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How much do you urinate?

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Hello everyone,
I hope you are all doing well?
I’m here to share an experience and also get some feedback.
I’ve always enjoyed peeing, but lately, my bladder has become lazy, and I’ve been having trouble urinating. Sometimes, I even need to use a catheter to empty my bladder myself. I don’t always feel the urge to go, and we don’t know why. I only feel the need to urinate when I reach about 3 deciliters.
When I do manage to urinate, I pee about 3 or 4 deciliters.

Would any of you be willing to share your experience and measure the volume of your urine when you go? That would be helpful for me.
I’d like to get back to being natural and regain my normal urges.

Thank you to those who are willing to help.

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24 minutes ago, Wak-ket said:

Hello everyone,
I hope you are all doing well?
I’m here to share an experience and also get some feedback.
I’ve always enjoyed peeing, but lately, my bladder has become lazy, and I’ve been having trouble urinating. Sometimes, I even need to use a catheter to empty my bladder myself. I don’t always feel the urge to go, and we don’t know why. I only feel the need to urinate when I reach about 3 deciliters.
When I do manage to urinate, I pee about 3 or 4 deciliters.

Would any of you be willing to share your experience and measure the volume of your urine when you go? That would be helpful for me.
I’d like to get back to being natural and regain my normal urges.

Thank you to those who are willing to help.

Aw, I am truly sorry to hear about what you're going through. Just last week, I had a really bad UTI and had to be on antibiotics for a whole week. I really do feel much better and now actually get up to pee when I get the urge. I want to say I urinate for at least 8 or more trips to the bathroom. I drink plenty of water during the day and sometimes drink regular soda. Although I think I am doing good with limiting them to one or two a day now.

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Hi @Wak-ket and welcome on this forum!

For my part, I tend to feel the urge every two to six hours, depending on my activity and hydration. Sometimes more often, which is somewhat embarrassing. Usually, I feel the urge at around 300ml, so that is in line with your numbers. Maximum bladder volume is much more, I've measured more than a liter. Which is also normal - the literature says that you feel the urge first when your bladder is 1/3 to 1/2 full, so that alines with my personal experience.

I wouldn't panic in your place if you don't feel the urge before 300ml. Try to stay well hydrated though - I know it can be tempting to reduce hydration if peeing gets difficult, but there are negative consequences if you're not well hydrated. In my example, if I'm peeing about five times a day 300ml, plus the first morning pee, that would be around 1.5l to 2.0l per day. How much do you measure per day?

Take care!

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2 hours ago, Wak-ket said:

Hello everyone,
I hope you are all doing well?
I’m here to share an experience and also get some feedback.
I’ve always enjoyed peeing, but lately, my bladder has become lazy, and I’ve been having trouble urinating. Sometimes, I even need to use a catheter to empty my bladder myself. I don’t always feel the urge to go, and we don’t know why. I only feel the need to urinate when I reach about 3 deciliters.
When I do manage to urinate, I pee about 3 or 4 deciliters.

Would any of you be willing to share your experience and measure the volume of your urine when you go? That would be helpful for me.
I’d like to get back to being natural and regain my normal urges.

Thank you to those who are willing to help.

Your profile doesn't say if you are male or female or your age.

If you are an older male, I would immediately think prostate issues. If you are female, then maybe a UTI. If you have to use a catheter to empty, that sounds serious.

Either way, a consult with a health provider is likely in order, so it doesn't get worse.

300-400 ml seems like a normal pee volume. I normally pee 500-600 ml, but I am feeling rather full, but not desperate, by then.


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32 minutes ago, DoctorDoctor said:

Votre profil n'indique pas si vous êtes un homme ou une femme ni votre âge.

Si vous êtes un homme plus âgé, je penserais immédiatement à des problèmes de prostate. Si vous êtes une femme, alors peut-être à une infection urinaire. Si vous devez utiliser un cathéter pour vider vos selles, cela semble grave.

Quoi qu'il en soit, une consultation auprès d'un professionnel de la santé est probablement nécessaire, afin que la situation ne s'aggrave pas.

300 à 400 ml semblent être un volume d'urine normal. Normalement, j'urine entre 500 et 600 ml, mais je me sens plutôt rassasiée, mais pas désespérée, à ce moment-là.


Thank you for your feedback. I am a 36-year-old man. I have been experiencing these issues for a year. I don't have an infection, and my prostate is 20 grams and of normal size. I am being followed by several urologists, but none of them share the same clinical opinion. Sometimes I can urinate normally, but other times I cannot.

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1 hour ago, Alpian said:

Salut@Wak-ket et bienvenue sur ce forum !

Pour ma part, j'ai tendance à ressentir le besoin toutes les deux à six heures, selon mon activité et mon hydratation. Parfois plus souvent, ce qui est un peu gênant. En général, je ressens le besoin vers 300 ml, ce qui correspond à vos chiffres. Le volume maximal de la vessie est bien plus élevé, j'ai mesuré plus d'un litre. Ce qui est également normal - la littérature indique que vous ressentez le besoin en premier lorsque votre vessie est au tiers ou à la moitié pleine, ce qui correspond donc à mon expérience personnelle.

Je ne paniquerais pas à ta place si tu n'en ressens pas le besoin avant 300 ml. Essaie de rester bien hydratée cependant - je sais qu'il peut être tentant de réduire l'hydratation si uriner devient difficile, mais il y a des conséquences négatives si tu n'es pas bien hydratée. Dans mon exemple, si je fais pipi environ cinq fois par jour 300 ml, plus le premier pipi du matin, cela ferait environ 1,5 l à 2,0 l par jour. Combien mesurez-vous par jour ?

Prends soin de toi !

Thank you for this detailed information, it is reassuring for me. I urinate 1.5 to 2 liters per day, 5 or 6 times (including catheterization).

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That depends, but I do have to pee very very often. That's because though I drink amounts more than a lot of people, which can lead to pleasure ;). At one time, I guess my bladder capacity is 345ml. When I'm in regular life, I have to pee from 6-9 times combined every day and night because of all the water(at least 6 12oz cups), Zevia(3 or 4 cans), and tea(2 glasses) that I drink. If I'm vacationing, I find myself having to pee around 15 times because I add beer to the water and soda. While I'm on vacation, I probably go to the bathroom in between 50 min- 1 1/2 hours after I just went. 4 to 5 of the 15 trips are at night. 

Edited by lineyoga
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