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Mary's Diary

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1 - Opening

Hello dear diary, I have finally decided to have a diary of my own and here you are.

My name's Mary O'Connell and I am a 20 years old funny girl. I have light brown hairs that go straight down on my shoulder and reach around mid-back. I've got a cute face I think, green hazel eyes, little nose and pouted red lips highlighting a fair skin that I owe to my Irish heritage. I am 5.5" and I have a slender build, but very firm as I am on the swimming team of Hallow's High School. I wish I had some more curves and Jenny would stop teasing me about it...!

Oh sorry, you don't know about Jenny yet! She's my little sister, 2 years younger than me. Her hairs are more reddish than mine, and unfortunately the little minx is more curvy than me. She must have took it from mum. She's real wicked too. She's only 2 inches smaller than I am and we trade clothes sometimes, although she always seem to burst out them she says boys pay her more attention this way.

Mum's only 38. Her real name's Louise though I don't call her that of course. She's much like Jenny, though a little older. She enjoys teasing men too, any time we go to the pool or the beach she can't but wear some skimpy bikini to show off her cleavage... I am sure if they knew she sunbaths in the buff in our high-walled garden they would tear the walls down overnight. I supposed Jenny inherited her exhibitionist streak from her.

Well, here you know the family. No father there, he and mum divorced when Jenny was very young and he moved to the other side of the world: Australia. Well at least he left mum well funded for and since her job pays well we live comfortably.

See you.

Edit: Minor alteration to age references to ensure that the youngest sister is 18. Steve25805

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2 - Jenny and the gardener

Dear diary, Jenny's misbehaved again today...

Well, I haven't told you yet that there is something a bit different here. Mum's always had a weak bladder after she's had Jenny. As she says it does not really show from the outside that she has had kids, but Jenny was a big baby and it left a mark inside. Anyway I can't remember mum not going to the toilets in a couple of hours. I mean she always wake up at least once during the night even though she tries not to drink much in the evening. And... well I trust you'll keep it for you... but whenever she goes out in the evening or she has a dinner with friends, since she drinks more than usual, she ends up having accidents in her bed. I've helped her a couple of times removing the sheets and sometimes it's only a little, but from time to time it's definitely a complete soaking. I'd die if anyone learned about it, but fortunately she's very discrete!

Anyway, having a weak bladder herself she was always very cool about it with Jenny and I. When we grew up she would never make us hold more than strictly necessary and often times she would let us pee in quite awkward places, but always discreetly. I have never been too comfortable with it myself, and I always need more cover than mum or Jenny. Jenny's the worst of course. The girl's really ballsy... and it seems she really get a kick out of it though she's loath to admit it.

The real treat is at home though. It's only the three of us and we are all girls so it's very relaxed. And mum never letting us hold more than necessary means that she's always let us pee whenever we needed to and almost everywhere. The only catch is that we have to throw a towel over it and tell her or Mrs Catto, our cleaning woman. But of course we need to be very discreet about it and mum's adamant we don't let our friends know lest they let the cat out of the bag. Of course I've told a few friends of mine and I think they really enjoyed peeing on my bedroom carpet, my desk chair or in my paper bin... I suppose mum guessed it too, though when I was younger I always patted myself on the back for being so clever in pretending I did it after my friends left.

Of course mum uses it herself, though she tries not to do it in our presence, and I have seen Mrs Catto helping herself a few times... but that's not what today's about. Today's about Jenny once again misbehaving.

You see, our gardener Mr Burk, Tom, had come today since we were friday. After he finished he went to speak with mum in the kitchen. As I got back from my swimming training, I heard him laughing from the entrance. I must admit I was a bit puffed that I had not see him working in the garden, he's a real hunk see, but then it's not summer yet so I haven't missed too much. I removed my shoes and I made my way barefoot as usual into the living room I spotted Jenny on the leather couch, with her back to me: she was watching some non-sense on TV again... and I decided to treat myself to a bit of it.

I softly padded my way to the lounge chair and I let myself fall back on it, stretching. I then said hi to Jenny, she said hi back, a huge grin on her face, and that's when I noticed what she was doing.

She had moved one of the cushion a bit on the side, then she had wriggled out of my tight jeans, just exposing herself a bit as she kept them as high as possible, and she was peeing between the couch cushions!

I hissed at her but she just giggled. She knows mum don't want us to pee on the leather couch and that downstairs is out of bound during the day lest someone catches us or spots a puddle. But the little minx can't be bothered by rules and of course mum's always let it go.

I could barely see her of course, with the jeans so high on her thighs, but I could hear her all clear. The soft pattering of liquid pouring and falling on something soft. The hissing sound as she was really pushing it out. The tell-tale look of relief and excitation on her face. Oh she was pretending to look at the TV all right, and from the back it probably looked as such, but from the front, what with her jeans unfastened and her eyes slightly closed it was difficult to be fooled.

I heard Tom saying his goodbye to mum and I really panicked. He entered the living room and Jenny just turned her head to him, fortunately having stopped her flow, and called goodbye above the couch's back. I could not utter a word and I must have been really red in the face because of her! And he had just closed the door that she turned toward me, tongue out, and then asked me for a tissue!

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3 - Saturday's Crazy Morning

Dear diary, today's been completely crazy! But let me begin by this morning...

Like every Saturday morning I had gone for my jogging. I felt like I had put on a bit of weight of late, so I decided to make it a little longer by making the whole grand tour of the lake instead of just longing it on this side. Of course I brought a bit more water than usual. Well, I can tell you I had slightly miscalculated. It took much longer than I thought, and I came home later than I had planned and had to hurry off since mum wanted to go visit some model houses to get ideas for refurbishing the living room a bit and had promised to treat us to a cinema plus shopping streak afterwards if we helped her pick ideas out.

