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Meeting a new pee buddy

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6 hours ago, Johnboy777 said:

After having a large Coke at McDonald's, then shopping, then  a 20 oz. Mountain Dew on the long bus ride home, my bladder was screaming for immediate relief when I got off the bus. I had been conversing with another guy about sports, and when the bus got to the final stop, we were the first 2 off. I explained to the other guy I had to pee really bad, and started heading to my usual spot, he mentioned he also had to take a piss, and asked me where I  was going to pee. I told him and he said he knew a  better place, why not come with him. He took me to an alley/driveway behind some stores, and it smelled really good of recently deposited urine. We went about halfway down the alley, we  both unzipped, side by side, and pissed on an already stained wall. I noticed his dick was uncut and he looked at mine, and we both smiled. When we were both finished, we put our manhood back in, I remarked about the long stream of piss we left, we exchanged names, he said to look for him next time I went to that spot to pee, then each of us went in opposite directions out of the driveway. I  never enjoyed a naughty piss more than that one, and I  will most likely use that alley again. The smell of piss in that alley/driveway was really enjoyable. On my next stop there I'll try to snap a picture of that pee stained wall.

Not sure your that Straight?? 😀😂😏

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1 hour ago, Bacardi said:

Maybe he is a member of this forum! That would be fun lol.

That would be great. If I see him again or If we both happen to use the same "urinal" at the same time I will definitely find out.


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A follow-up to my August 12th adventure: On Sunday I  had to come back on the same bus route, and of course, I had too much to drink again. I didn't have to pee quite as bad as the last trip,  but I knew I would not make it home without peeing. So instead of going in my usual spot, I  found the place where my buddy Robert and I  pissed before. It wasn't hard to find the alley,  the smell of piss was strong, and there was only one other guy relieving his bladder but it wasn't my pee buddy. I pulled my dick out and pissed near the dumpster, zipped up, and looked around and the other guy was done. I unzipped because I felt I wasn't finished, a small amount of piss came out, and then I headed out the alley. Maybe next time my friend will be there.

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