that one kid with the bucket ... well, someone should really teach that kid to stop doing that. But your pee would inevitably have ended up getting in someone's mouth anyway. I remember when I was a kid, going to the pool, I inadvertently drank so much water that I'd have to get out every twenty minutes or so to have a huge long clear pee in the men's room. If only I'd understood then what I understand now, right?

I suppose, all things considered, it's good that you were able to get that feeling of naughty peeing somewhere around the pool. Peeing in pools is something that most people just take for granted -- or if they do enjoy it, it's not much more meaningfully than when they pee anyplace else. But where else can you drain your bladder right in front of people, and know that they're going to be swimming in your waste from now on, without anyone ever knowing your misdeed? It's perfect. And doing it in the wading pool is even better -- I might add, doubly so because you obviously weren't about to make a habit of swimming there. That means you'd just be using the wading pool as a toilet and nothing else. I'm actually kind of curious how you would handle that. Do you just get in, pee, get back out, and return to the regular pool for your stay? Because that sounds incredibly brazen. And fun.

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During the time the my niece and nephew were young my sister and I if I were there were in the kiddy pool most all the time with them because they were too young to swim alone. I used to go to the pool with them quite a bit. Not every time my sister would take them but most times. My sister would make an effort to plan pool trips around my work and school schedule so that i could join because she knew I enjoyed being there. Because we were always in the wading pool with them made it very easy to pee in the water whenever we needed too. As they got older we could let them go in the pool alone while we kept a watchful eye from the sidelines. Usually we would go in and check on them every now and again to make sure they wern't too cold or tired or what ever. We usually wound up having to adjust their swimwear or tighten up their life jackets. When we were crouched down doing this it always presented a good opportunity to piss into the water if we needed to. I don't think there was ever a time that I ever went to the wading pool just to piss if my niece and nephew weren't already in there. 

There were times where I would go for a swim in the main pool for a bit while my sister watched the kids. I would usually swim for a decent amount of time and by the end I would usually need to have a piss. In that case I would get out and head over the the wading pool to join my sister, niece and nephew and I would piss there in the shallow water. I was disappointed when the kids started swimming in the bigger pools because it meant the end of my time spent peeing in the wading pool.

Edited by sara babe
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17 hours ago, Geepee9 said:

Hi Maggie, I'd just like to know how you convinced the rest of your family and or friends to save their pee for the pool and do they know its a turn on for you, I just wouldn't know how to broach it except for my wife of course who often saves a nice strong one when she's sun bathing!

Hi Geepeee9,

One of my favorite things to do is to lie out in the sun by the pool with a big daiquiri and drink and tan in the sun to my hearts content. Every time I need to pee I hoping in the pool and release my bladder into the pool water. There's lots of other women that use the pool as their pee place too while enjoying the sun. All my friends that I go to the pool with will nip in for a quick piss in the pool when we are lieing out soaking up the rays. How does your wife go about relieving her self at the pool? I'd love to hear about an experience where she's gone into the pool to pee while tanning!


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6 hours ago, sara babe said:

Hi Geepeee9,

One of my favorite things to do is to lie out in the sun by the pool with a big daiquiri and drink and tan in the sun to my hearts content. Every time I need to pee I hoping in the pool and release my bladder into the pool water. There's lots of other women that use the pool as their pee place too while enjoying the sun. All my friends that I go to the pool with will nip in for a quick piss in the pool when we are lieing out soaking up the rays. How does your wife go about relieving her self at the pool? I'd love to hear about an experience where she's gone into the pool to pee while tanning!


 It seems like it's almost kinda self-evident for some people that the swimming pool is for peeing in. Sunbathing with a nice drink, and using the pool nearby for a quick easy toilet? That sounds like the life! I wonder what it'd be like for anyone who's spending their time actually swimming, too. (Presumably, they're contributing to the pollution themselves anyway. Everyone pees when they swim, right?)

On one hand, this all makes me wish I'd started peeing in the pool a lot earlier. But like you noted, Sara, it did take an unusual opportunity for your peeing habits for it to feel like a really naughty deed. So maybe there's a lesson to be had in there. If you raise your kids to avoid peeing in the pool at all costs, they might just end up enjoying it all the more later on!

