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Brazen pee sightings

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All the 476 girls studying at the government-run institute are forced to make a dash for the college field, terrace or an 'abandoned' classroom.

Imagine college age girls indulging in open peeing, this is quite common in India in many institutions and the best part is that life goes on and its all accepted.

I would love to be a lecturer at that college! what a sight that must be.

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I would love to be a lecturer at that college! what a sight that must be.

So would I and the point is this is very commonplace all over India be it college or other places.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is more than a sighting experience. Long while back as a teen, I had gone to a beach side with my parents. One morning the hotel had given us a bus to check out the beaches. Traveling with us was a family with a teen daughter. She was quite annoying and obnoxious with her loud voice and she was constantly bitching about everything.

She must have been around nineteen but nothing to look at with a sultry face and she was overweight and short. It was almost twelve in the afternoon and we had checked out two beaches and we stopped at another one. Compared to others, this was smaller with some thin coconut trees lining up the border. All of us got down and we walked to the beach passing the trees. My folks decided to take a walk across the other side of the beach and I stayed back enjoying the view of the sea. I saw the girl separate from her family as she walked back. Her family continued walking toward the sea. I thought she was heading back to the bus to get something but she began to walk quickly toward the trees. Suddenly it dawned on me that she was going for a pee. This was a surprise but I guess she forgot to use the toilets at the last beach and now was desperate. The surprising part was that the trees gave her absolutely no cover so I was wondering where she intended to go.

The trees were around fifty odd meters from the shoreline and as the girl neared the trees I noticed she already was in process of undoing her bottoms as she rushed toward the trees. In a flash her bottoms were down and from the distance in broad daylight her huge brown bottom was all exposed. She quickly lowered herself into a squat without even bothering to look back. She must have been desperate. Her big bottom was spread wide and visible from far even to folks on the beach. I was contemplating how to do a close walk by and embarrass her with my presence.

I had walked up slowly and now was facing her big brown ass at a distance of thirty meters. I noticed she had squatted with her butt all the way to the ground.

I then noticed a young man approach from the other side of the trees heading straight where the girl was squatted. He came right in front of the girl and realized but he kept walking looking straight and not staring. This didn’t bother the girl as she looked down and continued.

This was my chance to do the same just to see if the girl would be concerned if I approached her from front.

I took a quick look back to check if anyone was looking out and saw all were busy with the sea. I took a quick walk around the trees and then quickly walked up and then I approached her from the side. I noticed her pee stream had made a huge pool on the dry sand few inches in front of her. She was still going strong and I saw a thick stream coming out between her legs and two small streams going down her ass. She was still not aware I was close by and was looking down doing her business.

I got within few feet from where she was and then turned around to head back to the beach. I was facing her from front all exposed down below. She had a big pussy with a thick dense jungle of hair on it. The dark lips were split wide open as she had her legs spread with her jet black bunghole extended out. She finally realized my presence as she looked up. I was approaching her at that point when I saw her face go into an alarm when she realized it was a familiar person rather than a stranger. She quickly covered her face in shame and lowered her head down as I walked past her.

I walked all the way back to the sea and joined my parents. Later on in the bus I noticed the girl had gone totally silent and was not chatty anymore. She avoided eye contact with me still upset and embarrassed and I was happy to achieve my goal.

There are many women who truly are not bothered when they need to go outdoors. For them its the only way to seek relief as I mentioned in my other posts here. Few years back I went to the sea side and I got friendly with a mother and her teen daughter who sat next to me in the bus.

We got down the beach I realized that there were no toilets around thats the norm here in India. The bus was parked in the parking lot and right behind it there was a slope with few coconut trees. I saw few women head down the slopes to pee. Even from distance I could see them lowering or lifting their dresses to squat down. The trees hardly provided any cover.

