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I feel like I done it all! I don't know if I can share any adventures that I have shared before, or similar ones to that I've shared in times past! So depressing lol, 

I'll still be a major pee-fender but still!! Lol first world problems of the world of omo 😅












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Prince: I think some of my old posts are past the 365 day limit lol, but maybe not, not sure lol


Darce: I'm happy with my hubby but thx anyway loL

Gaze: I'm a major wet player, my clothes and lingerie aren't safe lol,  I'm into bondage, rough stuff and all that and combine what I can together,  but when I share an experience I don't like to share a similar one, it's like, i peed Mt black leggings after work, then I peed my skirt after church, etc,  kinda runs the same tune








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I pee myself regularly lol but nothing worth sharing. Typically after work, I'll pee, strip down, shower, change, or if I know hubby is in the mood, I'll try to hold it longer, pee , strip, sex, shower, 

It's so routine lol


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Hi @Ivy1989 and first things first, thanks for your honesty there.

I can understand and of course not disagree with what you're saying there.  I know you've described things as not worth sharing - but of course those sort of experiences are what the site is built upon.

Do you have anything of an 'exhibitionist' trait at all.   I'm not meaning in terms of anything creepy, but for example knowing how well received any reports are.  I can think of a few members who write about even a simple toilet wee and get a huge positive boost from the members who read and appreciate it.   Sort of adding a little boost to them over and above their own and partner's enjoyment.

Just a thought...

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@Ivy1989... I think you and I are a bit similar in our attitudes.  Any adventures or stories I share are because I think there's something special or new about what happened.  Though @gldenwetgoose is correct that sharing of more run-of-the-mill activities does get a positive response, I don't find it personally interesting to write about them.

When I'm in a rut or think there's nothing more, I rely on the randomness and spontaneity of daily life.  Eventually, something will come up and I'll think "Hey, I haven't tried that before!"  Life is full of unexpected opportunities and challenges and I hope something will inspire similar responses for you.

In the meantime, having read and enjoyed your past contributions, I think you would be a wonderfully wicked idea generator for others looking for something new.  And maybe that could also give you new insights and ideas for your own enjoyment.  Many of the ideas I've shared here were things I hadn't tried myself and became new goals or ambitions.

In summary:  Despair not ... life is all but guaranteed to throw something unexpected your way.  

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I'm picking up what yall are putting down, I think lol, almost nothing is planned, but Maybe I should think simple and not complex lol and aw cmon Darcy! 😅 



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Hubby is square lol, I had fun in the past with girlfriends (b4 hubby), a lot of adventures I shared with cherry (cherry a user here from years past), hubby don't share, lol


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I know what you mean @Ivy1989.   I do various peeing activities regularly but I don't write about most of them because they are just repeats of the same kind of thing that I've written about many times.  I don't want to always be repeating myself for fear of boring people, but on the other hand if something is a little different then I might write about it, or if it happens to fit in a thread that someone else has written then I would also reply relating it.

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