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Sage, From Great Distance

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(Topics for the story include risky pissing, public pissing, being watched, and mutual pissing. Male and female pissing are depicted.)
Sage, From Great Distance

#4: The Game Begins

I was officially in deep, no more delusions about this being behind me or Sage being my friend, she was actively seeking to control me. To destroy me. I could hardly believe my ears when she commanded that I piss in the elevator, but I knew better than to question her at this point. As if her words had some kind of spell over me, I could already feel the freezing water that I had just downed taking its hold over my bladder, and the downward motion of the descending elevator solidified my need to go. Not waiting long enough to test her patience, I had my cock out in mere moments, not needing any further prompting to begin pissing. A muffled splatter accompanied it as it landed on the carpeted floor of the elevator, a dark puddle forming and spreading as all of my morning drink found its way out of me.

"There we go," Sage affirmed with no sign of approval, just objectivity, in her voice, "looks like you're finally starting to get your head on straight."

"Why do you keep threatening me with the video?" I finally nerved up to ask, the last few spurts still trickling, "Why can't we just do this normally?"

"What do you think 'this' is, exactly?" She asked, following up with, "Maybe you don't get it. Look up and to the right."

A tiny spherical camera, angled directly at us, red light blinking.

"There's the second video."

I realized at this point that the way she was standing, her lack of gesturing, her lack of looking at me... On the camera feed it would look like she was just standing there minding her own business while I vandalized it and made a mess.

"W-wait!" I gasped, putting my dick back in my pants hastily, "Why would you do this? Are y-"

Shushing me as she had done back when I drenched her in the bathroom, she undid my zipper and pulled my cock out, grasping it with a grip way too tight to be enjoyable in any capacity. I tried to continue questioning her through the pain of being squeezed, but she took the lead in speaking.

"There's two scenarios. The guard won't be back from her coffee break for another twenty minutes. By that point, the camera feed will have done its reset for the day, and there will be no trace of what just happened in here." Sage said with certainty, beginning to truly scare me for the first time, "The first scenario is that we allow that to happen as I've just described, and then we get off the elevator and head to work. The second scenario is that someone with mobile access to the camera feed highlights that clip, crops it before I touch you, and it's flagged on the guard's desktop for the moment she returns. Which scenario do you want to happen?"

"The... The first." I admitted with a sigh of defeat, "What do I have to do for the first?"

"You've already done the important part," she answered, showing me the elevator camera feed from her phone, "but here's the rest. I need you to stop playing, it's really aggravating me. Stop acting like this is some joke you're in on, stop acting like you understand me. I'm not your girlfriend, I'm not your friend, you're the one serving me, don't get any of that backwards. I know every corner of this resort, I know every person who works here, and they all love me. You think the guard is just randomly taking a half hour coffee break right now? You think I BROKE into your room like you're not the one staying in MY place?"

"I didn't say you broke in!" I protested.

"You didn't have to." She said with a slight laugh, "Your dumb fucking face precedes your every thought. You could never vocalize your simple feelings or your million questions, and your face would still broadcast it all just as loud. I scare you, I can see it now, and that's the right response. You've gotten off easy here for so long, but the free ride is over."

"But... But..." I managed, "Why? Why me?"

"You did it to yourself."

Work was slow that day, everything felt like it was a million miles away, and I kept feeling so strange and faint under the constant eye of the hotel's cameras. I never even paid them more than a second of mind in all my time there, yet suddenly they were constant, probing reminders that I was truly being seen everywhere by Sage. To know that I lived somewhere less restricted to her than to me, to know that the people paid to monitor the place were seemingly in agreement with her sick deal, and to know that all the while she was across from me in the same tiny shop acting like an oblivious cashier. I should've never dared to go out into the garden, I should've just stayed content to keep my naughty fun to my room, but I just had to push it. I thought this was my dream at first, but it was now clearly my nightmare; living in hell with the devil's granddaughter as my tour guide.

Having forgotten to take Sage's laundry down in the morning, I scrambled to do it on my lunch break, not getting to do any actual eating as I stressed over making sure I didn't destroy the delicate materials with the wrong washer settings. She lingered around The Shop after closing, and I had no doubts as to why, quickly retreating to the laundry room to return her now totally dried outfit. My face was hot and beet red with shame and embarrassment, eyes glued to the floor, not even looking up when I extended my hand forward to give her the clothes.

"Look." Sage said while grabbing it from me, "You need to get it under control. This is happening, this is life. The fear is warranted, but you're acting like I'm going to kill you or something. If you had failed me, you would have already hit the street at the same time the videos of you hit your mother's Facebook feed. But that hasn't happened. It will happen if you don't stop this whole abused puppy dog routine, though, it does not get very far with me. Quit acting like a hostage; show some gratitude, some enthusiasm."