I made a mental note to take a look later on. That area also was being used by others to walk up to the beach so it was not an enclosed area. Later on I noticed few buses pulling up to the parking lot and this was my opportunity to scout around for some sightings. I approached the area from down the hill going up. I wasn’t disappointed by my conjecture. It was a total brazen pee fest of desperate women rushing down the slope with their dresses hitched up or in state of unbuttoning their lowers. They would just find the nearest tree or just some way down the sandy slope and squat down without any concern otherwise and release some of the strongest streams of pee. They were not bothered if any males passed them by but there would usually be no eye contact.

The best way to get sighting was to look straight and walk by without any apparent staring. This made the women comfortable and they didn’t bother looking around and concentrated on their pee. Since it was uphill it was basically a fantastic pussy view of different types, age, shapes an in full daylight view.

I would wait for buses to pull up and then do a walk up once I would see passengers getting off. Since this beach was quite far from the city the bus would travel long so many would have to hold their bladders before the end of their trip.

On one of such trip as I walked up right in front I saw the mother and her daughter squatted down. In this case we recognized each other right away and to my surprise I saw the mother break into a sheepish grin rather than get discomforted. She was an attractive woman of around forty years. Even though I tried my best not to look down but due to the angle the intimate parts of her and her daughter all exposed. The woman was totally shaved as is common nowadays while the daughter who was around nineteen had full bush but she was not hairy. Both were making huge arc of pee and the mother told me they had been holding for long looking for a toilet till they found the spot.

I passed them by and made my way up. By the way it was truly unisex peeing there, the men would just do it on the edge of slope so when women would make their way up after finishing their pee, they would be facing the men with their dicks out peeing away.

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What many people do not understand is that if you make a big deal out of seeing someone peeing, this reduces the chances of further sightings in the that area. If a woman feels uncomfortable, she is less likely to pee in view, and she will tell other women that the area is a bad place to pee. Watching and not appearing to be watching is the best way to increase your sightings. VPW is an expert in blending into the area, and not standing out.

Correct Egwalrus and I learned that long while back. If a lady has decided to pee in a certain place, she is aware of her exposure but she doesn't wish to be annoyed. Just make her feel comfortable and enjoy the view. Most places in India are crowded so women know well there is no privacy to be had. They just want privacy from those they know and are least concerned about their show to total strangers. Usually gawkers, taunters and other idiots make it pretty hard for folks like us to continue with our sightings in peace. I have put women in comfort and even with familiarity, the ladies don't mind. However when they are bothered and concerned about perverts they get defensive and usually then would come in groups or get angry if some males were to pass by.

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  • 1 month later...

Sometimes the best most brazen sightings are found in most unexpected scenarios. Many years back I was traveling in a bus going to another state. Seated next to seat was a young married couple who were acting frisky. It was already evening so they had some privacy. I was enjoying the show as the girl was a young attractive woman. I had dozed off when I was awakened by some noise. I noticed the bus had stopped and passengers were getting off. The place where it was stopped was a roadside ramshackle joint where people could get some refreshments.

However, these used to be very basic in early days in India. Just a thatched hut and nothing more. There are no facilities in these places so usually seeking relief means to go to the opposite side of the road and do it. The usual way being the gents went to one spot while the ladies put some gap and used the other spot. Not that any had cover or privacy and most of the times they were at mercy of passing cars with their lights on. The light from the hut would also expose them a bit. The ladies would squat down lined up next to each other with their bums facing the other side while they faced the road.

I also decided to get down as I needed to empty my bladder. I noticed the couple sitting next to me had also got down and was walking together. I decided to keep an eye out as I knew the woman would also need to pee most likely. Unlike other women who mostly wore the typical wrapped around Indian dress that helped them hide their bits to an extent when they squatted, this one had a loose pajama bottom and long flowing top dress. This meant total exposure for her when she would pee.

Interestingly the woman didn’t separate from her husband as they walked down toward the other side where the men peed. I followed them and saw the husband take up position next to the other males and started peeing, I walked by the woman and joined the husband. The woman was standing a bit behind between us. At this stage I was wondering whether she was waiting for her husband to finish up but then why did she stand there rather than elsewhere.

