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Wet Carpet magazine

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Dear Wet Carpet.

My name is Mike and for a few weeks now I have been dating the 39 year old barmaid who works down my local. She has stopped over at mine a few times and I have stopped over at hers. She is a real goer and the sex is great. Well last night at hers we were laying in bed together and she had to get up and go for a pee as she often seems to do before we sleep. I said something about it being a bummer that we were both snug in the bed and she had to go to the bathroom. She switched on the light and climbed out of bed then just matter of factly said, "I don't think I'll bother!"

Instead she just crouched down beside the bed and started pissing on the carpet like it was just the normal thing to do. In mid-flow she said something like, "Thats a relief. I needed that." And just carried on pissing until she was done. By which time there was a rather large puddle of pee slowly soaking into the carpet. Then she just got up, and climbed back into bed saying, "Thats better." Like this was normal behaviour. Not that I'm complaining. I enjoyed the show of course. 

I look forward to her doing it again.

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Dear Wet Carpet.

My wife has a naughty thing she likes to do after we come back from the pub with a load of lager inside us. We have a spare bedroom which we keep locked inside which is a bed with a bare mattress.

Basically my wife likes to go in there after a few drinks, get up onto that bed, squat upon it and piss on it. She gets a naughty thrill out of it, as do I watching her doing it. She is there squatting, a massive grin on her face, a loud hiss because she has usually been saving it up, a powerful golden spray splashing loudly onto the mattress and seeping in. It's her naughty thing she likes to do. And it is our naughty secret.

She peed on the bed last night actually, the memory of which has prompted me into telling you about it. She won't let me film her pissing, sadly, but here is the piss stained mattress....

Imagine my naked wife - she usually takes her clothes off first as an added treat for me - 38 years old, long blonde hair, ample breasts, large bum, curvaceous and very attractive for her age, squatting upon that mattress and making those piss stains. 

After a night out, watching her do that is the highlight of the evening.

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While doing a documentary on wine production in France, we were given access to a very exclusive high-end winery. We learned a lot of their secrets simply by observing the process involved. As a result, we were only allowed to talk about certain things to maintain the privacy of the vineyard. Since the allotted time has passed on the Non-Disclosure, I can now talk about what I observed. During the fall when the harvest was the heaviest, they would crush the grapes from morning to night constantly. This was still a classic procedure and done by the women with their feet. We watched them prepare and sanitize their appendages for days before getting into the press bucket. Once there, they were stuck until everything was finished so that it did contaminate the batch. This meant they had no bathroom breaks, we watched as the ladies took turns relieving themselves from within the mash. They would lower their trousers and with great skill and force pee on the ground. It was common to sit on the edge of the wooden structure and shoot directly downward. Occasionally one would remain standing and the wife of the owner, never stopped stomping her feet while she went. Of course, as you would expect, when the streams subsided much of the effluence went directly into the grapes below or in the case of the wife, would splash in and around with her movements. When questioned the owner said it was not restricted by French law, as this was natural and common in the traditional preparation method. We saw three women urinate at least ten times each during the day and the later it got, the less effort was used to keep it out of the mix. We were sent a bottle of wine specifically from the batch we watched be made after it had fermented and was ready for sale. My girlfriend was apprehensive to try it, but I convinced her. It was actually really enjoyable. We tried some of the others from the various places we studied and they were not as good.... so maybe there is something to this after all.

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