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Roadtrip Desperation

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Love it - and glad you made it with only slightly damp panties.   I bet the naughtiness of knowing everyone knew added a little to the moment too.

I always wonder in queues like that, how many people are right on the edge of pulling over to pee like you did - or worse.

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On 5/24/2022 at 1:42 AM, Alygal1331 said:

Visited some family for the long weekend, and ran into some troubles on my trip back. There were major floods last year in my region, and they’re still repairing the highways. Combine that construction with long weekend traffic, there was a ~3 hour delay. 

I had grabbed a large iced coffee before I left. I also had a 1L bottle of water with me. I had been a bit thirstier than usual and drank the majority of my water + my entire iced coffee before I knew it. I started to feel a bit of pressure and realized I would have to stop before I reached my destination (which was still a few hours away). I knew the next rest stop was about 20 min away, and knew I would have no problem holding it until then. 

The only problem is that I hit major construction congestion which brought us to a dead halt. After 30 minutes of inching along, I was desperate and wiggling in my seat. 

Both sides of the highway were full of cars and there was no cover in sight. I was desperate but hoping the traffic would clear up. After about 10 more minutes it became clear that it wasn’t going to clear up. I hit a bump and a little spurt escaped me, and I knew I needed to pull over now or else! 

I pulled over on the right shoulder and opened my passenger door and my back door, then pulled my jeans and damp panties down and squatted. The piss gushed out of me before I was even completely in position and I got a little on my jeans (oops)… the relief I felt was incredible. It went on and on for what felt like forever, and I knew the dozens of cars inching by me definitely knew what I was doing. 

It’s been a while since I’ve been that desperate or pissed that volume, I forgot how amazing it felt to let it go! I think I’ll be trying that again on my next roadtrip 😏

Aren't road trips the best for desperation. Long hours behind the wheel and all those drinks you have to keep from getting too thirsty start to take a toll. And, if there's road construction...!

More than once I've been known to pull over to the side.


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