As soon as I got home, mum told me to hurry as Amy was due to arrive in less than ten minutes and she wanted to hit the road immediately afterwards. I rushed upstairs to this very bedroom to shed my sweaty clothes and take a good shower. I was feeling quite desperate at the time with this water I drank and the neighbourhood not really being a suitable place for a girl in need to relieve herself. Well, it turned out I was even more desperate I thought and as soon as I got out of my running shorts and panties I just let a little spurt out!

I could see a few droplets on my leg and a little patch on the carpet at the feet of the bed. You know how I love carpets, even though it can be a bit messy, well I decided to indulge myself this time. I mean I usually do it at night because it's creepy traipsing in the dark, but since I had already left a little mark... So I just squatted, stark naked, in the middle of the bedroom. I let myself fall on my knees, then sat on my calves, legs apart, and I leaned backward a bit, just so I could see my little clitty between my tits, then I let go.

Of course it was not much at first, I just dribbled for a couple of seconds, but I could feel it coming, slow but unstoppable. I felt the onslaught of my pee as it escaped me. My lil' flaps were just pushed open by the sheer strength of it! I don't know if I am wicked or not, I know I am certainly not the only girl who enjoys a good pee after holding a bit, but the sight of my pee hitting the carpet got me all hot and bothered. It just felt sooo gooood! I just let my head back, half-closing my eyes, and let out a little moan. I was really gushing at that point you know, my spray was hitting the carpet a feet ahead of me at least. Finally, as it slowed, I looked back as it made its way toward me. Then I stood up and shook my bum a little to let the droplets go. I had a bit on my tighs and calves but since I was about to shower I did not thought much about it.


I just got out of the bedroom and let myself in the hallway to get to the bathroom... and I fell face to face with Mrs Catto! I don't mind being naked with mum or Jenny around, we do it all the time. And I have been naked with some of mum's friends and some of my friends too, when we sunbath in the garden, but it felt really weird standing naked in front of the cleaning woman. I mean it's not I don't trust her, she's the one dealing with our little patches after all and as far as I know she never let it on to anyone. She had seen me in my underwear or my bikinis before but it's not the same really. I had one of my all-body flush there and then and I really could not think straight you know. I think she realized it too, and she just said hello and smiled... she passed me and I was a little relieved, and then I realized she was going to my bedroom and I turned real fast on my heels to stop her!

She had already opened the door unfortunately, and that huge puddle I had left was their in all its glory. I felt mortified. I mean I know she's the one cleaning up and I leave puddles regularly in the night but I am not here when she deals with it so it's kind of impersonate you see. And also the puddle's not glistening when she sets about it! And you know what ? She just laughed it off! "My, my" she said in that Hispanic accent of her "did you have an accident or is Jenny contagious?" When I think back on it, her eyes were sparkling a bit. I really think she found it funny but as you know I really didn't. I swear I blushed even more and I just ran to the bathroom to take my shower.

When I left the bathroom I kept a towel around me, so that I would not be naked in case I ran into Mrs Catto again. I got here and fortunately she had left, though I saw she had taken the time to give the carpet a shampoo. She's really great about it too, I think if she was not so thorough we would never be able to get away with it. I am sure the smell would get pretty horrid short. But with Mrs Catto coming six mornings out of seven to clean up and mum having us put wet towels on the patches till she does, the odour has never taken root. Though sometimes on Monday morning it does smell a bit.

Anyway I quickly donned some clothes. Since were going out I chose a really cute skirt, mid-thigh so I could go without panties. Mum always told us that when we go out it's better to wear something that makes it easy to go to the toilets, and jeans certainly don't even though Jenny prefer them, but perhaps that's because she just want to oppose mum... and also I must admit they really hug her bum real close. I also picked a tight T-shirt. No bra, I never bother since I don't have anything to put there. And at least I attract some looks with my nipples pointing through the clothing. It's not easy when going out with Mum and Jenny, and even more difficult when Amy joins us! I'm sure Amy could have been a model, she's just plain stunning, and she just loves playing boys, as she calls it

I quickly let myself in the bathroom to put some make-up. Not much. None of us four would have much. Just some blush on my cheeks to get some colour, eye-liner to really make my eyes stand out, and a hint of gloss on my lips to make them look wet. I also brushed my hairs quickly, letting them fall on my back and pocketed a few elastics in case I felt like making a ponytail. I doned one hair-slide on each side to keep my hairs for getting into my face. Jenny always tease me that only little girls wear them but I don't like having my hairs it my face and I don't want to keep putting them behind my ears.


I exited the bathroom quietly, I am always quiet, especially since I am usually barefoot at home, and I was going toward the stairs when I heard what I thought was a muffled moan. It gave me pause and I stopped in the hallway. I heard another, coming from mum's room, even though I could hear mum rummage downstairs. Then suddenly it hit me that Mrs Catto was probably still upstairs and my heart took to beat like crazy.