There was no traffic passing by and in the quiet night I suddenly heard a loud splatter accompanied by tell tale hiss of female pee. I quickly turned my head and noticed the girl had squatted down to pee. It was quite unexpected that she decided to do it among the company of men when she had choice of joining the ladies on the other side. I guess she felt comfortable with her husband’s company rather than separate. I couldn’t keep looking back so I finished up my pee so I could turn around. I turned around and saw her husband standing next to her but facing the other side of the road as the woman peed. From the faint light of the shack I could notice she had soaked the dry ground below her. Suddenly my luck changed for good.

I saw a big fuel tanker come lumbering down the highway with its headlight in full blast from the right side. Entire highway including the side of the road got lighted up. As the beams fell on the girl in front of me, she was fully exposed from below with her natural thick hair source spraying out copious amounts of pee. The girl just looked down and continued while I and other men went by her getting a good look her peeing pussy.

The truck was still approaching as I walked by her and saw her big brown ass fully exposed and shining in the light. I crossed the road and went to the other side to watch the show now.

Even the other ladies who were squatted were exposed as well. Some had covered their faces while others had their hand on their forehead shielding from the light. I could see the entire ground where the ladies were peeing drenched with pee but my focus remained on the young woman and her nice shining ass. Finally, the truck passed by and am sure the driver had his share of women squatted in various stages of exposure.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some more brazen sightings during my early years in India and then I will switch to all that I see here in the US.

Most weddings in India are big lavish affairs usually held in tents that are perched up on open fields and parks. Generally these affairs start in the evening waiting for the groom to arrive that is usually late. Many guests arrive early to wait for the groom’s party. These places have no arrangements for any toilets and therefore seeking relief is at mercy of the surroundings. The general strategy for men being either side of back of the tent and for women they would go a bit further down to find a spot either besides the tent or between parked cars. Some would go just in the open by the side of the road. Their main concern was to put some distance between themselves and the other guests there but they were not bothered about privacy from strangers. Even if others passed by no one really stared as it was an accepted norm. My first sighting came when I was around thirteen and was walking by a wedding venue with my aunt.

It was around eight in the evening and I noticed a huge tent indicating a wedding ceremony in progress. There was a row of parked cars around the corner of the park and as my aunt and I went around the corner we spotted two ladies squatted on the sidewalk. One facing the park with her back while other was sideways to her, both were flooding the sidewalk with their pee. I had clear vision of the one facing sideways. The street lights revealed her thick stream falling vertically on the ground below between her thick hairy bush.

The other one was making a huge arc that crossed the sidewalk and fell on the road in front. I heard my aunt tell me to get off the sidewalk as the ladies were peeing. We passed the two ladies who were busy chatting among themselves oblivious to our presence or others. We were quite close to them no more than few feet. Now I had clear look at the woman making the huge arc of pee. Both the women were dressed for the occasion with beautiful rich dresses and typical jewelery. I had a clear view of this woman. She was slightly chubby around her late twenties, she had lifted her dress up all the way exposing her rounded thighs and legs. Unlike the other woman, her pussy wasn’t that hairy and in the street lights the large slit and fat lips were on show with a huge arc of pee coming out.

What was amazing is how at ease these women were including my aunt with the whole scenario. My aunt calmly told me to watch out for the puddle on the street. When she saw me looking at the women she just smiled and told me not to look and let the ladies pee but to my surprise she didn’t scold me. This indicated how comfortable ladies were when peeing exposed outdoors.

The outdoor weddings turned out to be a treasure trove for me seeing how at ease ladies were when they needed to go. I realized the main issue for these ladies were some distance from the other guests so they would try put distance between the venue. However, they were not concerned about privacy from others who were strangers. There were many ladies who would just go to the back or side of the tent. They would squat facing the tent to cover their fronts but they would lift up their dresses exposing their beautiful bums for all to see. Many would come in groups or some would come solo.

