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When I was a kid

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One day when I was pretty young. Lets say about 7 or so. I went to this church thing at the church that I went to as a kid. I drank a lot of water before the event. And little did I know, my bladder was getting fuller and fuller by the minuet. One the service was over I noticed that I needed to go to the toilet but decided against it as I wanted to play with the other kids. After a while of playing with the kids I found it painful trying to hold all that liquid that was in my bladder. So I went for a walk to an area where no one was around and I remember grabbing my crotch so hard as soon as I was out of site from the others. I was on the verge of pissing my cute little denim shorts. But I was trying so hard not to piss my little shorts but I just couldn't hold it any more. So I ripped off my shorts and undies and ran into a bush and let out all my piss. It felt so good to let it all out.

The end

The reason I posted this is because a few years ago I remembered about this happening and I got this weird feeling. I don't know what is was but hey it doesn't matter. So after remembering this I searched up on you tube pee desperation. And ohhhhhh. I don't regret a thing

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm guessing that, for most of us anyway, our particular fetish with peeing has its roots in childhood experiences. Mine certainly does, as I was lucky to have parents (my mother in particular) who encouraged both me and my brother to pee in places where you're not supposed to when we were young. Not at home, they were quite strict there, but we did get away with some naughtiness at home by pretending it was an 'accident'. It's a long story but I can tell more if anyone is interested.

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I'm guessing that, for most of us anyway, our particular fetish with peeing has its roots in childhood experiences. Mine certainly does, as I was lucky to have parents (my mother in particular) who encouraged both me and my brother to pee in places where you're not supposed to when we were young. Not at home, they were quite strict there, but we did get away with some naughtiness at home by pretending it was an 'accident'. It's a long story but I can tell more if anyone is interested.

I'd enjoy reading those stories as well.

I agree, there may be roots in childhood although whether its "nature" or "nurture" is an open question. I remember being told as a kid that it was OK to pee through my swimsuit when I was in the water (including swimming pools) and remember my mother sometimes peeing outside when it wouldn't have been too inconvenient to make it to a toilet, and being allowed to do so as well.

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I'm guessing that, for most of us anyway, our particular fetish with peeing has its roots in childhood experiences. Mine certainly does, as I was lucky to have parents (my mother in particular) who encouraged both me and my brother to pee in places where you're not supposed to when we were young. Not at home, they were quite strict there, but we did get away with some naughtiness at home by pretending it was an 'accident'. It's a long story but I can tell more if anyone is interested.

Well, I'd be very interested to hear it. I think many of us would. It would be most interesting, since for most of us our interest in peeing first blossomed when we were very young.

Please do share.

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I do really appreciate what you have shared with us on here . As always feel free to add more to what you have done . because it makes for some most interesting and very arousing reading that I enjoy in doing . In getting to know you much better in what you like to do in peeing

Thank You


Well thanks for your "Thank you" Kevin! :laugh:

Just wanted to emphasize to everyone here that both I and my brother were introduced to naughty peeing in a nice and gentle way as kids. Perhaps it sounds a bit extreme from what I've described so far, but bear in mind those are the few 'highlights' related to peeing in an ordinary everyday childhood.

I think a swimming pool is the best place to introduce naughty peeing and that's what I did with my own kids. At first you can wait until they ask for the toilet while in the pool, then saying it's OK for them to pee through their swimsuit into the water. Also it's always good to suggest they should try to pee in the pool before getting out at the end of a swim. Kids can't be expected to hold before a pool visit when very young, that would be unfair, but it's important to steer them away from toilets while in the pool building. The ideal situation comes when they are old enough to hold and then relieve themselves as soon as they get into the pool. When my kids and their friends reached this stage I rewarded them with drinks of cola which of course helped them to pee in the water again and again.

More next time .... :biggrin:

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Yes indeed it's difficult to know whether it's "nature" or "nurture" and to what extent. Family and friends tell my eldest daughter she is almost a clone of me in all respects, for instance, whereas the other 2 are more of the usual 'jumble' between me and their Dad in terms of looks and personality.