It's not the first time I have caught Mrs Catto during her antics. I think that's perhaps the reason she took the job in the first place, and sometimes, when returning early in the morning because of an absent teacher or anything, I had caught her red-handed, so to speak. The first time, a few years ago, I think my maths or perhaps my history teacher was absent so I returned home at about 10am instead of lingering at school. As I said I am always quiet, so I let myself in the house. I thought I would be by myself, with mum at work and Jenny at school, so I did not call out when I entered. I just slipped my shoes off, put down my bag in the entrance since I had to go back to school for the afternoon, and walked toward the living room. And there I spotted Mrs Catto, she was in her mid-forties back then. She had her back to me, her skirt was at waist level as she was squatting in the middle of the living room... peeing like a race horse! I just stood there, watching her. I had some women peeing already, my friends and I school certainly were not shy in the changing room, but I had never seen such a gusher. It was really loud and messy, spraying everywhere. When it ended she just stood up casually and let her skirt fall and I backed up quietly. Then I slammed the entrance door and called loudly if anyone was home and I don't think she ever know I had witnessed her as when I got into the living room again she had the mop out and just smiled at me.

It was a secret thrill to catch her in the act for me. I mean she had to be somewhat special herself for putting up with the lot of us, but she was the cleaning woman... and she was of Hispanic ascent too and she had a really dark and wiry bush down there! I don't like hairs much down there, mum has always shaved, only letting a little tuft, very closely trimmed, to mark her as a woman and not a little girl as she said, and she taught Jenny and I how to keep ourselves tidy as soon as we needed it. Therefore seeing a woman completely unkept was a little treat. Not that I am into women or anything, it's just... exotic!

I padded to the door of mum's bedroom and put my ear to the door. I could definitely hear some noise but I didn't know if it was over or not. With my blood pounding to my ears I slowly played the handle to open the door just a crack. I peered into the bedroom and I first I could only see a small part of it so I had to open it a little more. I kept telling to myself that it was okay I could just pretend that I was looking for something, but who would open a door ever so slowly when actually intending to get it open ? I noticed a dark shape on the floor, and soon recognized her long skirt in a heap. My mouth dried instantly, but I suddenly felt I was getting very moist down there. And finally the bed came into view thanks to the wall high mirrors on the closet doors.

Mrs Catto was sitting in the middle of the bed, with her back to the door and her feet toward the head of the bed. She had her legs opened wide and was leaning backward supported by her left arm. Her blouse was opened and her bra a bit down, I could see her breasts sticking out and my breath caught in my throat. I had never seen so much of her before. And I had certainly not caught her in such an embarrassing position either. My eyes darted down, looking for a right hand, caught between her legs. Given its fast move there was little doubt about her occupation. She was furiously frigging herself on my mum's bed! I felt a bit of wetness on my left thigh but I could not keep my eyes off the spectacle before me.

She was trying to keep her mouth shut, but even so it was evident she was closing orgasm. Her hand was a blur and I could hear the wet slaps and guessed she was doing her clit real good. Her breathing was increasing and she was moving her bum back and forth on the sheets, her head finally leaning backward. Finally her whole body tensed and I knew the orgasm had hit her. She let a much louder moan out, her hand still stroking for all she was worth. And she squirted. I had heard about it, but nothing could prepare me to the side. A thick jet of clear liquid erupted from between her legs and splattered on the pillows. A second jet followed and struck the bed headset at about mid high, then slowly dripping and smearing the headset as it got down. A third jet followed, much shorter, I only caught a glimpse of it above her leg. And she collapsed backward, breathing loudly.

My mind was still reeling with what I had just witnessed. I could not even think of getting away even though the show had ended. Or so I thought. I suddenly hear a hiss and as I stared in the mirror, I saw Mrs Catto pull on her mound with her right hand and a thick spurt of yellowish liquid erupted from her bush like a fountain and then fell down between her legs. Another spurt followed, a little stronger, then another and another, slowly progressing toward the pillows. I could hear a groan and she must have pushed for suddenly it became massive. She pulled more on her mound and it went higher, falling shorter at about her knee. A golden fountain. She played with it a bit, moving it back and forth and right and left with her hand and I stared transfixed. Finally she brought both her hands to her nipples and pinched them hard and I saw her body tensed once more as the flow subsided. She had just soaked mum's sheets under my very eyes and she was getting off of it!

Coming to my senses, I slowly closed the door so as not to make any noise that would give me away now. I was not sure how I could ever face again after that. I realised my right hand was a bit wet and that I must have touched myself during the show. And then I heard a soft patter. Whirling on my heels I saw Jenny, her back to the wall, some faded jeans at her knees. The wall was dripping and I realised she had once again been naughty and taken advantage of her backward stream to make it quiet... even though mum had make it clear that walls without tiles were off-limits because it could leave stains. She grinned broadly at me and I was a bit too self-conscious to tell her anything. She just stood up, shake her bum a bit, then wriggled to get back into the jeans.

She told me mum must have had an accident tonight for Mrs Catto always took much longer in her bedroom the morning after. I flushed brightly red, and then she said Amy had arrived and mum had been calling for me twice already before sending her to fetch me. I nodded distractly as my brain slowly digested the information, and off we were.

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4 - Model Houses visit

Dear diary, sorry that I let you down before finishing, but surely you'll excuse me as I had to tend to myself a bit.

When Jenny and I got downstairs, Amy and mum were chatting in the doorway, already ready to go. Mum sigh when she caught sight of me and we got into the car. En route for the model houses.

Well, I did not expected much for the model houses, but cinema and shopping as a reward was pretty enticing. Plus with Amy along I would not got bored. She was very funny to be with. Today she was wearing a white blouse with a black bra which showed a bit through the mesh. Not that it need to show much since she had left a few buttons undone at the top to attract attention to her cleavage. I caught myself sighing once more at the sight of her bosom, I sure long for such a fine one. She was wearing a loose dark brown skirt that went down to mid-calve, definitely one of the more conservative skirts I had seen her wearing. And of course she had heels on.

