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Newish, mostly lurking

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Just introducing myself. I'm a pansexual trans-man who has a serious fetish and no way to sate it except looking at porn sites. My partner isn't into this sort of thing, unfortunately. I actually like seeing both guys and girls, but this site has helped me find some good videos of naughty pees, which are my favorite.

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Welcome to the forum, I'm glad you've found videos you like here. Whilst it's fine to lurk, it's great you've introduced yourself; I'm sure we'd all love to see you posting more around the site. :)

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Thank you for the kind words. I'm always pretty nervous to introduce myself on fetish/sex websites, to be honest, but it's good to be welcomed. :)

Welcome to the site. And I kind of know what you mean about the nerves thing. Having until then been wholly in the closet about my pee interests all my life, I can remember being highly nervous when I joined my first ever pee forum and posted my first post over four years ago now. I can remember feeling most anxious about the responses, and felt so encouraged when they were all positive and welcoming. Had they not been, I am sure at the time that I would have retreated back into my closet.

But - again speaking from experience - most of us into this sort of thing are a pretty friendly bunch actually - and very quickly you will find yourself totally relaxing into sharing all your thoughts and interests.

And glad to see another naughty peeing enthusiast joining the site. Welcome to the club. :)

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