Like you Nopjans, I was introduced gently to what I later knew as naughty peeing. During a visit to a swimming pool or a water park I was encouraged to pee through my swimsuit in the water and praised for doing so. Similarly in a fitting room at a clothing store I was told "if you need to pee this is a good place." I was praised when I did so and can also remember my mother peeing in there a few times, saying it was easier than finding the toilets. Gradually, as I got older, I realised it was naughty but still pretended not to know for a year or so. :wink:

During summer holidays we'd go to a budget hotel or guest house and, at bedtime, my mother would say "If you need to pee during the night don't worry about it. Just slide down in the bed on your tummy and let go into the mattress. When you've finished slide back up again and only your legs will be on the wet area." My Dad had already removed the protective sheet so it all went deep into the mattress, and in the morning I was told "Good girl!" when they found I'd wet the bed. The first few times I did it was only because I needed to pee, but all the other times I held on purpose to make sure I could wet the bed. I know it's naughty but I found it very exciting .... and especially when I sneaked a peek at the bed my parents were using and found it was wet!! :)

Lots more to tell, but I consider myself VERY lucky to have parents who enjoy naughty peeing.

Oh Maggie, I had heard you talked about peeing in pools, rivers and seas (well, like about everyone), but I had no idea your parents were so "naughty".

Would you mind detailing the occasions of some of your naughtier pees (maybe in a dedicated thread?). I must admit the idea of parents teaching their children to pee in "indoor" places outside the toilet is extremely intriguing (and arousing) to me, or parents doing it in presence/with the knowledge of their children, so if you recount some events in those fittings rooms or hotels rooms, I would be very grateful.

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Hi Maggie, Thanks for sharing this. It is very interesting and I am also fascinated by the way your parents encouraged you to pee in naughty places. I think many parents say to the their kids to just pee in the pool/shower/sea if the child says they need to pee, because it is so much easier and sort of accepted. The same would apply with peeing outside in bushes/trees when out walking. However, for you to be invited to pee in a store fitting room and a hotel bed and for your dad to deliberately remove the protective sheet is on a completely different level. I especially like the fact that your mum peed in the fitting room. Do you believe that she did it for convenience (i.e. easier than making a separate trip to the toilet), desperation (i.e. she was desperate and no toilets nearby) or because she liked to pee in naughty places even if she could quite easily have made it to the toilet.

When I was young, my family were no strangers to peeing outside - I can remember all of my family (mum, dad, sister and me) peeing in the woods or out on walks as a reasonably regular occurrence, simply because there was not really another option and nobody was planning on holding it in being uncomfortable for a long time. I remember my sisters friends also doing this when they were with us - normally the plan was to take a moderate amount of cover behind a wall/bush/rock etc., but nobody was particularly shy within the family. I can't remember about peeing in the pool - I know I used to do it (still do), but I can't remember ever being told that it was or wasn't OK by my parents. However, I can say that nobody ever suggested to me that I should pee in a bed or a changing room!

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During summer holidays we'd go to a budget hotel or guest house and, at bedtime, my mother would say "If you need to pee during the night don't worry about it. Just slide down in the bed on your tummy and let go into the mattress.

Hi Maggie,

didn't expect your parents were so naughty! Did you also teach your children to do that in cheap hotels? These days you pay for Hotels using your credit card or at least you have to show them some sort of ID. Were your parents not concerned that the hotel manager would notice the wet bed? OTOH, your father probably put the waterproof sheet back in place the next morning, right? How long did you stay in that hotel?

And then there's the other thing: children like to talk to other children. So did you tell your friends back at that time that you were allowed to pee into the mattress? As I parent, I'd probably be afraid that my child could talk about this in front of other parents.


(first post here, you might remember me from ps...)

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Hi Maggie,

didn't expect your parents were so naughty! Did you also teach your children to do that in cheap hotels? These days you pay for Hotels using your credit card or at least you have to show them some sort of ID. Were your parents not concerned that the hotel manager would notice the wet bed? OTOH, your father probably put the waterproof sheet back in place the next morning, right? How long did you stay in that hotel?

And then there's the other thing: children like to talk to other children. So did you tell your friends back at that time that you were allowed to pee into the mattress? As I parent, I'd probably be afraid that my child could talk about this in front of other parents.


(first post here, you might remember me from ps...)

Hi Raub,

Back when I was young my parents would pay cash for the hotel rooms and give false ID (you could here in UK in those days for cheap hotels) so there was no problem with the wet beds, both mine and my brother's. Also, as you've guessed, my father put the waterproof sheets back on in the morning! Usually we would only stay at each hotel for a few days, one week at the most.