Near our house where we lived there was a huge field where weddings would take place. As usual the sightings would be plenty. I would just sit on the terrace in the dark and enjoy the views or hang out near the venue to get sightings. The Best part would be that many would just come in front of our house and squat. It was a bit dark but again that didn’t mean they had much cover. I would see groups of women squatted and peeing. One day I saw couple of teen aged girls come and squat down. I then heard my mom get out of our house and scold them, they just giggled and continued with their pee and left.

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Guest UnabashedUser
She was still going strong and I saw a thick stream coming out between her legs and two small streams going down her ass.

I really love seeing streams divert as you describe. A mainstream gusher direct from the meatus then hits the lips and divides, some dripping from the pussy lips themselves, and, depending on the angle of her bottom relative to gravity, smaller stream running down the 'taint to the protruding bunghole, circling it and dripping from it. Sometimes the orifice opens slightly in response to her pressure to pee, and pee runs into it. Occasionally a fart will occur and blow foamy bubbles with a wet sound and that is kinky and gratifying. Damn I love watching women pee closeup and wife Bonnie loves to give me a show.

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Guest UnabashedUser
The dark lips were split wide open as she had her legs spread with her jet black bunghole extended out

Great writing. Also "jet black bunghole" is a cool name for a rock band.

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Great writing. Also "jet black bunghole" is a cool name for a rock band.

From my early days of watching women pee in India and later in west I loved the views of woman's hairy pussies then as was the norm but what fascinated and turned me on a lot as well even till today is the female bunghole. The peculiarity about female hole and as sure the male hole was the variety of color and fur growing on them or totally clean with mini slit or rounded one visible. Again no two women would have the same type of slit. The most particular aspect would be the color of the bunghole that many times wouldn't match her skin tones. For instance even if the woman was relatively light skinned, sometimes she would have dark brown or even black home. During my early days of sighting many women preferred to cover their front if they could by turning with their backs to the crowded side when peeing at an outdoor venue. From them the psychology was their face was partly covered from the crowd as well as their pussies.

However apart from few who squatted close to the ground that would basically cover up everything but the crack, most would do regular squat and have their butt raised from ground to prevent the splash. This would reveal it all sometimes including their furry pussies with stream of pee falling on the ground below. I got two very close views of some of the sweetest rear ends of women in India apart from some beautiful asses of that I have seen in the west past and present.

It was early evening and the crowds were just building up. I was just mingling with the crowd and keeping an eye out for any sightings but it was still early evening with daylight left. I noticed a pretty mother of two. She had a light yellow Indian dress thats wrapped around and her long hair was in a bun. She had a well built body with big ass and tits. Suddenly she turned around and asked her husband to watch the kids. She then announced she needed to pee in a loud voice and I was surprised that she wasn't discrete, her husband told her there was still light around and the woman just shrugged her shoulder and told him she couldn't hold on any longer.

With that she quickly turned around and as predicted started walking toward the exit for the backside of the tent. I followed her at a distance to allow her to squat down and catch her in full flow. I kept my eyes on the woman from the exit as she hurried her steps while lifting her dress up slowly and as she reached close to halfway to field I noticed she quickly lifted her dress all the way up and underneath as was common then she had no panties. Her big light skinned globes of her huge was butt shining in daylight for all to see from the tent. I guess she was truly desperate as she had mentioned. She turned to the grass quickly and squatted down close to the path. This meant anyone passing her by would be few feet from her.

I slowly made my way up the path but also had to make sure no one was keeping an eye on me being it was still daylight but I noticed most folks inside the tent were busy with the events inside. I approached her and saw the her from the side, her massive thighs spread wide with a huge arc shooting out in between. I passed by within few feet from her beautiful white ass cheeks spread wide when I noticed something peculiar. Her ass crack was split wide open and it was quite dark contrasting with her white butt. I then got a detailed look at her hole and it was a wrinkled hairless black one not different from the other ass view I have posted earlier on this thread. Of course that one belonged to the pretty young mother who was quite dark unlike this woman and also it was jet black and covered in thick curly hair.