By contrast mum was much more outrageous, though she definitely had something to show off. She a tight fitting red t-shirt, probably without bra underneath given the way her boobs pressed against the fabric, straining the neck. She also had a white skirt, very fitting at the bum but quickly loosening, it went down to her knees. And of course I'd bet she had nothing underneath either.

Finally there was Jenny. Her faded jeans were hugging her bum very nicely and she had on a tight tank top that showed off both her shoulders and cleavage. It also stopped short of her navel so that she could expose her piercing. I remember mum had been quite mad when she came back home with it a year ago, but Jenny had aptly pointed out that the teachers would never know since she never exposed her tummy at school and she had pleaded and begged and as always mum relented, her being her little baby.


Finally we reached the model houses site. There was perhaps ten or twelve of them, all very different but very close together too, it made for a strange view. As if a mad architect had been at work, and perhaps it was the case. Of course, with mum and Amy on the hunt they soon had cornered an agent to lead our way. I noticed an older couple and the lady looked slightly peeved that we got an agent to show us when she had obviously been here for a longer time. I guessed she would have been even more upset if she had known that mum had no intention of building anything and was just here to get some ideas of the latest fashions for some refitting at home... her husband was not upset at all, though it seems his eyes were popping out of his skull. She quickly caught it thought, and dragged him toward the other side of the site. "Men have no will" as mum often puts it.

And so began our visit, and then another, and another. Sure there was some pretty interesting ideas, I noticed a very intelligent way of getting something close to a dressing room from a classical closet and wondered if I could talked mum into having something similar in my own bedroom. It would feel nice I think. Mum and Amy were calmly fighting for the agent's attention, all the while looking and poking around, and Jenny and I tread in their wake, trying to get some ideas for our own little domain as mum called our bedrooms.


And of course Jenny misbehaved again. It was at the third house I think, or perhaps the fourth. Anyway we were on our way out, in the hallway, and there was a kind of bend in the hallway that created a corner, probably because of a closet in the room behind. Mum and Amy were perhaps ten feet away with the agent. The agent had his back to us two as he explained them something about the window or the stores, mum seemed genuinely interested and he certainly made the most of the opportunity to get a few peeks at her cleavage. Amy seemed interested too, and was mostly with her back at us, but not totally.

Jenny and I were walking toward them, having lagged behind in one of the bedroom. She was a bit ahead of me and suddenly stopped when she noticed the agitated discussion that was going on in front of us, then she turned toward me with a mischievous grin on her face. I quickly frowned and mouthed something like "What are you thinking of?" but she could not have cared less. She quickly backed away in the corner, just slightly out of sight of the three adults, and began fiddling with her jeans. I hissed at her but she looked up and grinned even more then wriggled out of her jeans, getting a red thong down in the process. I quickly looked at the adults who seems quite engaged in their discussion and whispered her not to, but once she's got an idea her mind, there's no stopping it, especially when it's daring.

She got her jeans and thong to mid-thigh, then leant forward, her head becoming visible if mum or Amy were to look back, the agent of course was too occupied with them for that. She really pushed her bum in the corner, and I quickly heard the unmistakable sound of a girl in need getting some relief. To her credit it was very quiet indeed, no hissing and with her backward stream and her position her stream was hitting the wall and then slowly dripping toward to the tiled floor. It was daring, very. Mum would be mad at her if she ever noticed and Amy could notice too. And Jenny was definitely too old now for getting away with it like she would have as a toddler or even a little girl when she just squatted anywhere and people would just pity her.

My eyes kept going from her to mum and Amy and back. I wished she would hurry and we could get out of here. Already there was a massive puddle at her feet and I knew I should never have let her have her soda in the car. I noticed she was a bit tense, the little minx was probably extremely thrilled by her own naughtiness and the risk she was taking. I looked pleadingly at her, my mouth moving without emitting any sound. She had not stopped grinning from the beginning. Finally I could not hear anything more and I hoped my answers had been exhausted and she had finished without us getting caught.

She shook her bum a bit and stood up slowly. She cast a glance in the direction of mum and Amy, her feet in her puddle, and turned to me grinning. She still had her jeans and thong at mid-thigh though so I gestured for her to hurry up. She took another glance and then to my utter dismay she jumped in the middle of the hallway, facing me, baring her bum to the adults. I quickly looked above her shoulders and thankfully they were all facing back from us. I heard her whisper, asking for a tissue and I rummaged as discreetly as possible in my purse looking for a disposable one. I found one and passed it to her. She slowly unfolded then refolded it, and set to dry herself in the middle of the hallway, beginning at her little red haired tuft and pushing toward her rear. She then handed me the tissue and I backed away, she grinned and just tossed it into the puddle she had left. I stared at the puddle and remarked that it was slowly making its way toward the middle of the hallway, the floor perhaps not being perfectly level. Taking a look at the corner I noticed that there were still rivulets of yellow pee making their way downwards and hoped for them they had been clever enough to use a washable paint or there would be a very evident stain.

I looked up in time to see that Jenny was once again all prim and proper and had started to walk toward mum. I quickly followed taking care not to step into the puddle and fortunately we left quickly afterwards, the agent leading us toward yet another house.


I must admit that I am not clear of charges either. It's not totally my fault though. First off Jenny's display memories did nothing to help with my need. And then the fact that the houses were wired but had their water cut off certainly did not help. The agent said that they had had issues before with people using the shower or toilets and some not even bothering to shut the water off when done and so they resorted to cut it off and now only the cleaning staff could turn it on when they had need of it. Well, no toilet is really stupid in my opinion.