Oh yes we did talk to other children about it, but only close friends and (luckily) not in front of their parents. We would chat while playing outside and I also found out what my friends got up to. Back in those days there were roadside rescue phones in small wooden sheds - and my friend told me she and her brother were taken into them if they needed a toilet. With the door closed no one could see and they would relieve themselves on to the floor, wiping if it was a 'number 2'. I thought it was lovely and naughty but never told anyone else about it.

Yes I must admit I did sometimes encourage my own children to pee in naughty places in cheap hotels. When they wanted to pee somewhere naughty I'd guide them to a stairwell or into a corner in the hallway, keeping a lookout for anyone coming as they did so. Also my son liked to pee in the elevator. I know I shouldn't have, but they liked to do it so I let them.

Yes I do remember you from Peesearch! :biggrin:

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Maggie, thank you for sharing your experiences. My family growing up was pretty open about peeing... it wasn't uncommon for my parents or siblings to leave the bathroom door open if peeing, although that changed as we got older.

I remember being young and really enjoying peeing in places that were not toilets, like swimming pools, parking lots, my neighbors' back yards, on exterior walls of buildings, etc. Obviously that's all pretty tame compared to what you got up to! Whenever I peed in these places I considered it "naughty", but it was never really presented that way to me. I guess I was instructed to be quick and not do it if there were people around who could see me, so I knew it wasn't strictly "ok".

In your family, how did you differentiate between naughty and normal? Did your kids continue with it or was it something they stopped doing as they got older? What about your brother? Sorry if these questions are intrusive in any way - I'm just curious about how these interests take root.

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Hi Maggie ,

This brings to mind a question that you might find an interest in. In which that of peeing in a hotel bed at night would in fact keep the bed bugs . Which are a problem here in the U.S.A. . Whether or not if it's a problem in the U.K . The question is ; Would peeing into the mattress of a Hotel bed at night when the urge to pee comes upon you . That the pee might / will keep bed bugs away ?

Have you ever given any thoughts on this before ?

I really enjoy reading about what you likw in peeing :wink: :wink:

It makes for some most arousing as well as the most interesting reading of a woman , like you , that has grown up to enjoy peeing when ever . Instead of finding it disgusting . like so many not like minded people do / think of it . So Please continue on with what you enjoy sharing with all of us on here :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :wink: :wink: :O_o:

Thank You


Hi Kevin,

Hey I like the 'bed bugs' thing! Perhaps it gives us all a perfect excuse to pee into the mattress in a hotel bed! :biggrin:

Thanks for your positive comments and I will continue to post here. This seems like a friendly place to share thoughts and experiences.

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Maggie, thank you for sharing your experiences. My family growing up was pretty open about peeing... it wasn't uncommon for my parents or siblings to leave the bathroom door open if peeing, although that changed as we got older.

I remember being young and really enjoying peeing in places that were not toilets, like swimming pools, parking lots, my neighbors' back yards, on exterior walls of buildings, etc. Obviously that's all pretty tame compared to what you got up to! Whenever I peed in these places I considered it "naughty", but it was never really presented that way to me. I guess I was instructed to be quick and not do it if there were people around who could see me, so I knew it wasn't strictly "ok".

In your family, how did you differentiate between naughty and normal? Did your kids continue with it or was it something they stopped doing as they got older? What about your brother? Sorry if these questions are intrusive in any way - I'm just curious about how these interests take root.

Thank you for also sharing your experiences Nopjans, as I can now better understand mine. I love your comment, " Obviously that's all pretty tame compared to what you got up to!", but most of the time my childhood wasn't so different to yours. To keep my posts from getting too long I've not said things like, "this only happened a few times", but the fact is my parents usually only encouraged naughty peeing during holidays ('vacations' for those of you in USA!) and even then not all the time. However, as you've suggested, I've probably had more 'naughty' experiences than most when growing up.

On your question about differentiation between naughty and normal, I think my parents tried to portray it as normal and were successful when my brother and I were younger. However as I got older (the realisation coming at around 8 or 9 I think) I began to notice the difference between a relatively quiet "good girl" for helping with the shopping and a more enthusiastic "Good Girl!" when I peed somewhere you're not supposed to. Must admit I did the same with my own children, as although I tried to stay calm it's exciting to see a stream of pee landing somewhere naughty.

Of my kids (now all grown up) I know they all still pee in swimming pools as much as they can, plus my eldest has also persuaded her boyfriend to do it, but I'm not sure otherwise. My youngest still lives in the family home and has returned with wet knickers a few times but I didn't ask any questions!

