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Damned Flu

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I don't know how the flu is going aorund the rest of the world, but here it's pretty bad.

Mary and I had it, kicked it pretty easily, 3 days total, and we were feeling ok. Maigh got it too, but hers turned into a chest infection, endless coughing, no sleep, and eventually turned into bronchitis. Stayed in hospital one night, she was that bad. Slowly getting better, with an asthma puffer, and now her second round of penicillin has near finished, she is getting back to her old self.

When her "penicillin pussy" gets mentioned as itching intolerably, you know she's coming back to life.

This flu does the usual head cold, sinus pain thing, with the added bonus of inner ear infection. Predictably, sinus medication that was used last time is no longer affective. Body aches and pain is also more pronounced, but thankfully goes away.

Watch out for this thing, it's evil, affects people differently, some a lot worse than others.

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The vaccines were delayed in Australia this year, because a new strain had to be included at the last minute, so the infections had a chance to get further into the population than usual. I didn't get my shot until two weeks ago.

Best wishes for Maigh's recovery. I hope she's feeling better soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry to hear you've been unwell and I hope very much that you're now feeling much better and on the mend. Here in the UK, last year's flu vaccine was only effective in about 3% of cases because those who had to guess, using the data modelling available, got it wrong and the vaccine used didn't reflect the dominant virus. My view is that if you have a good dose of flu it does give you some immunity for a couple of years or so.

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We all seem to be over this now, Maigh still has trouble in cold air, hurts to breathe. Dr doesn't think there is any scaring of the lungs from the bronchitis, does not take much to get her coughing. Strangely enough, or predictably, news reports urged flu shots after she was sick, a bit late for the current one, lol.

Down in the dumps because she cant do anything, keeps urging Mary and I to fool about, but nah, not going there until she is ok. Thanks for all the kind words and thoughts, much appreciated.

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