It happened two or three houses after Jenny's naughty deed. I was beginning to become fidgety and I am sure Jenny noticed but she did not say anything. I had scalded her for her behaviour as much as I could as soon as we get into the next house and I suppose she was enjoying seeing me in that condition, knowing I would have to resort to a similar trick if I wanted to avoid an accident. And I certainly did not want an accident, I always could pull it up since I had been a child and I was not about to be caught short now that I was nearly in college.

However I did not have Jenny's nerves. I never had. She was just so brazen and sometimes I envied her that on top of her curves. And so I began looking for some private place I could use. I wanted something private, quiet, and possibly which would not leave too much evidence and be evident to clean up. I first thought of the sink or bathtub, but without water to rinse it would leave tell tale traces, and of course there was the risk that someone would hear the patter depending on the material. I did not want to chance it. If only there was some carpeted floor, but of course with the house being on demo and many people walking in from the outside it would be a hell to clean I guess, so the floors were either tile or wooden, and it didn't muffled the sound as much, nor would it prevent the puddle to spread and I was sure I would be leaving a good one given my increasing need. And it's not as if I could spray a wall like Jenny had, of course it was nasty too, but even had I wanted, my stream has never been backward nor forward, well just a bit forward.

I was thinking of perhaps waiting for the next house when Jenny and I got left behind once again in an upstairs bedroom, the three adults going back downstairs. We looked at the room for a little while, no walking closet there, it was one of the smaller houses, but it was nicely set up, with a clever arrangement of shelves on the walls which gave some good space. Of course I was not really looking at the shelves, my eyes were darting back and forth trying to find something that could help me get some relief. The chair was all wood, the paper bin was a plastic one with many little holes that just would never do... there was just nothing here that could help me. Jenny finally moved toward the door, she looked at me and I just pretended I was very interested in some night stand. I am sure I saw a hint of a smile when she left, not completely closing the door... it would have looked suspicious anyway.

Well here I was, in the middle of a small bedroom. I was direly in need to go and I finally had some privacy. Unfortunately I did not see anyway to pull it off. That is until I noticed the bed. It came somewhat as a shock. As you know I am no bedwetter, I don't think Jenny is, not that I asked her but she does not have so many spare sheets, not like mum. No Jenny and I usually get out of bed and use either the carpet or one of the fluffy bathroom rug mum buys especially for this occasion, nice with their plastified bottom, and really absorbent, and easy to wash... and cheap enough to be replaced often. The carpet is for treats, in a way, when we really want to indulge ourselves. I suppose it was a sign of my really full bladder that I could consider the bed at all.

I considered it quickly. It would take care of the noise all right and if I removed the quilt it would be very discreet too. But I was a bit phased by the potential for damages. I mean, at home we have a plastic sheet just in case we have an accident, but who would put a plastic sheet on a demo bed that nobody's supposed to use? I quickly got to the bed and lifted the quilt a bit. Well it certainly was a demo bed! The quilt laid directly on the mattress, no sheet here. It gave me pause, but then my bladder contracted and I glanced around the room but did not have any other idea... so I threw the quilt back uncovering a good chunk of the mattress, then sat myself in the middle of the bed, lifting my skirt out of the way.

It felt good to have my bare lips against the mattress. The mattress was very soft and it sunk where I sat and I wriggled a bit, feeling its smoothness on my bare bottom. It sure had not seen much use. That thought almost stopped me, but I was already committed. It was very lucky of me to be given some time alone... and then, well to you I'll tell, I must admit I felt very naughty for what I was about to do. Deliciously naughty. Wickedly naughty.

It began as a dribble. I had my lips stuck to the mattress and I just peered from above. The mattress soaked it up easily enough but I still see a bit of a stain forming. I let a little more out, slowly. I wanted the mattress to soak it up. Little by little the stain extended, until it came in contact with my thighs. Eww. I certainly did not want that. I scouted to the side a bit, clearing my little stain, and set about it again. I let just a small dribble, the mattress soaked it up, let a small dribble, let it soak... but once again the stain extended to my thighs and so I scouted forward this time, getting closer to the edge. I began again. It felt good, I was going to cover the whole mattress with little stains and it thrilled me somehow.

I was just beginning my fourth stain, when I suddenly hear the stairs creaking. I paused. Someone was coming back for me! I had not even emptied a quarter of what I had! Quickly I lifted my bum from the bed then, high-hovering over it I pushed as much as I could. The stream suddenly increased, my bladder probably relieved that I had stopped teasing it. A thick stream started to fall from my bum to the mattress bellow. At first it absorbed it a bit, but it was too quick for it to soak it up. I was still hearing steps up the stairs and suddenly my stream began to patter. A small puddle of liquid had formed and my stream was falling right into it making what seems to be a very loud sound in that quiet bedroom! I awkwardly shuffled sideways until I got my stream to fall on a fresh piece of mattress. I was pushing for all I was worth now, very desperate to finish before whoever it was reach the room!

Finally the stream subsided somewhat, and I let two or three more squirts out. I got up, letting my skirt fall. Turning round I looked at the mattress. It was completely ruined. Three little stains and one massive one still glistening. I heard the steps reaching the top of the stairs and moved quickly. I reached for the quilt and quickly thrown it back on the bed, straightening it in a hurry. I heard the steps reach the door of the bedroom and quickly turned my back to the door, very red-faced, and set to look at the night stand. Jenny passed her head by the door and told me we were going. I let out a hum, I could feel some droplets dribbling along my thighs and wished she'd not notice.

Thankfully she did not seem to and went back downstairs. As soon as she had left the bedroom I grabbed the first fluffy thing around, which happened to be a very nice and rose teddy bear, and used it to dry myself. I briefly thought back to my first orgasm, it had been humping a little brown teddy bear, and quite frankly soaking it too. I strained a little and forced a last spurt on the teddy bear, then threw it over the bed and got down. We left this house soon after, en route to the next. Jenny looked at me smiling and told me I must have really loved that night stand, I could not help but smile back.