"For what?" I finally cracked, done with her condescension, "What do I have to be enthusiastically grateful to you for?"

"For starters, you could be enthusiastically grateful of the fact that I didn't call the police on you when I caught you exposing yourself at work, something that anyone else in the world would've done." She said with stinging truth, "But I get the feeling that the bare minimum isn't good enough for you, so be enthusiastically grateful that tomorrow after work, you'll be joining me in the pool. You'll have a lot to be enthusiastic over in there."

And with that, I uncracked. I wasn't done, who the hell was I kidding? I mistook a little uncut slack for freedom, but just a simple promise like that was enough for the leash to yank back around my throat. I wanted to go in the pool with Sage, I wanted to know what she had planned. Truth be told, through my instinctual protesting, I was kind of getting into it. Running around to clean her piss-soaked clothes, having her break into my room to get my bladder full, her telling me when and where to let loose, I wanted to act like it was a nightmare so bad, but it was a wet dream. Sage did scare me, but that fact somehow only turned me on more. The fact that such an intimidating and composed woman had any interest in watching me piss, in feeling me piss, in pushing me to my limits, I couldn't believe it. She was right, after all. If I was doing something wrong, I wouldn't still be in that situation, so why keep questioning it? Going along with Sage meant getting to do all of the dirtiest pissing I could ever imagine, and I knew that's what was waiting for us in the pool the next day, I just had to go along with it.

To Be Continued

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Posted (edited)
On 2/20/2024 at 8:05 AM, redef said:

Hot! Any updates?


On 3/6/2024 at 9:04 PM, thanks1972 said:

Hopefully we get to see more of this story soon...

I appreciate all the feedback and support I’ve been getting on here in my absence, it really means a lot to me and my motivation to continue writing!

Unfortunately I’ve just been super busy with some real world commitments, but this story and the world of Sage have not been far from my mind, and I’m glad some of you can say the same.

Sage, our timid narrator, and their naughty adventures will all return dirtier than ever TONIGHT!

Edited by Puddlecheckfr
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On 3/12/2024 at 12:40 PM, Puddlecheckfr said:


I appreciate all the feedback and support I’ve been getting on here in my absence, it really means a lot to me and my motivation to continue writing!

Unfortunately I’ve just been super busy with some real world commitments, but this story and the world of Sage have not been far from my mind, and I’m glad some of you can say the same.

Sage, our timid narrator, and their naughty adventures will all return dirtier than ever TONIGHT!

Just noting that I didn't run off and lie like a maniacal villain, I have completely drafted this chapter twice now and lost it to the nightmare combo of my janky computer and the site's (I'm sorry) horrible backup system twice. I'm not really at my highest moment as a writer esteem-wise currently and kinda feel like this is my sign that I should throw in the towel on this story, is anybody gonna lose sleep over that or is it the right call? I don't wanna let anyone down, but I also don't wanna kill myself rewriting a chapter if ultimately no one's gonna care about it. Reading lurkers who haven't spoken up, this is your American Idol Voting moment, whether or not there is any active interest will directly determine the move here. I'm sorry that this post is more rambling and not more story, I am considerably upset and demoralized by the loss of the most recent version, it was completely ready to post.

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after the whole plot you've build up i'd love to hear what happens next and what she has planned. I understand if you don't want to go through the pain of rewriting the whole chapter and respect your choice anyway but in my opinion it would be a shame to not continue what you've started

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I'm sorry to hear you keep losing the story, that sucks. I for one would miss this story and have been eagerly awaiting this next part. Have you considered writing in google docs and then copy/pasting it here? That way it saves automatically in real time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Similar views here.   It is a brilliant story with a different concept and I would love to read the next instalment  - but it is you that is spending the time on it and if you have been thwarted by technology it is fully understandable that you might want to stop writing it.  It is your time and your choice.   I would definitely agree with @wetguy321that it is a good idea to write off site and save regularly though.

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  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

(Topics for the story include risky pissing, public pissing, being watched, and mutual pissing. Male and female pissing are depicted.)
Sage, From Great Distance

#5: Engulfed

That next day at work was both a total blur and total torture, alternating between hours feeling like seconds and seconds feeling like hours. All I could think about was Sage's statement from the previous night, about how there was some kind of naughty secret fun to be had at the pool after work. Despite our shared interest here, I found no solace in her, as she decided to turn up her oblivious coworker persona to full throttle for the first time in weeks, no doubt to taunt me. Was there no doubt? Once the distinctive orange glow of the sunset already started filling The Shop, I was wondering if maybe she forgot what she said.

All these foolish concerns crumbled the moment we closed down for the night and locked up the front door. Without even saying a word, I could feel her energy shift from that naive facade to her true cold self, though once I took a glance I noticed a rare half-smile accompanying that coldness.