In the west as well I have seen some of the youngest sweet furrows, some shaved, some natural but most fascinating is the variety of openings. Some would be perfect circle and round with wrinkles while others would have slit like their pussies. The fun part was when their anus would be winking, sometimes from farts as she would try to squeeze her bladder and other times just pushing their muscles to squeeze out their bladders, nevertheless all fun and lucky sightings for sure.

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Guest UnabashedUser

Perfectly written and illustrative. I cannot see or think of a womans bunghole, as described above, without becoming tumescent and wanting to slide my tool into a tight and willing butt. Enjoy your writing, vpw. :)

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Guest UnabashedUser

Re: Appearance of bungholes: I've noticed in my years of 'research' that hairy girls (which I happen to adore) and ones who have a ring of fur about their exit vents, have the longer slit type orifice. Less hairy and blonde girls tend to have more circular ones. Males have the slit type usually. Perhaps a preponderance of testosterone in the furry folks? Just sayin' ...

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Re: Appearance of bungholes: I've noticed in my years of 'research' that hairy girls (which I happen to adore) and ones who have a ring of fur about their exit vents, have the longer slit type orifice. Less hairy and blonde girls tend to have more circular ones. Males have the slit type usually. Perhaps a preponderance of testosterone in the furry folks? Just sayin' ...

Interesting point, never thought about that but along with slit some women have huge spread of the wrinkle, have also come across few round orifices with hair but come to think of it, it was mosty linger slit.

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Guest UnabashedUser

Also some of the women have a much darkened area around the opening than others, extending inches to each side in some cases. There are probably years of study and doctoral dissertations that could be researched and published concerning our observations. Perhaps a public grant of several millions of dollars could be appropriated for further inquiry? <grin>

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Also some of the women have a much darkened area around the opening than others, extending inches to each side in some cases. There are probably years of study and doctoral dissertations that could be researched and published concerning our observations. Perhaps a public grant of several millions of dollars could be appropriated for further inquiry? <grin>

That was indeed my point of fascination with the female bunghole as the cuff many times didn't match the collar so even in light skinned women, they would have a dark hole. Also some women would have more than a ring of fur over that hole with long strands of hair. Also some women would have deep spread of their anus while others would have a small one. I would love to so dissertation on female anus and vagina.

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Guest UnabashedUser

Exactly!Some women the anus is miniscule, others 2 inches dia . Also when urinating/defecating, some women use their hands to spread open the cheeks, or do a little jig to shake the last drops off, some tuck panties or skirt into the folds of the pussy to dry if paper isnt available, some even wipe pee with their fingers and then lick the fingers. So much to learn here.

Many women lick their fingers and apply the saliva to their clits prior to masturbation to aid in lubrication before the pussy flows. Will ask this question of the members of this site :)

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  • 1 year later...

I am new to this site, it seems that there is a lot to read through.  I would like to thank all of you who write with detailed descriptions.  Since I cannot benefit from pictures, using descriptive words helps me creat detailed images in my mind.

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On 6/2/2015 at 11:55 AM, vpw said:

Over the years I have had some real close up brazen sightings where women have peed in the open without concern for privacy due to desperation and sometimes having no other choices. Most of these have occurred in parking lots, outdoor events where there are less facilities for the crowd. Also over the years women have become used to taking a quick pee in the open when the need arises. The inhibition part once overcome allows women to ease themselves unless they are heckled by some pervs.

I will start with my early days in India as a teen and the reason is that in those days women there were conservative and not prone to exposing themselves. Even skirts were not norm and married women rarely wore trousers or denims even though young ones did. Most wore the saree that is a one piece fabric wrapped around over a petticoat or blouse or two piece dress comprising flowing long top with a pajama bottom.

Growing up I always found the act of ladies peeing to fascinate me. In India even from early days you would have distant sights of squatting women peeing outdoors on roads. Also when female relatives would visit us I would go and put my ear on toilet door to enjoy the loud hiss and splatter they made.

