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Today i had an accident on my way home

Mary Moon

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Sorry to hear you were unable to make it. At least you were able to minimise the situation by going between parked cars for cover and with your clothing too. Shame you have to tell your mother though. I would avoid that when possible if it was me.

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9 hours ago, MRJH22 said:

Sorry to hear you were unable to make it. At least you were able to minimise the situation by going between parked cars for cover and with your clothing too. Shame you have to tell your mother though. I would avoid that when possible if it was me.

It was hard not to tell her, i came back and my legs were wet and my skirt was a little wet too. I deserved the lecture because i am aware of my situation and yet i went out without protection and wasted time, instead of immediately returning home as soon as i felt the need.

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It's a shame that these heat storms have forced those of us with bladder incontinence to be such a situation.  I'm glad you got home and that your mother was a bit understanding.  How long do you expect her to ask about it everytime you have an accident?

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22 hours ago, Mary Moon said:

Disaster this morning, i had a pretty bad accident: i went shopping, unfortunately iI was forced to drink a half-liter bottle of tea because i was feeling sick from the heat. I thought had time to get home because i was running away but it wasn't serious, but on the way back i suddenly became unbearable in desperation, i quickened my pace with the shopping bags, but i couldn't take it any longer hold it and i started to drip without being able to do anything about it (due to my incontinence unfortunately i have very little control in these cases). I got behind a car so i could piss on myself a little more sheltered since i certainly couldn't strip naked there, trying not to get my skirt wet. Thank God i didn't have any pants or leggings today. Luckily no one was passing nearby at the time. Among other things, great embarrassment, at home having to tell mum, but according to her rules i have to tell her when i have an accident, she hates it when i keep it hidden 😩

But were there any pleasant sensations? What if you focused on them?

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33 minutes ago, Jar351 said:

It's a shame that these heat storms have forced those of us with bladder incontinence to be such a situation.  I'm glad you got home and that your mother was a bit understanding.  How long do you expect her to ask about it everytime you have an accident?

Let's say that my accidents no longer make the news, i certainly get some reproaches if i have any that were avoidable. Luckily mum is always understanding, but she wants me to be honest and if i have an accident she will tell her. For certain things she treats me a bit like a child, but in the end i don't mind it, it's certainly a bit embarrassing at times, but i feel pampered

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Just now, Mary Moon said:

Допустим, мои несчастные случаи больше не попадают в новости, и меня наверняка будут упрекать, если таковые можно было бы избежать. К счастью, мама всегда понимает, но она хочет, чтобы я был честен, и если со мной произойдет несчастный случай, она ей расскажет. В некоторых вещах она обращается со мной как с ребенком, но, в конце концов, я не против, временами это, конечно, немного неловко, но я чувствую себя избалованной.

Are options possible in secret from mom?

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14 minutes ago, Эдвард said:

But were there any pleasant sensations? What if you focused on them?

Maybe later when I think about it, but when i have an accident i always feel very embarrassed at that moment, even if i'm almost used to it by now

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1 minute ago, Mary Moon said:

Может быть, позже, когда я об этом подумаю, но когда я попадаю в аварию, мне всегда становится очень неловко в этот момент, даже если я уже почти привыкла к этому.

Understand. But anything is possible. The desire to play pranks will definitely overcome inhibitions. There will be beautiful humidity, but mom won’t notice. The main thing is to choose a convenient time.

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1 minute ago, Эдвард said:

Understand. But anything is possible. The desire to play pranks will definitely overcome inhibitions. There will be beautiful humidity, but mom won’t notice. The main thing is to choose a convenient time.

If you're talking about voluntary wetting, i've done it sometimes. But it's always stressful to hide evidence. Voluntary wetting would make mom angry

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15 hours ago, Mary Moon said:

It was hard not to tell her, i came back and my legs were wet and my skirt was a little wet too. I deserved the lecture because i am aware of my situation and yet i went out without protection and wasted time, instead of immediately returning home as soon as i felt the need.

Well I don’t know if you did deserve a lecture. You had to drink extra because of the heat. You done your best to hold your pee and you took steps to cover yourself as much as is possible when the accident happened.

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13 hours ago, MRJH22 said:

Well I don’t know if you did deserve a lecture. You had to drink extra because of the heat. You done your best to hold your pee and you took steps to cover yourself as much as is possible when the accident happened.

At least after the lecture, there is consolation and a bit of maternal cuddles. Even though i'm 20 years old, part of me doesn't mind feeling pampered and a bit like a child. I know, i'm weird 😅

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3 hours ago, Mary Moon said:

At least after the lecture, there is consolation and a bit of maternal cuddles. Even though i'm 20 years old, part of me doesn't mind feeling pampered and a bit like a child. I know, i'm weird 😅

You're not weird, and you are lucky to have such an understanding mum.

Sounds like she's just looking out for you and although you get the lecture, she's got your best interests at heart 🙂 

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6 hours ago, Mary Moon said:

At least after the lecture, there is consolation and a bit of maternal cuddles. Even though i'm 20 years old, part of me doesn't mind feeling pampered and a bit like a child. I know, i'm weird 😅

No you are not weird for enjoying that at all.

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1 hour ago, Schmitty20 said:

No you’re not weird. Everybody has different needs and wants and different things that make them feel good. I personally don’t think you’re weird for wanting that.

Sometimes i have this desire to regress and become a little girl, because it's something that for some reason makes me feel good.
I talked to my girlfriend about it and she was very understanding, and sometimes we role-play along these lines, especially on weekends.  

Personally, i find these sessions that we do very relaxing and they make me feel very good. Obviously it's something that is very intimate and we don't share it with other people 😄

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