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Wow, great spot.

I have a theory that if you are interested in spotting girls squatting, or naughty peeing in general, you are more likely to notice when someone is doing something interesting, you sort of spot the signs. I have seen loads over the years, not just peeing, where I am sure no one else took any notice at all.

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An enjoyable sighting I'm sure. Been a while since I last "spotted" a girl in action. Long overdue for my next sighting. :)

You don't fancy travelling to Plymouth to provide me with one, do you Sally? :laugh:

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  • 3 weeks later...
For girls who like squatting, France is a good place to go. While they are not as common as they used to be, there are still quite a few 'Toilettes à Turq" around

I went into a mixed sex toilet in a france once, (squat hole in the ground type) and to my surprise there was a guy on his hands and knees in the middle of the floor, peering under one of the doors. He looked really guilty and jumped to his feet. I didn't say anything, just went into a cubicle for a pee. When I came out he was standing with a girl who had come out of a cubicle, and another very attractive looking woman was joining them from the trap he had been looking under. He looked at me and his eyes and expression were pleading with me not to say anything. He needn't have worried, I just winked at him and went on my way. He was lucky it was me that caught him though, I think it was a bit of a daft thing to do considering he didn't know who was going to walk in at anytime. I guess he was just desperate to watch that pretty woman's pussy peeing. Hope he enjoyed it. I felt quite envious.

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  • 3 weeks later...

France is great for roadside pissing, lots of rest areas with few toilets. I remember passing through France when I was about 16 and my family stopped in a rest area. I ended up having to go for a pee and the hedge was littered with disguarded tissue. Whilst I was going women in a constant flow seemed to be edging into the trees to piss

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France is great for roadside pissing, lots of rest areas with few toilets. I remember passing through France when I was about 16 and my family stopped in a rest area. I ended up having to go for a pee and the hedge was littered with disguarded tissue. Whilst I was going women in a constant flow seemed to be edging into the trees to piss

Wow whereabouts in France was that. I motor a lot around France but usually on the Motorways where there are loads of rest areas, all with toilets! Sometimes the girls can't be bothered to walk to the toilets, and just go in the bushes, but usually they use the toilets. Perhaps there are too many guys waiting in the bushes!!

Guess to find what you did, really need to be in rest places on the quieter N roads.

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