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Naughty pee place during teen years.

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Please, tell what is the most naughty place where you peed when you were a teen? Mine - in the empty classroom during classes when I went not to the toilet but to the classroom. 

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I think i told you about it, those who read my posts know about my incontinence and that i am not able to resist for long when my bladder is full. In practice what happened was that when i was on a school trip i had dozed off and when i woke up was struck by a sudden pee emergency (as unfortunately happens to me if i don't go to the bathroom regularly). Basically in a panic i ran to the teacher to ask how long the break would be, and she told me that there was 45 minutes/an hour left, but i knew I couldn't wait that long. Since the bus was unable to stop at that moment, i started crying because i was about to piss myself, and my teacher, understanding the gravity of the situation, emptied a plastic container where she kept a sandwich and took me to the back of the bus. 'bus making the other kids go away and told me i could use that if i couldn't resist. I accepted because i was seconds away from the accident. So i hid behind the seats while the teacher shielded me and asked the kids to look forward, with an indescribable embarrassment, i was able to release the ocean inside me while i heard laughter and the gazes of my classmates on me. me despite the reproaches that the teacher gave them

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In public phone boxes. I started with that when I was 13 or 14. Back in the early 90ies these booths have been literally at every corner, which was super nice. I always pissed outside as a kid, but this was different, as it was taboo and there was a chance of getting caught. The smell in these places was always a mix of cold smoke and urine. The fact that others must have done the same, made me feel less weird every time I contributed my fair share. 

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I've had not one, but two different teenage incidents where I had to pee in mall drinking fountains because the restrooms were locked.

The first time was in the middle of the afternoon, making it especially terrifying. I remember I was 16 and it was summer time, so I'd been drinking a lot of water. Unlike the rich kids at my school, I was still dependent on public transportation to get around. This meant a lot of time between restrooms, starting at the bus stop. I would already have a full bladder before the bus even arrived. Then I would endure the shakey ride with all the stops. 

When I finally got off downtown, I was bursting. Unfortunately, I kept on running into those "restrooms for paying customers only" situations. Finally, I stopped at a Chinese restaurant in a little strip mall. Once again, restrooms were for paying customers only. But the host directed me to the public restroom upstairs. I found the restrooms in a little hallway between a small collection of offices, but to my distress, they were locked.

All of the office doors were closed though the hallway lights were still on. And it wasn't even 5 o'clock yet. Looking around in a panic, I knew my piss was either going in or outside my jeans. I contemplated pissing right there against a wall in the hallway or in the stairwell. 

That's when I spotted the two drinking fountains. I knew my precise aim could dispense my urine straight down the drain undetected! My heart raced as I stood there with nearly the entire shaft flopped out over the edge of the drinking fountain in the middle of a public hallway, during business hours! If someone came out of one of those offices or up the stairs, I wasn't sure that I would be able to run or even stop my firehose of reproduction from flooding the stainless steel receptacle. This episode was one of the longer releases of my teenage years and I was all but shaking from the fear of being caught.

When it was finally over, I raced out of there about one gallon lighter and soon ran into my good friend, "Shelby." After I told her about the whole ordeal she asked why I didn't just pee in the alley? I reminded her that it was the middle of the afternoon and the alleys were still pretty busy. "Well, the one I peed in last night wasn't busy!" She replied with a mischievous grin on her face. I had actually been hanging out with her and some other friends the night before. It must have happened after I'd gone home. Later that night in my bedroom, I would remember her outfit from the night before. Then desperately try to imagine her squatting in that alley. 

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We didn't have a downstairs toilet and I came up with the ingenious plan of putting a metal biscuit tin (you know, the big square ones that you had biscuits in at Christmas) on the floor in the cupboard under the stairs.   This was more than a typical cupboard - it went back a ways and then went around a corner and it got used for storing stuff like paint and spare wood etc so wasn't accessed that often.   There was a loose carpet on the floor and I put the tin on the carpet.

If my family were out, I used to pee in it when I needed to go and maybe every other day would empty it out of the front door (which was right opposite the cupboard).

This all went great until one day I went in there and found that the tin was empty - despite the fact that I'd already peed in it twice.   Turned out that a hole had rusted into the bottom of the tin and my last two pees were at that point now in the carpet!   Not much I could do, so I moved the tin out and left it to dry.  I don't think it was ever discovered.

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