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On 6/2/2024 at 8:48 PM, BadBoy21 said:

Past few weeks, I have been consumed with leaving my mark around my work.  Before, I had only pissed once, and I think I wrote about it, where i pissed in the conference room.  But recently, I have been finding various places around the office where there are no cameras to have a quick piss (it helps that I am IT and I set up the surveillance system so I know the best spots).  Lots of unused storage rooms, I sneak into and I piss in the corner, or spray over some storage.  There are some corridors that have no cameras at or leading to it and I will walk, quickly pull it out and spray a wall real quick and then leave. I have gotten real good at being discrete,  I mean I can be walking down the hall, say hi to a couple co workers, pass by them as I begin pulling out, walk by the wall (or corner or whatever) and spray it down for a couple seconds then I am gone.  God, it hurts to hold it in after you start going.   Sometimes when I have to go so bad and I can't just do a quick spray I just completely let it go, especially the stairwell leading to the parking lot.  The stairwell is my favorite spot, its so easy, and its definitely starting to smell. Probably going to have to stop soon before too many people start to notice, but its so much fun.  

I do love a stairwell, especially when it puddles, love the smell too.

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On 6/5/2024 at 1:24 PM, Lennys_wet_now said:

I do love a stairwell, especially when it puddles, love the smell too.

Yeah man.  I probably gotta stop sooner than later.  Some parts of the office smell more than other parts.  Dude and I must have done it now like atleast 20 times over the past few weeks.  Lol, also it really hurts stopping your pee mid stream, so that's the other reason.  

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/24/2024 at 9:29 AM, K9bro said:

Pissin through a pen in the public bathroom at work. Should I get caught with a pen in my cock



damn bro, that looks painful

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23 hours ago, BadBoy21 said:

I just cant stop.  Still doing my runs round the office, spraying here and there, like a dog.  I've been sneaking into the conference room before their meetings and would hit a corner of the room with some piss.  Some times it was too much pressure I pissed a whole load.  During their meeting I would just pass down the hall, glancing through the window to see them.  Wonder what they are thinking.  All these storage rooms, jeez man I must have pissed in every one of them like a dozen times each.  The stairwell is definitely my masterpiece, stinks to high heaven.  I've heard guys talk about the smell in some parts of the office, saying it smelled like mold and water damage, wondering if the ceiling had a leak or something. I'm the one with the leak.  Lots of rooms now I see they installed air fresheners.  Makes me proud.  I'm like this silent force,  I actually kind of don't mind the smell, maybe because it's mine. Maybe they will get used to it.  God help us if the building loses air conditioning temporarily again like it has done before. 

Nice bro. Piss in the air fresheners lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/22/2024 at 12:30 PM, K9bro said:

May or may not be my coffee at work


You know my friend did this to me once, and I guess the coffee was so strong or maybe he didn't piss all that much but I couldnt taste anything out of the ordinary.  It wasn't until he kept watching me drink it, smiling and holding back laughter that he tells me.  Got him back though.  And he noticed...🤣

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 7/22/2024 at 11:30 AM, K9bro said:

May or may not be my coffee at work


Wouldn't it be ironic if that were my coffee and I saw you do that. I wouldn't say anything. I would let you finish, then walk by you sipping the coffee. You secretly smiling thinking I did not know what was in my coffee, and me secretly smiling because I do know.

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19 hours ago, BadBoy21 said:

I had a fun experience today at work.  So I was in the bathroom taking a dump and then this guy comes into the next stall next to me to take a piss.  Don't know why he didn't use the urinal, whatever.  So he's pissing, whatever, suddenly I no longer hear the echo of piss hitting the water but rather splashing against surface.  Then I see piss forming at the floor, his puddle started spreading to where I was, he splashed my shoe a couple times too.  It happened so fast it surprised me, I said out loud "woah, the fuck".  Then I hear him whisper shit and then the sound of piss hitting the water again.  I guess he was distracted and missed for a few seconds.  God and he still had like 20 more seconds of piss even after all that beforehand.  He then laughs, he must have recognized my voice, he said, "is that Chris", sorry about that. Did I get you?"  This is while he was still pissing in the toilet.  I froze a bit, but decided to go for it.  I said, "dude the place already smells like piss," We both laughed.  "Yeah, I decided to piss here this time, give the carpet a break" he replied.  Fuck! I laughed but all the while I had the biggest hard on ever.  Then he left, and I just stared at the puddle on the floor.  He didn't flush the toilet either, btw.  When I finished, I walked into the next stall and looked at it all.  Damn it reeked too.  You know I never thought that I would find the smell of piss a turn on, but it seems to be the case.  Now we are joking about the fact the office smells like piss.  Just makes me want to piss more.  I wonder if there is a way to open the air fresheners up so I can fill them up.