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In the next house I really wondered at mum's staying power. I mean with this weak bladder of her she usually can't hold it for more than an hour, and it had been two hours and a half. It's not like she bothered much about it. She certainly was not very ladylike in that, and would always find somewhere to discreetly take care of her need. But given that the agent never left her or Amy's side I was thinking she would soon have an accident, even though she show no sign of needing a wee. Another of her advise: never look like you're in need and you'll get away with almost anything. It's unfortunate Jenny took it at heart to always push the limits of this almost bit.

I was very intrigued and as such I did not lingered too much this time. Of course it meant letting Jenny by herself, but I did not thought she would misbehave, she much preferred an audience, and it was just unfortunate that I often became her unwilling accomplice. I also knew she and her school friends were really wicked about it, even more than the girls of the swimming team who certainly practised a lot both in the changing room and on the bleachers around the pool...

I was still trying to understand how mum could hold it so long when I suddenly noticed that she had distanced herself from the agent and Amy. Amy was pointing to some furniture and asking questions about it I did not hear real well, and mum had distanced herself a bit, looking to a plant. She then distanced herself a bit more, rounding the corner of the sofa, a nice one too orange and red, made of what seem to be a very soft material. She then put her handbag on the top of the back of the sofa, you know the really big black leather one. She cast a glance toward the agent, lost in Amy's cleavage, and then her right hand quickly darted downward and I froze in the doorway. She was sideways to me and I saw her pull her skirt up and thrust her pelvic mound forward, sticking it against the back of the plush sofa. It blocked her skirt too and she slowly began to rummage in her bag with both hands.

I was mortified. If Jenny had been blatant before, this was just insane. The only cover was a sofa and the agent was not ten feet away! I could not hear a thing of course, but it took little imagination to understand what was going on. Mum looked utterly unconcerned, with a completely bland look on her face as she kept rummaging slowly in her purse. I looked downward and I finally saw some rivulets falling from the back of the sofa to the floor under it. It began pooling. I supposed I must have moved or something, for suddenly mum's head shot upward and she looked at me. It was not the first time I caught her, hell she sometimes used either Jenny or I for cover or even distraction, something that thankfully Jenny was always very fond of providing. She just looked at me, and shot me a beautiful apologetic smile with a small shrug of her shoulders. She was still dribbling.

I felt some movement on my side and Jenny appeared, she looked at mum and gestured as if she was cheering her up. Mum rolled her eyes. The puddle was still spreading. It was not that big, of course since mum had a weak bladder she left small puddles, which only added to her stock of excuses of course. And then the sofa was somewhat plushy so I guess it would absorb a bit too. I saw mum's feet step back and I sighed a bit, relieved that she was done and the agent had not yelled at her yet. If he ever caught her, would he think of going back through all the houses we had visited ?

I felt Jenny tensed at my side and shook out of my reverie, looking back at mum. My eyes must have popped out by an inch or so. She had stepped back a feet and turned slightly toward us... but she was holding her skirt bunched up, her shaved pussy on display for us to see, her left hand balancing her handbag on the sofa. She looked at us grinning, thrust her pelvic mound forward and then squirted two strong jets of pee on a fresh patch of the sofa. Jenny stifled a laugh and mum let her skirt drop walking toward us nonchalantly as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Not that it really was out of the ordinary for her to be peeing in unusual places, but she didn't usually flaunted it either.

As mum joined us I realized I had been staring at the back of the sofa. I startled a bit. Then she led us back to the agent and Amy, and I wondered if I caught a smile on Amy's face as she did. She set to capture the agent's attention right away of course, by brushing her chest against his arm while leaning toward the subject of their discussion. He stiffened a bit, and I wondered if he stiffened down there too... well the poor was probably rock hard by now. I pitied him somehow.

We got out of this house and mum declared she had seen everything she wanted to and said it was time if we did not want to miss the show. I somehow wondered if Amy had remarked our manège and if she had peed yet...

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5 - Starbucks

We traipsed toward the mall and went inside to the cinema complex. Unfortunately, even though we were there in time all the tickets had been sold out for this show. Jenny pouted and mum sighed. Amy giggled like a younger girl and proposed another film: some Z thing with zombies and bad special effects. Still a bit dejected I didn't opposed. Mum smiled and said it would remind her of her youth. Amy rolled her eyes at me and I stifled a laugh. We bought the tickets and since the show didn't begin before a good forty minutes, we decided to treat ourselves to a treat at Starbucks.

There weren't many people in the Starbucks, so we were able to claim four armchairs and slouch ourselves. I sat myself near the wall, beside mum and facing Jenny who ended in the corner. We dug in our assortment of cakes and cookies while sipping our coffees. I had a latte myself. Since we had some time we began planning our shopping session afterwards. There was a few shops mum wanted to go to, and Jenny and I convinced her we could be trusted to go to some shops on our own, thanks to Amy. I think mum feared a bit that I would not be able to control Jenny, but I seriously doubt that anyone could anyway. And mum was keen to have some time to herself to hang around with her friend I guess.

I relaxed and slowly drifted away, eyes unfocused. The discussion was still going on around me, but I didn't really get the meaning now, slowly sipping my latte.

