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Hi and a HUGE welcome to the friendliest community.   You are absolutely, certainly, most definitely NOT alone in having this interest - or in being shy about acting it out in real life.

You are very welcome here with us, although do be warned - it could change your life (for the better).   Feel free to join in with any conversations, get involved as little or as much as you wish.  Ask if you've got any questions - and as staff we're here to help if anything is bothering you.


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5 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Hi and a HUGE welcome to the friendliest community.   You are absolutely, certainly, most definitely NOT alone in having this interest - or in being shy about acting it out in real life.

You are very welcome here with us, although do be warned - it could change your life (for the better).   Feel free to join in with any conversations, get involved as little or as much as you wish.  Ask if you've got any questions - and as staff we're here to help if anything is bothering you.


Hi, and thanks for the welcome.

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Welcome to what is the friendliest and most accepting and welcoming site on the net.  I hope you enjoy things here, no one will judge you.  Great to have you with us.

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12 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

Think you'll find that we're a little more global than that...    May I suggest 'Planet' Peefans ?

Agreed but she is also from the US so hence USS Peefans but I digress

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  • 3 months later...
On 22.03.2024 at 11:52, Quiet V said:

Я не новичок в непослушном писсинге, хотя у меня слишком много беспокойства, чтобы делать это слишком часто. Я новичок в общении с людьми, которые разделяют мои интересы. В моей реальной жизни это, вероятно, один из моих самых больших секретов.

How do you feel about peeing for fun with your clothes on?

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