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Is it okay to listen to your female relatives pee by standing outside the closed bathroom doors at home bathrooms?


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2 hours ago, Dr.P said:

@Bob3322, Yes, that is a good description of the style that was apparently popular, in the 1940's and 1950's, with the additional caveat to bend slightly forward, for the sake of neatness. It seemed to me that it was actually considered "proper" by the ladies, particularly the mom's, of that earlier time, too. My mom trained all three of my younger sisters to use that style, I remember her yelling at one or another of them, "Bend over, so you don't get (the seat, your panties, or your legs) wet."

As you point out, this style was "prim and proper," and also very effective at hiding the action going on, in the toilet, so much so, that some girls and women didn't find it necessary to close the bathroom door, for privacy. My family apparently followed that theory. My aunts and my mom were quite irritated when my grandfather remodeled his house so that he had an unobstructed view of the toilet, from his favorite chair, in the living room, when the bathroom door was open. They buzzed about it for a long time, calling him a dirty old man, etc. Leaving the door open was probably a matter of convenience, so they were not isolated from other activities going on in the house, like kids getting into mischief, while they were taking a brief pee.

The way you describe it is so correct. I would be in the living room hanging with those prim and proper ladies helping with tea and coffee. I would just be waiting for a prim and proper lady to whisper to another and ask where the ladies room was. There were times where my aunt would ask me to escort one of the ladies to the ladies room. My heart was pounding as you can imagine. 

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5 hours ago, Dr.P said:

@Bob3322, Yes, that is a good description of the style that was apparently popular, in the 1940's and 1950's, with the additional caveat to bend slightly forward, for the sake of neatness. It seemed to me that it was actually considered "proper" by the ladies, particularly the mom's, of that earlier time, too. My mom trained all three of my younger sisters to use that style, I remember her yelling at one or another of them, "Bend over, so you don't get (the seat, your panties, or your legs) wet."

As you point out, this style was "prim and proper," and also very effective at hiding the action going on, in the toilet, so much so, that some girls and women didn't find it necessary to close the bathroom door, for privacy. My family apparently followed that theory. My aunts and my mom were quite irritated when my grandfather remodeled his house so that he had an unobstructed view of the toilet, from his favorite chair, in the living room, when the bathroom door was open. They buzzed about it for a long time, calling him a dirty old man, etc. Leaving the door open was probably a matter of convenience, so they were not isolated from other activities going on in the house, like kids getting into mischief, while they were taking a brief pee.

Naughty grandpa lol!

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It never occurred to me to ask whether it's OK.  It's just something I heard, as a kid, when my sister was peeing.  And of course I was curious about what causes that particular hiss.

Decades later, I found out.  My wife & I had gotten into pee-play.  One day, up in the woods, I had found a perfect log with a fork in it for her to sit in, with room underneath for me to watch.  She was aroused, and her lips were open.

I saw the little, small, high-pressure stream come out of her peehole, and then it hit -- something, I think it might have been the underside of her clitoris -- as it turned into the slower, larger stream most of us are used to seeing.  And there was that old hissing noise.

Man, what a turn on.  Hell, I'm getting turned on just writing about it.

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21 hours ago, Bob3322 said:

The way you describe it is so correct. I would be in the living room hanging with those prim and proper ladies helping with tea and coffee. I would just be waiting for a prim and proper lady to whisper to another and ask where the ladies room was. There were times where my aunt would ask me to escort one of the ladies to the ladies room. My heart was pounding as you can imagine.

Thanks. I certainly envy your situation, at that time, when you were actually ordered to escort the ladies to the ladies room! That's just too good to be true, but I don't doubt your word, in the least! I have always wondered why adult women, particularly mothers, are apparently completely unaware of the interest and curiosity their young sons may have concerning female urination. My mother was the same way. She would take me with her into public ladies rooms, when I was under the age of five, but already aware of and intensely interested in how ladies peed. I still see women taking their sons with them into ladies rooms, to this day.

"Naughty grandpa lol!" Yes, but you would never think that, if you met him. He was a tool and die maker, from Germany, who played the violin in a local orchestra, on weekends, outwardly quite prim and proper.

@LetMeWatch, Your youthful experiences were very similar to mine, listening first to my mother, and later to my younger sisters, peeing. The sounds themselves, reading about them, and writing about them, are still huge turn-ons!

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