It's too bad you don't have an opportunity to do your business in the wading pool like you used to. But on the bright side, now you can all enjoy the big pool together! Come to think of it, I should probably ask -- what do your niece and nephew think, amid all this? Do they know?

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On 02/12/2016 at 0:00 AM, Geepee9 said:

Hi Maggie, I'd just like to know how you convinced the rest of your family and or friends to save their pee for the pool and do they know its a turn on for you, I just wouldn't know how to broach it except for my wife of course who often saves a nice strong one when she's sun bathing!

Hi Geepee,  I persuaded my hubby to pee in pools for me. Before we got together he'd sometimes visit the toilet before getting into a pool but would pee in the water without giving it a second thought if he needed to while in there. From when he found how much it turned me on he's always got in with a full bladder! :12_slight_smile:  Both of my cousins were taught to swim by my parents (as were my brother and I of course) with each of us being encouraged to pee in the pool from an early age and rewarded with extra drinks for doing so.  In turn I encouraged my kids to always use the pool as a toilet and, now grown-up, they still like to do so. (My eldest daughter has persuaded her hubby to pee in pools too by the way!)

From quite an early age I realised my parents peed in the pool and enjoyed doing so.  Being excitedly told "Good girl!" when I did my business also showed they enjoyed me peeing in the water too.  It's just something we're lucky to share as a family I guess.  


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2 hours ago, Maggie_555 said:

Hi Geepee,  I persuaded my hubby to pee in pools for me. Before we got together he'd sometimes visit the toilet before getting into a pool but would pee in the water without giving it a second thought if he needed to while in there. From when he found how much it turned me on he's always got in with a full bladder! :12_slight_smile:  Both of my cousins were taught to swim by my parents (as were my brother and I of course) with each of us being encouraged to pee in the pool from an early age and rewarded with extra drinks for doing so.  In turn I encouraged my kids to always use the pool as a toilet and, now grown-up, they still like to do so. (My eldest daughter has persuaded her hubby to pee in pools too by the way!)

From quite an early age I realised my parents peed in the pool and enjoyed doing so.  Being excitedly told "Good girl!" when I did my business also showed they enjoyed me peeing in the water too.  It's just something we're lucky to share as a family I guess.  


It still amazes me, even now, that you were so lucky as to have a family that's so open about pool peeing. It's something I never would've dreamed of in my own upbringing. Of course, during my own upbringing, I never thought of peeing in the pool as something very gross and inconsiderate, that only immature kids would do! And the public pool I was going to as a child was a nice, respectable athletic pool, so of course no one would pee in that, right? Right?

Oh, how chagrined I am about that all now. Hindsight is 20/20, I suppose. If I could go back in time and say something to myself, I might at least warn myself not to get the water in my mouth so often.

Perhaps if I'd had a different sort of childhood, with parents who thought differently about pool peeing (or really, peeing in general), I would've ended up having a different outlook on it. But whenever I think that, I then think: Why bother wondering? I'm already incredibly into naughty peeing, and pools are a perfect place to do it. Now when I go swimming, I'm always on the alert to see if anyone else is doing their business into the water! Which I'll admit, I've never actually seen myself for sure (because again, athletic pool -- not very much chance to just stand around), but I know they do. And I know I do, too. It's been a slow learning curve for me, but my opinion is that it's never too late to start. Whether you're a child, a teen, an adult, whatever. Habits can always change for the better (or at least for the sexier).

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Hi Maggie and Sara babe, thanks for your replies. Although I always pee in the pool my wife rarely does it preferring to get out and use a loo. When she has done it for a special favour to me when on holiday. She sits on my lap and warms my lap up for me, but in the sea she does this for me every time she pees. I think I've told you about a time some years ago when she was absolutely busting and went in the shallow sea and knelt down in the clear med. She hadn't been all day and blasted out a great big strong yellow cloud which would have been very obvious to all the people around us if they had looked. I always like to see it flowing underwater but you have to be very careful as it is watching it that gives it away that you are peeing ! do you ever have a sneaky peek at your underwater pees?

