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Lovely. I saw something similar once while at the beach. A woman in a bathing suit was walking alone. It was a chilly morning, so she was wearing a cover up with an embroidered look. I watched her walk almost to the tide line and then stop walking. Then she stood still as if just looking out at the ocean, but I was close enough to just barely see her spread her legs, and I could barely make out the dark spots that suddenly appeared on the sand. If I had not already been looking, it might not have been noticeable at all. After about 20 seconds, she shuffled her feet, covering up the evidence, and then walked on.

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Not exactly similar but at Studland nudist beach watching the women walking into the sea just to pussy height standing there for a minute or two and then walking out back up the beach knowing exactly what they are doing is fun!

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I realize that what I witnessed yesterday may seem not so unusual, we all know that, at the beach, if a girl feels the need to, the opportunity to pee near the tide while standing is worth considering and easily achievable, either through the cossie or even discreetly baring the pubis for the purpose, if nobody is close enough to notice...

But I stress that she was completely dressed standing on an inclined rocky slab and didn't even bother to use her hands to facilitate the operation...

My guess is that she wasn't wearing any lingerie, I did notice that her legs were definitely bare, and the feet only covered by light leather sandals...

Edited by colette888
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4 hours ago, epdreamgirl said:

what a lucky thing to witness! did you have any fun while at the beach?

 I thought so, but then refrained because I received a phone call about a rather important matter...

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10 hours ago, colette888 said:


She didn't move from there for quite a while, but, when she finally left, I saw no trace of pissing, the sand was smooth, pristine except for the two marks of her feet.

But............ I'm worse than a sniffing hound... hehe

My sensitive nose sounded an alarm bell when I bent over the sand around her footmarks.... so I dug a little and sure enough it was still soaked by piss!!

She had carefully covered it though, and that was a masterpiece! 

The idea of someone peeing into the sand and then covering it up is SO hot. What a sighting, and quite the sleuthing skills on your part @colette888

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