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Writers of Pee Fiction I have a question.

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I always find it weird when scenes in otherwise non-fetish stories seem to be catering to them. It takes me out of the moment and makes me wonder if I am, in fact, reading about the author’s fetish. Which, after all the feet stuff in Schneider’s Nickelodeon Sitcoms, rubs me all the wrong way. So if I ever end up including anything related to peeing in my stories, I definitely wouldn’t make the scenes too descriptive.

But that’s me, personally. Do what you want but understand that if I clock you, I’m silently judging you to myself and nobody else. 

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9 hours ago, Bacardi said:

1. No because my works offer more plot than porn because that's how i prefer to write. Also i do not want to turn people away that might not like/ be turned off by the fetish.

2. They are not central to the plot and could be cut, but I prefer to add short bathroom scenes and such to add realism and to remind my audience that the characters are real people and not superhumans that hold their pee for the entire duration of the novel. I have been praised for it before. 

3. Not really. I do not include many of them. Maybe just one per work if that.

This is the SIXTH fucking time, I have written this response only to be logged out at the conclusion. Deep breath. Once again.

1. I think I phrased my question poorly. I assume your non-fetish material is devoid of any scenes that could be interpreted as porn. Likewise, I imagine their pee scenes are presented in a strictly mechanical fashion. For example.

"After her tent was assembled, Astrid slipped into the trees in search of a space with more privacy. Soon enough she would discover a clearing that would meet her needs perfectly. This particular sliver of forest was sparse with vegetation, allowing her to squat with ease. From here she was confident she could spot any unwelcome reptiles well before they were close enough to do her any harm."

Please forgive my clumsy prose, I am not a writer.  The answer I'm really looking for is about the unconscious. Do you think our fetish is the reason the scene manifests in the story? Even if it's presented in a completely sterile manner. Free of any sexual undertones.

2. Your explanation sounds completely reasonable to me. I love that you've been praised for their inclusion!

3. That doesn't sound excessive to me. Do you present yourself as a female author? Perhaps if you were male it might raise some eyebrows after awhile. 

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8 hours ago, Hidengo said:

I always find it weird when scenes in otherwise non-fetish stories seem to be catering to them. It takes me out of the moment and makes me wonder if I am, in fact, reading about the author’s fetish. Which, after all the feet stuff in Schneider’s Nickelodeon Sitcoms, rubs me all the wrong way. So if I ever end up including anything related to peeing in my stories, I definitely wouldn’t make the scenes too descriptive.

But that’s me, personally. Do what you want but understand that if I clock you, I’m silently judging you to myself and nobody else. 

Does the foot stuff rub you the wrong way? I see what you did there. That shit cracked me up!

It's a shame that Schneider ended up being a creep. His shows were genuinely well written and hilarious! 

I agree with you completely! It's jarring when fetish scenes materialize in non-fetish material. I hate being drawn into analyzing an author when I'm trying to absorb their story!

Now if the author is making a conscious effort to shoehorn their turn ons into the story, then that's just fucking creepy.

If they simply lost themselves in the process and didn't even notice the chocolate fell into the peanut butter, then that's a little more forgivable. But still creepy. 

The Stephen King scenes are unsettling because there are so many of them. I can't not read into his obvious fetish. If I'm reading a new Stephen King story, and the protagonist is a girl, and she ends up in the woods, then I'm going to expect her to piss. And that just makes me uncomfortable. 


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/4/2022 at 5:11 AM, Takashi96 said:

Do you write non-pee stories also? Are you fiction writers that use your literary skills to get pee perverts off out of the goodness of your own hearts? Or are you pee fetishists inspired to become writers for the benefit of our hungry genitals? 

And if the answer to the first question is yes, do you struggle to keep pee scenes from finding their way into your non pee stories? Asking for a friend.

Late to the party, but while I'm no novelist I did write a bit of fanfiction before coming here (not much of it was sexual and none of it was piss-related). As it stands I don't really have much motivation to write outside of piss fics. I only really write when I have an idea I think is relatively unique and I'm horny (it happens too often nowadays for me to not try and put it towards something semi-productive)

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Girl stupidly trusts a guy who literally feeds off of the essence of people’s souls, because she’s just that desperate. She gets lucky— he actually loves her, so her soul is safe… She later saves him from dying at the hands of his evil uncle, even though it was his recklessness that got them both into the situation in the first place. Cinderella and her Prince of Darkness live happily ever after.

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On 8/4/2022 at 11:11 AM, Takashi96 said:

Do you write non-pee stories also?

Yes, but they all have some kink or other.

On 8/4/2022 at 11:11 AM, Takashi96 said:

Are you fiction writers that use your literary skills to get pee perverts off out of the goodness of your own hearts? Or are you pee fetishists inspired to become writers for the benefit of our hungry genitals?

I just write what I would like to read, and not necessarily in a sexual way. I am sure people find my writing sexual, and I include sex scenes (but not usually very graphic), but I really like to write what I like to read, and I write it because no one else does - it is the only way I can get to read what I really like!

It is nice to know that people like my stories, and nice to know which bits they like. Can be a bit tricky when they like bits for a different reason than I like them because it can be hard to steer a story in a way that I am not happy with (for example a lot of people are quite obsessed with women wearing knickers, but my characters tend not to).

On 8/4/2022 at 11:11 AM, Takashi96 said:

And if the answer to the first question is yes, do you struggle to keep pee scenes from finding their way into your non pee stories?

I am very happy to put pee scenes in any fiction, just as I include gratuitous scenes of drinking Horlicks in much of the work you will read here. It is just a thing that happens to some people that makes the characters real. I usually tie the scenes in with a reason why they are happening so it is not too jarring for the excessively puritanical, but it is quite easy to tie a wetting scene in with a sudden life threatening situation...


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