My brother is in Australia (been there since he was 24) and we chat regularly on Skype. He still likes the memories of naughty peeing but his wife has a strong opinion against it so my nieces and nephews haven't experienced it much. I feel as if I've been luckier with my hubby who tolerates my fetish and has 'turned a blind eye' more than a few times.

Please feel free to ask more questions if you wish to, and thanks again for sharing. xxx

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Thanks, Maggie. I am interested in something you wrote, which is that when your kids wanted to pee somewhere naughty, you would take them into a hallway or stairwell... and also let your son pee in the elevator. Would your kids express a preference for peeing in these places over a toilet, or was it more a matter of opportunity, like they needed to pee but a bathroom wasn't close by... or at least you weren't looking too hard for one?

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Thanks, Maggie. I am interested in something you wrote, which is that when your kids wanted to pee somewhere naughty, you would take them into a hallway or stairwell... and also let your son pee in the elevator. Would your kids express a preference for peeing in these places over a toilet, or was it more a matter of opportunity, like they needed to pee but a bathroom wasn't close by... or at least you weren't looking too hard for one?

Hi again Nopjans,

At first I simply waited for the right circumstances, like one or more of them needing to pee as we headed back to the hotel. On reaching a suitable stairwell I'd say to them something like "there's no need to wait til we get in the room - you can do it here." In the case of my son we'd already called the elevator when he asked to pee, so I told him it was OK for him to pee inside it when the doors closed. I guess he must have enjoyed it as afterwards he would sometimes (a little shyly at first) ask to be taken into the elevator when he needed to pee in hotels. Similarly with my daughters, after a while they began to ask to be taken into the hallway or stairwell instead of using the toilet in our room.

These situations reminded me strongly of my own childhood, when my brother or I asked for the toilet and were taken to places which we gradually realised were 'naughty' and where you're not supposed to. Looking back it was a bit confusing at first, but it certainly was fun to be told "Good Girl!" when peeing somewhere I knew was naughty!

Now I've actually written all this down I feel a bit guilty about what I did with my family. Perhaps I shouldn't have copied my mother, but then again my kids enjoyed it as much as I did when young. Not sure if they'll follow my example, and if any of them do they'll find it difficult with all the CCTV around nowadays.

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Maggie ,

I have a question for you which is ; Did you enjoy watching your brother pee in a naughty place and was aroused by the difference between how you peed in a squat postion compared to him standing as he peed some place ?

I have always wanted to watch a girl pee though never had the chance to observe a girl peeing ever before in watching the pee streaming from between a girl's pussy lips !!

Except once I had observed my sister peeing from behind one time . While on vacation on a long road trip some years ago . That had me very much aroused in seeing this as I was peeing too . Though I was getting very aroused as I was peeing that at one point I was making a fountain out of my pee stream because I was turned on by what I had just seen my sister doing .

Have you ever felt aroused in this way ?



Yes I did find it exciting to watch my brother peeing, because it was so different to the way I peed, and he liked to watch me too. However we'd seen each other naked at home many times so it wasn't a big deal in that way. The most exciting part for me was seeing where his pee stream was landing when, like the time I mentioned in a convenience store, it was going on to fresh fruit for example. When getting myself off later (in the privacy of my bed) I found it very exciting to imagine someone eating the fruit without washing it first.

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Hi again Nopjans,

At first I simply waited for the right circumstances, like one or more of them needing to pee as we headed back to the hotel. On reaching a suitable stairwell I'd say to them something like "there's no need to wait til we get in the room - you can do it here." In the case of my son we'd already called the elevator when he asked to pee, so I told him it was OK for him to pee inside it when the doors closed. I guess he must have enjoyed it as afterwards he would sometimes (a little shyly at first) ask to be taken into the elevator when he needed to pee in hotels. Similarly with my daughters, after a while they began to ask to be taken into the hallway or stairwell instead of using the toilet in our room.

These situations reminded me strongly of my own childhood, when my brother or I asked for the toilet and were taken to places which we gradually realised were 'naughty' and where you're not supposed to. Looking back it was a bit confusing at first, but it certainly was fun to be told "Good Girl!" when peeing somewhere I knew was naughty!

Now I've actually written all this down I feel a bit guilty about what I did with my family. Perhaps I shouldn't have copied my mother, but then again my kids enjoyed it as much as I did when young. Not sure if they'll follow my example, and if any of them do they'll find it difficult with all the CCTV around nowadays.