"Alright, it's time." Sage said, followed by, "You can stop staring at me now."

"I- I... What?" Was all I could manage.

"All day you've been eyeing me down." She explained, "Well, no, I didn't forget about our deal, so quit with the staring."

As if her words were secretly some kind of spell, my head instantly swiveled to face forward, my eyes lasered straight ahead. At least I got to see that little smirk before she told me off, I like those little moments where I feel like she's getting something out of this too and not just fucking with me. My head stayed locked like this for our whole walk across the lobby and down the stairs to the indoor pool area. The second we walked in, I could feel the air grow thick and moist, the smell of chlorine hit me, and the wooshing of endless water came in like surround sound, already bringing to mind imagery of Sage and I's previous encounters.

"Alright, get your trunks on, I want to make this fast." She demanded after leading us on a detour to the poolside locker bay.

To me, the whole activity could've just been watching Sage get ready. She looked like a supermodel while stripping out of her cyan sundress, lifting her long toned legs to step out of it. Already one step ahead of the game, Sage's underwear choice for the day had actually been her swimsuit; what an idiot I was, worried she forgot when in reality she was hiding her bathing suit just under the surface all day. String bottom, tube bra, both a matching shade of brilliant tangerine, and both doing a hell of a lot of work to conceal her sizable assets. The diamond belly button piercing that teased me the last time I soaked her shirt finally made its proper introduction, while I was now instead teased by the clear outline of nipple piercings, hyper-accentuated by how tightly her top squeezed around her massive bust.

"Well? Let's go!" Sage barked with a clap of her hands.

"Huh?" I asked, completely zoned out. What was the last thing she said?

"Your trunks, or speedo, or scuba suit, whatever you've got, let's get a move on!" She said as sharply as possible without yelling.

Fuck. I was so worked up over whatever she had planned that I completely forgot to bring my trunks to work. Actually, I didn't even have trunks, I hadn't gone swimming since I was a kid. Fuck.

"I uh..." I paused, "I don't have anything, I kinda forgot."

"You really are something," Sage sighed, "prepare to head home in soaked shorts then."

Guess I walked into that one; at least she'd been winding down on the whole threatening-to-blackmail-me thing, getting berated was nothing in comparison. Accepting my fate, I followed her from the lockers into the open area. You see, the indoor pool was divided into four sections:

  1. The Family Pool - The name is pretty self explanatory, a large and shallow pool where people of all ages are allowed to swim, should also be self explanatory why Sage and I completely skipped over it in our travels
  2. The Ocean - A very deep pool of freezing water that perpetually rocks up and down in violent waves, I never really saw where the appeal in that one was but people absolutely loved it
  3. The Field - A huge rectangular pool that's half lap lanes and half aquatic basketball court, this one was always packed full of people no matter the time of day
  4. The Volcano - Designed to look mountainous, The Volcano took up the back corner of the pool and was a handful of small "cliffside" hot tubs designed to hold only a few people at a time, which was no worry since nobody ever went there anyways

"Come on, we're going to The Ocean." Sage decided, leading us that direction.

Even though it was less than an hour until the pool closed down for the night, The Ocean was absolutely packed full of people, gently thrown around with each crashing wave that coursed through it. I struggled to maintain any semblance of balance as we walked in, while Sage looked like she was defying physics with how well she withstood each wave. Similarly, I found myself shaking and shivering in the icy water while she was still as night.

"Do it. Right here, right now." Sage commanded right as some lanky dude was aimlessly carried between us by a distant wave.

I don't know if I was more nervous of how close so many people were or of how Sage would react if that prevented me from being able to go, so I just forced my eyes shut and tried my hardest to relax myself. It took a decent bit of blocking out all the people around me, but after a little while of focusing on the cold waves I managed to let go and start trickling out a slow but steady stream. It felt so nice as the warm traveled down my leg and then out into the pool, but the niceness was interrupted by me harshly flinching and snapping my eyes open at the sensation of what I quickly realized was Sage's fingertips tracing over the head of my dick.

"Good." She commented coldly but with that same half-smile from earlier, "I was almost worried you wouldn't be able to."

Before I could even panic about her grabbing me publicly, she was already back at her previous distance, and everyone else in The Ocean seemed just as oblivious as they were before. After that, we just stayed bobbing up and down in the turbulent water silently for minutes and minutes on end, an awkward tension forming. My one attempt at wading towards the exit resulted in her grabbing my wrist and pulling me back to the waves with a crushing grip that I'd rather not feel again. Even when the lifeguards sounded their final whistles and ushered everyone out of the pool, she stayed there. The lifeguards didn't seem to mind either, eventually filing out and leaving just the two of us in there with the lights off, raising my anxiety even more.