Loved the story, nice bit of bathroom banter. Did you think that he thought your stall was empty and fancied a bit of stall soaking or was it an accident? Love that he didn't flush or clean up, would have loved to see a picture of how he left it.

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36 minutes ago, petebog2 said:

Loved the story, nice bit of bathroom banter. Did you think that he thought your stall was empty and fancied a bit of stall soaking or was it an accident? Love that he didn't flush or clean up, would have loved to see a picture of how he left it.

I think it was an accident.  He might have been on his phone.  Lots of guys at the urinals are always on their phones. Bunch of phone addicts!  🤣.  Lots of times if someone pisses in the stalls, I've noticed they are almost never flushed.   It's funny because I ran into him today, and we both started laughing again about it.  What can I say,  we're all a bunch of slobs.  

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Probably it was just when you said that you thought it was odd that he didn't use the urinal got me wondering if he wanted to leave his mark as he almost did over you lol

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6 hours ago, Calvin45 said:

Wouldn't it be ironic if that were my coffee and I saw you do that. I wouldn't say anything. I would let you finish, then walk by you sipping the coffee. You secretly smiling thinking I did not know what was in my coffee, and me secretly smiling because I do know.

I'll make it taste better for you

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23 hours ago, petebog2 said:

Probably it was just when you said that you thought it was odd that he didn't use the urinal got me wondering if he wanted to leave his mark as he almost did over you lol

Maybe so.  In all honesty, I really think deep down inside all guys have this urge to piss mark their territory.  Maybe it manifested itself that way, as a distraction, but intentional.  I hope so.  

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Many years ago I worked for a small company (8 employees) and was trusted with keys to the office, so was able to work alone.

One evening I was catching up on some work and needed a pee, but decided to just grab a plastic bin and do it in there whilst sitting at my desk. Hadn't really thought about doing that previously, but I was significantly aroused and ended up depositing more than just urine!

The bin became my normal toilet when on my own. Never peed anywhere else but had several evening sessions drinking a lot, sitting half undressed and, with the bin placed in front of the chair, letting go hands-free whenever I needed to whilst carrying on working.

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23 hours ago, BadBoy21 said:

The saga continues everyone....

So for background, I work in IT with another technician, Cody.  We are bros, we hang out after work, sometimes we go out for drinks.  He is very straight but he's literally everything I could hope for in a guy (well him and my friend Justin who I told you about before in previous posts).  Cody is more of a slob though.  His desk is a mess, he swear he wears the same socks for days (I can tell because when its real slow he will kick his shoes off and rest them on his desk and the color says all), scratches his junk, constantly farting and I have never heard ANYONE belch like this man.  I know it sounds gross but for me it is a turn on.  Its just such manly behavior and he just doesn't even care at all. 

Anyways so Thursday after work, we decide to go out to grab something to eat and have some drinks.  We decide to get hammered because we were both off Friday because they were having the entire building fumigated for bugs.  We do this often.  We ride together, alternating and it was my turn to drive us.  We got pretty drunk and before we get ready to leave the bar he exclaims that he cant find his keys.  So we look around and decide that he must have left them at work.  At this point, I start to smile because I realize this may be my chance to get this man to piss at the office.  So we drive back, I let him into the office and help him look, didn't take long because he left them on top of his desk.  I make a comment about his this place always smells like a urinal.  And we have talked about this before, usually leading to us saying whose desk we'd piss on and since the place stunk we would get away with it.  So after a few moments of banter I decide to go for it and said fuck it, I am gonna take a piss in here.  I walk over to the hallway (where there are no cameras) and start to piss.  I hear him laughing and cheering me on, saying how he had to also and fuck this place and he came to where I was and used the other side of the hallway.  Needless to say I started to get hard and could only half finish.  He started going, was stumbling a bit while pissing, almost got my leg but I jumped out of the way.  He ended up finishing his massive piss in the doorway of the conference room.  I just stood and watched.  He went for almost a minute, he paid no attention to the fact that was literally hovering over his shoulder watching his dick.  But I cheered him on and he just thought the whole thing was funny.  Just some bonding, no big deal if we see each others dick right?  