Thanks for answering my questions. I feel bad if I've made you feel guilty, that certainly wasn't my intent.

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May I too thank you for revealing these details to us Maggie. And don't feel in any way guilty. I don't think you have crossed any red lines here, and your children will have either grown up with an interest in naughty peeing or not. If they have you would have taught them not to feel bad about it, and if they haven't you will have done them no harm whatsoever and at least probably helped to raise them to be non-judgemental about such things.

As for your own upbringing and childhood experiences, let me tell you right now that you are not alone in being deeply influenced by childhood situations.

In my case I was in my bedroom one day next door to my sister's bedroom from where I could clearly hear my mother chastising her for having peed on the carpet. So I guess my mother didn't encourage us to pee in naughty places ever. But I was highly "interested" in the idea of my sister doing this, in ways that I was too young to understand but later realised were sexual. I made a point of talking to her about it, asking her why she did it. She claimed that a friend at school did it and told her about it which is where she got the idea. I was intrigued and tried to encourage her to do it again, but she was afraid of being told off. So at first I made compromise suggestions, and got to watch her peeing in the shower. Then I persuaded her to piss all over the bathroom floor by promising to clean it up myself afterwards. She wanted to watch me pee there as well, so I did - with some difficulty because my dick was hard. She asked me why that was but I didn't know, so told her it was just something that happens sometimes.

We were both too young in those more innocent, pre-internet days to know anything about sex and thus knew nothing of sexual taboo. We knew it was considered "wrong" to pee where we shouldn't, but had no feelings of guilt or shame that went any deeper than that.

And I remained fixated on the idea of her pissing on the carpet. I really wanted to watch her do that. So - acknowledging the fact that she was never going to pee on her own bedroom carpet again, I took the plunge - and invited her to pee on mine! A number of times after that I got to watch her squatting and peeing on my bedroom carpet, on the understanding that if it were discovered, I'd take the blame myself. But I tended to direct her to discrete corners, or move beds and furniture for her to pee there before covering it again. Amazingly, it actually worked! It was never discovered!

Eventually, of course, I hit puberty and learned all about sex, and the fact that my interest in pissing was a sexual one. And the realisation dawned upon me that what had once seemed like an innocent form of naughtiness - no worse than stealing biscuits from the biscuit jar - was something that most would have considered far worse. I realised that my interest was sexual and that most seemed to regard it as highly perverted and disgusting - and there was no internet back then to reach out to like-minded enthusiasts. But still worse, I became aware of what incest was and felt deep shame and embarassment about the pleasure I used to get from watching my sister pee. And I felt intense guilt. I stopped encouraging her to do this shit anymore and wouldn't let her do it in my presence. Yet occasionally - and pubescent boys are mobile wanking machines - I found myself at night pleasuring myself as I replayed in my head the memory of her peeing here or there. And I'd feel intense shame and guilt immediately afterwards because I had absorbed all the sexual taboos that this was so totally wrong.

Of course, before too long I began to fantasise about other girls peeing all over the place, and moved on from the memory of my sister doing it. Yet for a long time I had enormous difficulty in overcoming the guilt and shame that I felt.

Pleased to say that I have done so now though. :)

I realise that I am not some uniquely awful person because of what I like, and have long since realised that what I enjoyed watching my sister do actually WAS pretty innocent, because neither of us knew anything about sex and there wasn't even remotely any kind of sexual physical contact.

But you see, Maggie? You are far from being alone in having childhood family experiences that perhaps encouraged your interest in peeing.

Oh, and this revelation is actually fucking awesome......

My brother is 2 years younger than me so he didn't realise until a while later. One time he needed to pee while in a convenience store and was taken to a section out of view of the staff. With our parents either side of him, so it would be difficult for anyone else to see, he lifted out his penis as he'd been invited to and peed over fresh fruit on the lower shelf. He wasn't excited about it, only relieved to have peed, but I was!

I love your mum already. When you grew up, did you actually ever discuss these things with your mum? I love the idea of her peeing in changing rooms, as you have already revealed she did in your presence. Did you ever see her doing anything even naughtier than that? The thought of parents being ok with this stuff is kind of interesting, to say the least, but the thought of them "leading by example" really does it for me. If your mum had ever done anything as naughty as pissing all over the fresh fruit in a supermarket - so wrong on so many levels - I am sure I'd be unable to resist getting off on the thought of it. :)

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Hi again Nopjans,

...... he would sometimes (a little shyly at first) ask to be taken into the elevator when he needed to pee in hotels. Similarly with my daughters, after a while they began to ask to be taken into the hallway or stairwell instead of using the toilet in our room.