As I grew up my curiosity of watching a grown woman pee got even more intense. Although I was also wary of the repercussions of getting caught and then punished deterred me from any foolish adventures. My wait didnt have to be long. I was at a picnic spot on a bright sunny winter day with my parents. I was bracing for a long boring day with adults around. After sitting around a while I got bored and started moving around. The area was huge ground on a historical site. Between the huge grounds there some shrubs that were all dry from the winter. There were few folks around the other side of the shrubs but one particular bunch got my attention. There was a young newlywed girl all dressed in a red attire. She was pretty no more than nineteen. Her red dress emphasized her beauty. She was playing around going in circles with her other family members with her big tits jiggling around. At fourteen that got my attention well.

After a while I went back to my family to have lunch. After lunch all had dozed off and I was sitting and looking around when I noticed the girl I was checking out was walking alone toward the shrubs. At first I wondered why but then it suddenly dawned on me that she might be going to the shrubs to pee as the toilets were located far from the ground and she must be desperate.

I quickly got up as I wanted a better look at it. I let the young woman walk into the shrubs. As she walked in she took a quick look back probably making sure she had cover from her family. This is the common thing in India, a woman will seek privacy from her immediate known ones but on the other hand she is not concerned that strangers can see her exposed.

The young woman walked inside the shrubs and positioned herself facing us. Even from a distance her bright red dress was visible behind the dry shrubs. She was at a slight elevation around two hundred feet fro us. I took a quick look at my folks and thankfully all had dozed off after lunch. The women meanwhile was had lifted her top up and was fiddling with the strings of her pajama so it was confirmed she would pee there.

My heart now raced at the prospect of seeing an adult woman peeing outside for the first time. I was also kind of afraid if I got busted but I guess my hormones gave me the courage.

As I got up and began to slowly walk toward her I saw she pajamas were around her legs and she quickly lifted her top dress and squatted down. The dry shrubs gave her partial cover and even from distance I could make out her face and her white thighs. Also I could see her pee stream shooting out of the dark patch between her legs and falling on the dry ground. Now I wanted to get a close look at that patch. Even though I was well aware of the female genital having seen them in pictures but I never had an opportunity to see them up close in broad daylight. As I mentioned before, even getting a peek of a woman's legs was a rarity then. Thankfully mini skirts and shorts are a rage now in India.

As I began to get closer I was also afraid the woman might panic and raise a hue and cry or call her folks. That would be quite bad in every way but to my surprise the girl was not bothered as I noticed another man walk by the shrubs going to the other side and she didn't move or cover up. By this time I was close to the spot around few feet at the most. The woman was no more than ten feet from where I was. From the sparse shrubs I saw her squatted looking straight ahead with a focused look on her face. From the shrubs I could see her clearly with bare thighs exposed with her bright red pajamas wrapped around her knees. She was holding them with her right hands to move them out of the way of the massive arc that was shooting out between her legs. As I passed by her as slow as I could I had my full view of an adult female's bits. The fact that it belonged to a ravishingly beautiful woman made it even better. The girl had totally white skin with long chestnut brown hair on top and the hair between her legs that grew in abundance was slightly darker and with long strands that were extended out. She was squatted low to the ground and her wide open slit with her dark wrinkled anus was on display. As I walked right in front of her the girl didn't even display any discomfort. For her she had taken her cover and was getting her business done, thats all that mattered. I was so close to her that I could hear the constant hissing of her pee and the splatter that made a pool of pee that was flowing out of the shrubs.

The sight of a adult female's genitals still remains etched on my mind till this day.

For me that was better than any magazine nudes I had seen so far even though I felt guilty at looking at the woman.

I walked away from her and slowly and then turned around to join my folks who thankfully were still dozing off. As the day progressed I saw the girl visit the shrubs again but this time she bought the other family member who was a bit younger but not as pretty as her. Both squatted and peed but I watched them from a distance as I didn't wish to raise any suspicions, also there were two women involved here. They probably emptied their bladders before hitting the road.

Excellent, This is one of most interesting stories here, thanks for sharing.

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1 hour ago, sathuta said:

Excellent, This is one of most interesting stories here, thanks for sharing.

yeah, it was like being there watching

think I am in need of a little massaging down there...

thik I'll type with one hand for a while...

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