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Hi Geepee9,

It's too bad to hear that your wife usually uses the bathroom at the pool.   Have you tried to encourage her to use the pool instead? Maybe she would with some positive reinforcement? I love swimming and pissing in the pool with a boyfriend if  I'm in a relationship. 

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On 12/16/2016 at 5:21 AM, Geepee9 said:

Hi Maggie and Sara babe, thanks for your replies. Although I always pee in the pool my wife rarely does it preferring to get out and use a loo. When she has done it for a special favour to me when on holiday. She sits on my lap and warms my lap up for me, but in the sea she does this for me every time she pees. I think I've told you about a time some years ago when she was absolutely busting and went in the shallow sea and knelt down in the clear med. She hadn't been all day and blasted out a great big strong yellow cloud which would have been very obvious to all the people around us if they had looked. I always like to see it flowing underwater but you have to be very careful as it is watching it that gives it away that you are peeing ! do you ever have a sneaky peek at your underwater pees?

Hi Geepee, you and your wives habits seem to be opposite of the norm. I've noticed the vast majority of women, especially moms have made peeing in pools a habit, not for a thrill, but out of convenience, privacy or the safety of the kids they're watching. Men aren't frequently watching kids, men are physically and socially able to take a pee in other places and seem to prefer to do so. ALL the women I hang out with at the pool pee in the pool and take a quick dip or sit at the side of the pool when sunbathing, rather than running to the restrooms. Conversely,  at our neighborhood pool all three of my boys, both my sisters boys as well as her husband all quite obviously step just inside the mens dressing area and pee onto the floor when nature calls. I say "quite obviously," because the partition walls begin a foot or so from the ground like toilet partition do and lying on the chases sunbathing we're all aware of where the guys pee. I'm not certain what men would think if we ladies were to pee there instead of the pool, but we don't have the nerve to find out. Either way, none of us use the restrooms. part.JPG

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Yes Sara babe, I try every day we swim to convince her, with limited success. She just feels its dirty for the other swimmers. When she has peed in a proper pool it has been a seawater filled pool that continually replaces its water instead of filtering it so I got her to accept its not going to cause a problem. By the way, I always pee in the pool if I need to, I just don't tell her.

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11 hours ago, Geepee9 said:

Yes Sara babe, I try every day we swim to convince her, with limited success. She just feels its dirty for the other swimmers. When she has peed in a proper pool it has been a seawater filled pool that continually replaces its water instead of filtering it so I got her to accept its not going to cause a problem. By the way, I always pee in the pool if I need to, I just don't tell her.

Does she know you do it, in general? Or is she under the impression that you're holding your bladder whenever you're peeing?

It's a familiar situation to me, going swimming with someone who knows and disapproves of my interest in peeing in the water. I've had to lie through my teeth before about what I did or didn't do in the water, just to save my social standing. Some people get really sensitive about the idea that maybe I've peed in the water they're swimming in! I don't know why, really. Most people do pee in pools. In fact, in general, it's a good idea to assume that any swimmer you're looking at has peed in there at some point.

But then again, once upon a time, I was under the illusion that most people didn't do that, and that pools could be a rather clean place if everyone just behaved. I'll just credit the internet for educating me otherwise -- and for giving me a hint as to how fun pool peeing could be. I think there's a certain user on here who can take a lot of credit for that!

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Maggie_555, @beachmom, @sara babe, you all just got mentioned. Just a quick heads up. :5_smiley:

Now, for my personal response: That video is incredible!! Oh my god! This is the exact thing I've been wishing there were more of on the internet. Peeing underwater, in a swimming pool, just like people actually do. Granted, in this case the person is naked, but you get the idea -- look at that stream! I'm amazed by how clearly visible it is. I'm ... man, I mean, I feel like I'm gushing right now practically as much as that girl was in the video. :15_yum: But I really am glad that you shared that. Thank you.

Since I'm generally indifferent to what sex is doing the peeing, the fact that it's a girl isn't too big a deal for me. But it's interesting seeing how that looks from female anatomy. This really made my evening either way. I'm beyond thrilled.

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