I didn't tell him that I was the pisser that caused the smell,  I wanted to  but I was too afraid.  Now that he has done it, I wonder what new dynamics will become after this experience. I so badly want a piss buddy at work, someone to join me and funk this place up more.  He was into it, well he was drunk, but even the next day when we texted, saying how hung over we were, he didnt seem remorseful at all, still thought it was funny as hell.  

What a night.  I think the next time we go out, and he drives us I will forget my keys too, maybe re-enact this scene again

thats what im talking about bro! Fuck yeah.  Ur boy sounds alot like me

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7 hours ago, TylerHasFun said:

thats what im talking about bro! Fuck yeah.  Ur boy sounds alot like me

How so?  Are you a slob too?  I really think I have a thing for them

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On 8/24/2024 at 1:36 PM, BadBoy21 said:

The saga continues everyone....

So for background, I work in IT with another technician, Cody.  We are bros, we hang out after work, sometimes we go out for drinks.  He is very straight but he's literally everything I could hope for in a guy (well him and my friend Justin who I told you about before in previous posts).  Cody is more of a slob though.  His desk is a mess, he swear he wears the same socks for days (I can tell because when its real slow he will kick his shoes off and rest them on his desk and the color says all), scratches his junk, constantly farting and I have never heard ANYONE belch like this man.  I know it sounds gross but for me it is a turn on.  Its just such manly behavior and he just doesn't even care at all. 

Anyways so Thursday after work, we decide to go out to grab something to eat and have some drinks.  We decide to get hammered because we were both off Friday because they were having the entire building fumigated for bugs.  We do this often.  We ride together, alternating and it was my turn to drive us.  We got pretty drunk and before we get ready to leave the bar he exclaims that he cant find his keys.  So we look around and decide that he must have left them at work.  At this point, I start to smile because I realize this may be my chance to get this man to piss at the office.  So we drive back, I let him into the office and help him look, didn't take long because he left them on top of his desk.  I make a comment about his this place always smells like a urinal.  And we have talked about this before, usually leading to us saying whose desk we'd piss on and since the place stunk we would get away with it.  So after a few moments of banter I decide to go for it and said fuck it, I am gonna take a piss in here.  I walk over to the hallway (where there are no cameras) and start to piss.  I hear him laughing and cheering me on, saying how he had to also and fuck this place and he came to where I was and used the other side of the hallway.  Needless to say I started to get hard and could only half finish.  He started going, was stumbling a bit while pissing, almost got my leg but I jumped out of the way.  He ended up finishing his massive piss in the doorway of the conference room.  I just stood and watched.  He went for almost a minute, he paid no attention to the fact that was literally hovering over his shoulder watching his dick.  But I cheered him on and he just thought the whole thing was funny.  Just some bonding, no big deal if we see each others dick right?  

I didn't tell him that I was the pisser that caused the smell,  I wanted to  but I was too afraid.  Now that he has done it, I wonder what new dynamics will become after this experience. I so badly want a piss buddy at work, someone to join me and funk this place up more.  He was into it, well he was drunk, but even the next day when we texted, saying how hung over we were, he didnt seem remorseful at all, still thought it was funny as hell.  

What a night.  I think the next time we go out, and he drives us I will forget my keys too, maybe re-enact this scene again

What sort of stuff did you guys say to cheer each other on?

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15 hours ago, BadBoy21 said:

How so?  Are you a slob too?  I really think I have a thing for them

U like slobs then I'm ur dream bro.  All my buddies are. U think his socks smell, ain't got nothing on my buddy Chris. 

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3 hours ago, Serpent said:

What sort of stuff did you guys say to cheer each other on?

I sort of don't remember it all to be honest. We were both pretty drunk.  Typical stuff, hell yeah man, or that's awesome.  One thing I remember was telling him he should piss on the chairs, but he stuck to the carpet.  

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37 minutes ago, BadBoy21 said:

I sort of don't remember it all to be honest. We were both pretty drunk.  Typical stuff, hell yeah man, or that's awesome.  One thing I remember was telling him he should piss on the chairs, but he stuck to the carpet.  

Nice. Would love to cheer on/be cheered on with another guy as our penises absolutely destroy whatever's in front of us!

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