"You see?" Sage asked, finally breaking the silence, "I can control anything here. No matter where you run to, no matter what you're doing, if you're anywhere on the grounds of this resort, you're powerless to me. There is not a soul here you can turn to that doesn't have a higher loyalty to me. And I haven't forgotten that your family turned you away. So... Do you see? You play ball with me, we go further down this road. You don't play ball, you have nothing. We are not on level ground, you do not have equal options, and this is not a game — you're trapped."

"I just... don't get why it's me." I responded.

"Oh, cut the bullshit." She said, "This was always how it was going to be. That's why you were going in public in the first place, because on some level you knew that it would lead you right here. Your fake misery doesn't go very far with me, we both know you want it to be you, because you're pathetic and desperate and have always wanted something like this. If you disagree with that assessment, then you can head back to your room; I'll quit to my grandpa's face tomorrow, I'll delete every video of you I have, and you'll never see or hear from me again. But... If you agree with my assessment, then meet me at The Volcano in five minutes."

As much as I'd love to sound cool and tough, there was no difficulty in my decision, Sage could read me like a book. The only difficulty was in waiting the full five minutes, standing there in the freezing waves wondering why she had to get a head start. Those wonders, and in fact all of my thoughts, stopped in their tracks when I finally made my way over to The Volcano and saw Sage sitting in one of the hot tubs. She was leaned back with both of her arms outstretched and resting on the ledge of the pool outside of the water, but the part that stopped me was the fact that the two pieces of her orange bikini laid floating in front of her.

Even knowing that her chest was large and attached to an already gorgeous woman, I still wasn't prepared to come face to face with it, completely struck by how smooth and round they were, glistening slightly from all the swimming we'd done. Pulled in by her big beautiful areolas, I couldn't help but stare at her bright pink nipples with sheer lust, finally identifying those mystery piercings as horizontal rose gold bars with diamond flower studs. Only in seeing them did I realize that the diamond piercing in her belly button was also a flower shape. As I reluctantly stepped into the bubbling water of The Volcano, Sage stood up where my eyes couldn't help but drift down to her perfectly shaven pussy, revealing her two pretty pink puffy lips and a pronounced clit. Raging hard from everything I'd just witnessed, I hooked my thumbs under my shorts to match her attire, but she raised a hand in protest.

"No," Sage said, "only me. Sit down, and lower yourself deeper."

Doing as she said, I left my shorts on as I slid and slid until I could feel the hot water above my shoulders, bubbling up to my neck and chin. Sage finished her ascent and was now towering over me as she took slow steps in my direction. I was getting ready to ask for further instructions when a jet of hot water suddenly splashed me in the face. No, this wasn't water, it was piss, Sage's piss. Instinctively, I jumped back a little bit, shocked when I looked up and confirmed that she was in fact emptying her bladder onto my face.

"Get back under there, and stay there." She commanded.

Without second thought, I returned to my previous position and reassumed the warm showering from above. Even with all of the rushing water in the enclosed pool area, the hissing of Sage's pussy as she squirted a seemingly nonstop waterfall of pee onto me was all I could hear, along with the sound of her wet lips squishing around and together as she mindlessly rubbed herself in union with her relief. Despite this, she made no moans or motions, in fact she was still just glaring straight down at me with the same dark icy eyes as always. Shortly after meeting that gaze, she let out her final drops and stepped back, sitting back down across from me in the hot tub.

"You see?" Sage repeated like earlier, "You had a guaranteed out for a trouble-free life and yet willingly came here to get bossed around and pissed on. I mean, look at your hair, it's soaked from me! If there was any sincerity in your question earlier, that's why it's you. Plenty of people want to be powerless under my touch, but you're the real deal. You've had ample opportunity to try and force your way on me or tell me off or call me out, but you haven't once come close to attempting any of it. You know as well as I do that that's not even in the realm of possibilities. In other words, I've gained another devoted follower."

"'Another'?" I asked.

"Of course." Sage answered with an innocent yet evil giggle.

To Be Continued

(Author's Note: It finally happened, the impossible chapter

has appeared. This draft is very different from the two that

got lost, but it serves the same role in the story and feels right

to me after all this time. In the two months since I left you

hanging, I lost one of my closest loved ones, which in addition

to obviously removing any desire to write erotica, has also

totally changed me and my outlook on life. I met up with my

really cool piss enthusiast friend a couple of weeks ago and

it was the right boost I needed to finally return to working

on Sage. We also had some wet and wild fun that will 

perhaps find its way onto my IRL encounters thread, but

that's a story for another day! Have a good one, please

let me know what you think! This is the first glimpse at

Sage's bigger picture, I'd love to hear some thoughts!)

Edited by Puddlecheckfr
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