Suddenly I startled. I realized I had been out for a few minutes, though I would be hard pressed to say how many. Amy and mum were very engaged in a discussion of their own and neither ever paid any attention to me as I came back to my senses. I dabbed at my eye slowly and looked toward Jenny. She winked at me and I smiled good naturedly, obviously she had seen me drifting. Suddenly Jenny whipped her head sharply toward the entrance and I turned too, trying to get a look at what attracted her attention. There were a few people milling about but I couldn't see anything worth. Still I was a bit bleary-eyed so I took some time to encompass the whole room while shaking sleep out of me.

Finally I turned toward Jenny, intent on asking her what she had seen, but a look at her face and I froze. She had this gleaming in her eyes that told me she was up to no good. My blood suddenly pumped faster and I was fully awakened in a second. I quickly darted my eyes back toward the counter and the other customers, but no one was even looking at us. I looked at Jenny. She was very much intent on being naughty. She slowly pulled her coat over her lap, surely to help disguise her activity...

My mind was in overdrive. Surely she would not do anything here. I knew she was daring. Hell she always had been and her slash during the visit had been all but discreet even though she got away with it. Certainly it was enough even for the little minx. I was afraid of us getting caught by another customer, or worse the staff, and getting thrown out and embarrassed in front of the mall crowd. But worse of all I was afraid of Amy's reaction. Up until now I had no idea of her own feelings toward this subject. I knew she was mum's friend but mum was always very careful and I think Amy might not know about her little secret.

I was still pondering all this when Jenny acted. Under the cover of the coat in her lap she had undone the button and zipper of her jeans. Now she backed herself away on the seat, toward the wall. But the jeans didn't move, stayed by her hands, and so ever so slowly I could see her bum coming into view. Finally she stopped when her hip touched the wall, I could see the top of her thigh and half her bum was hanging over the carpet. The moment had arrived, I cast a glance at Amy, oblivious and still firmly engaged in her discussion with mum; I addressed a silent prayer to whatever god was listening; I cast my best puppy look at Jenny, whose smile grew larger.

Even though I had expected it, I winced when she began. I saw a few drops falling to the carpet. I inhaled sharply and braced myself, unable to take my eyes away. The few drops quickly began a small trickle. It pattered lightly on the fabric on the side of the armchair, before dripping to the floor. The plush carpet quickly soaked it up, and for a moment I foolishly hoped it would not show. Of course it was not to be. As the flow increased, ever so slowly, the fabric of the armchair darkened subtly and a wet puddle formed on the carpet. There was still not a sound, or perhaps it was drowned by the music, some natural sounds ambiance melody: "Rain in Amazonia".

Jenny was now going full flow, half her stream was pattering against the side of the armchair while the other half directly went to the floor. The puddle was increasing ever so slowly, and it was already glistening with her pee. I was becoming frantic. There was no way Amy would not notice, yet still she carried her conversation with mum, seemingly unaware. Jenny was breathing rapidly and I am sure she was getting off right there and then. Finally the stream subsided a little, then it just ended. Jenny pushed herself from the wall and slowly got back in her jeans, always under the cover of her coat. I suppose she grounded herself on the armchair to dry herself. I suddenly realized I had been holding my breath, and I didn't know when I had stopped breathing. I exhaled slowly. Jenny was back in her jeans, no one had noticed it seems, and I suddenly aware that I was probably very red.

I felt mum moved at my side, and she stood up, then looked at Jenny: "If you're finished there, we'd better go to our show, I would not want to miss it once again".

I tensed, suddenly realizing that mum knew what had happened. I looked sharply at Amy, but she was collecting her coat and bag. Of course mum was much better at noticing such things, having much experience herself, still if Amy had remarked I would die of embarrassment. Of course Jenny acted every bit as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened, which thinking back on it was perhaps the case, it was not that extraordinary for Jenny...

Finally we were ready to go, and I quickly followed mum, eager to get out before anyone came checking on our table. Mum and Amy had wisely gathered the cups and stuff, so that no employee would have any reason to get here before we were way out of the door. Shamed as I was from the behaviour of Jenny, I sincerely wished to get away with it. I had barely began walking that Jenny tugged at my sleeve from behind. I looked behind and she whispered in my ear: "Sorry I couldn't help it".

I rolled my eyes at her and she gave a quick jerk of her head toward the table we had abandoned. I followed her gaze and gawked. Amy's seat was soaking and glistening, a bit wet puddle nestled in the crook of the seat. I was completely dumbfounded, eyes wide open. Jenny pushed me, startling me out of my trance. She giggled lightly and kept pushing me as we walked toward the door where Amy and mum were waiting for us, carrying their conversation as if anything was normal. Well, I suppose it figured why Amy played as if she had not remarked anything...

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6 - Reminiscence

As we made our way to the cinema, I suddenly remembered a very similar scene from the past. My first sighting of mum being very naughty.

Jenny had had to get her vaccination, as all children do when they are young, and so mum booked an appointment with the family doctor. Because of her own timetable she could only book it late in the day. She came to fetch us after our swimming lessons and drove directly to the doctor's office, where we went to the waiting room. We had the last appointment of the day, but as usual the doctor was late and three persons were still waiting when we arrived. We settled in the waiting room, mum grabbing one of the big armchair in the corner for herself, Jenny and I kneeling at the small table covered with children magazines.

Time passed slowly, but there were so many magazines it mattered little to us. The old lady left first, followed by the youth. Mum sighed when he left, I suppose she expected the forty something woman had been his mother and would go with him, but she didn't. Finally it was the woman turn, which meant we were next. But time had passed...

Jenny was the first to speak: "Mum, I need potty!"

I sneered a bit at her. I knew better than to speak so plainly, I knew a woman would say something about powdering her nose or such, but Jenny was still little and never bothered with elegance. I felt smug and superior, even though I quickly realized I would need to go to the toilets too, and soon.

