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My Desperation Caught on Video 😱

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12 minutes ago, GenericUsername said:

Nice story. Is 45 seconds your record since you've been counting it?

No way. My record is like a minute and six seconds or something like that 😁

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Bless you @Bacardi - at least you made it without the embarrassment of losing it somewhere public, or as you say - being seen emerging from the woods looking sheepish.

I wonder though how long before you have time alone, without kids to run after or husband hanging about, and find yourself DELIBERATELY filling up and recreating that scenario.  Maybe dancing a little longer on that doorstep, maybe being a little closer to not making it, maybe beating your 46 sec?  And maybe, just maybe taking a little longer before emerging from the bathroom very much relieved in every sense?    

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Aw hun, having just joined the chat when you were just arriving home I remember thinking when you were away for ages that it must have been close. Great story! 
hope you have an amazing day today, hopefully catch you later 🥰

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