This takes on a completely naughty slant on the experience - it implies that there was a toilet nearby, but your children wanted to go out of their way to pee somewhere naughty and you were very co-operative and willing to make a special trip along the landing to the elevator or stairwell to indulge them. You were obviously very relaxed about it, which is brilliant. Did you ever take advantage and pee in the stairwell/elevator at the same time when you were taking your kids?

I wanted to pee in naughty places when I was young, but I never asked my parents about it. If I needed to pee when I was away from the toilet, my parents never asked me to hold it for ages but would find a suitable place. However, it was never indoors or in a stairwell etc. I remember plenty of times when I needed to pee whilst outside they would just say "find a tree" or tell me to pee next to the car for example. When I was a little older and went out on my own or with friends, I would make a point of peeing outside and also on a building site I would pee in the rooms of the part built houses.

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Hi Maggie & Steve,

I agree with Steve that you (Maggie) should not feel at all guilty about they way you led your children. I also agree that childhood experiences influence future behaviour in a major way and Steve, certainly don't beat yourself up over your experiences with your sister. I had similar experiences with my sister and I think for a lot of us - particularly in the days before the internet, our siblings were the obvious people whom we were close to and with whom we could discuss things - particularly concerning the differences between male and females although not realising the sexual connotations.

My sister and I used to have role play games in the house, one of which included making a "house" in one of our rooms. We positioned furniture to break up the room and made den like structures with sheets and the like. Put cushions down to make a living area, had a sleeping area and yes, you've guessed it, we had a toilet area. This was usually made my moving the bed to create a gap between the bed and the wall, then if either of us needed a wee then we'd go in the gap and pee on the carpet. I used to be fascinated as my sister squatted down low and sprinkled the carpet. When we put the bed back in place after we'd finished playing for the day, nobody was any the wiser. We never used to try and soak it up or anything either.

Sometimes we also camped out in the garden. In those cases, we never bothered to go inside if we needed to pee - even though the house was only maybe 50 metres away. I would stand and pee in the hedge and my sister would squat and pee between the tent and the hedge.

Outside when playing with mates - boys and girls, if someone needed to pee, then they peed. One particular area where we played had an abandoned stone farm building that had feeding troughs down one side and walls jutting out to make sort of pens. We designated one pen as boys toilets and one as girls, but I used to always make my toilet trips co-incide with when I knew a girl had just gone in to pee, so I would walk in and walk past the girls area to get to the boys area. I used to enjoy seeing the way in which girls peed like that and we did develop on to the "I'll show you mine if you show me yours" scenario, but for peeing rather than just body parts.

A little later in life I started going out with the girl from next door and I encouraged her to pee behind the garage rather than going inside to the toilet. She seemed to quite like it, so after that we never bothered to go back inside just because one of us needed the loo.

One of my favourite recollections was that there was an old railway line that we often walked along. It only served a nearby Naval Arms storage facility and had maybe one train per week, so we felt pretty safe in wandering along the railway. Anyway, one day I climbed the bank to get on the railway just next to an over bridge and low and behold I found a girl that I knew squatted down on the steel bridge hidden from the road by the parapet, but totally in view from where I had suddenly appeared up the bank. She was in full flow with her bum low to the ground and her skirt hitched up. She was a little embarrassed, but carried on regardless and I stayed and chatted to her whilst she finished peeing. I had an excellent view and it has stayed with me ever since.

I'm absolutely convinced that all these experiences have led to my continued fascination with peeing and naughty peeing in particular.

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Thanks for answering my questions. I feel bad if I've made you feel guilty, that certainly wasn't my intent.

Oh please don't feel bad Nopjans, as my comment wasn't aimed at you personally. I only said it because actually writing down details of how I encouraged my kids to pee in naughty places brought home to me what I'd done. Must admit I hadn't thought about it in any depth before and, with support from you and other forum members, I feel much better about it now.

This is a moment for me to say a very big THANK YOU to both Steve and Alfresco for their supportive comments. Firstly it's reassuring to know that my brother and I weren't the only siblings who got a sexual thrill from watching each other peeing as youngsters. Secondly it's reassuring to find that I'm not the only one to be deeply influenced by childhood experiences. I'll talk some more next time but gotta dash now! :)

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