Mum replied: "You know there is no toilet here darling. I am sorry but you will have to wait until we go to the car okay ? Didn't you peepee at the pool ?"

"We did!" I replied smugly, patting myself on the back as I did not forget to make Jenny go potty beside the bench in the changing room, and went right after her, before we changed and joined mum outside.

Mum smiled at me: "Good girl."

But Jenny began to put her hand at her crotch and mum quickly assessed she would never be able to hold it. Perhaps she even thought that she could wet herself when the doctor used the syringe on her. I knew I would, I never liked this thing, even though I had enough morbid curiosity in me to watch intently as he used it on Jenny. Mum sighed heavily, then took Jenny in her arms, she acted quickly, removing her skirt and panties, and then set her in the corner, hidden from the room by the big armchair in which she had settled upon arriving. "Go ahead darling, it's okay here"

Jenny's head barely popped from behind the armchair, but the look of relief on her face left little doubt at what was happening. And if it had, the light pattering sound would have chased it away. Jenny finished and stood proudly, shaking herself. Mum smiled, then she took a tissue from her bag and wiped her, putting the tissue in her pocket. Mum then quickly put Jenny's clothings back on her and ushered her toward the small table. I wriggled a bit and look at her expectantly.

Mum must have sensed my distress as she looked at me. She sighed a bit then waved her hand at me and I came gingerly to her. She removed my skirt and panties too, then heaved me into the corner and set me atop Jenny's puddle, still glistening on the carpet. I squatted, but I could not go. Mum was very kind to me, she didn't yelled or anything, just kept talking to me and encouraging me. Finally I felt a squirt escape and before I knew it I was adding my own little liquid to the puddle beneath me. Mum smiled and kissed my forehead, all the while murmuring how good a girl I was. When I was done, she heaved me out of the corner, dried me with a fresh tissue that she also folded and put in her pocket, and I myself put my panties and skirt back on then kissed her on the cheek and went to Jenny who was beaming at me.

It wasn't the first time Jenny or I had been caught short, mum always found a way for us to relieve ourselves hidden from view. But apart from the changing room at the swimming pool, or the showers or toilet, it was the first time I saw her.

I don't know to this day what caught my attention. I thought mum would plop back into her armchair, though not being so naive now perhaps I think it was better to de-associate herself from the corner where the puddle lied. Anyway I looked at her, her bag sitting on the armchair, and she caught my gaze. She smiled, then went sharply to the door of the doctor's office. She shushed us girls, then put her ear to the door. Apparently what she heard was satisfactory because she quickly came back to us and lowered herself at our level:

"Well girls, mum has not been to the toilet since she left work now, and you going didn't helped her a bit, so now you be good and you keep quiet for a minute darlings, okay ?"

Jenny and I nodded gravely, even though we had no idea what was about to happen. Mum beamed at us, and did a quick peck on each of our forehead, she rose quickly and went in front of the armchair. Her hands darted under her skirt -- she always wore a skirt, even in the dead of winter -- and reappeared with her own cotton panties that she stuffed in her handbag. She then got in the corner and turned her back to us.

As one, Jenny and I got up and went to the other side of the armchair to see what she was doing, she turned her head to us and smiled putting her finger in front of her lips. She then hunched her skirt in front and her peepee, as I called it back then, came into sight. It was not the first time I was it as she often would take us in the shower with herself to wash us, but as always I was fascinated. It was much like my own or Jenny's apart from a luxurious strip of hairs that went from the top of it to halfway to her navel. I was very envious of it, as if I knew that it was what marked a grown girl from a mere child.

Mum angled herself forward and spread her legs sharply. And suddenly it happened. Her lips parted and a stream of yellowish liquid erupted from her peepee hole and struck the wall in front of her. Mum seemed to concentrate a bit and the stream grew massive. She must have been pushing for all she was worth and it went everywhere, splashing the wall and probably the side of the armchair. From our point of view, a mere foot away, it was simply amazing. Like a fountain. Myriads of droplets flew in every direction, either directly spraying from her peepee hole or from her stream hitting the wall so hard. It was like looking at a waterfall.

Mum must have been bursting, judging by the amount that left her, yet with her unrestrained way of peeing she was done in a matter of seconds. She shook herself a bit, then took a third tissue from her bag and dried herself and her legs. She put the third tissue with the two others and got out of the corner.

"End of the show girls, go back to the magazines", she chuckled.

We went back to them, and she took her panties from her handbag. Then we heard the noise of a door banging shut and her face went white. She quickly stuffed the panties back in her handbag and leapt through the room, sitting herself in the seat closest to the door. She schooled herself, inhaled and exhaled slowly, eyes closed. Then she picked up a nearby magazine and had barely opened it when the door opened. And we entered the unsuspecting doctor's office.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Awesome stories, Daemoniak. Been very busy in recent days so only just noticed these.

Have made a minor edit in regards to age references so that Mary is 20 and her younger sister is 18. I don't think this in any way takes anything away from the awesomeness of these stories. I hope you don't mind.

And I seriously hope that you add more installments to Mary's diary.

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  • 1 year later...

By now I have red these stories many times, both here and on PS, and they never fail to entertain me. Probably my favourite naughty peeing series ever! Especially love chapter 4 and 5. Still hoping for another update someday :)

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Oh! Well, I enjoyed the video you posted on eroprofile of this brunette peeing in the furniture shop so I suppose we do share one common fetish here :)

I had some ideas for pursuing the serie, but never managed to flesh them out unfortunately. It's been a couple years since inspiration last took hold of me now :/

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