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Site Question / Help Screenshots not working.

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Sorry guys. I did not know where else to post this.

I have windows 11 but suddenly my screenshot button, print screen has ceased to work. I have tried every fix I can find online but still have this problem. Since most of my pics of late have been screenshots this is going to seriously reduce the number of pics I can provide. I have so much shit on my laptop re the fetish that I dare not take it in for repair, nor am I going to replace it when everything is fine apart from that.

Am open to suggestions but chances are I have probably already tried it.

I have a ton of screenshots already saved but once I have gotten around to sharing them I will be posting fewer pics, unless I can resolve this.

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I cannot solve your problem, but suggest you take a back up of all your picture and video material to an external drive.

You do not want to lose it all,  if things get worse and you have a major windows crash.


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I feel your pain - on the Apple Mac OS the screen snip tool is surprisingly primitive.  It exists and let’s you capture full screen or a dragged dotted box area. And it can capture still images or video clips. But there it’s usefulness ends.

There’s not control over image format and if I remember rightly it’s a PNG format output. 

What I often end up doing is using a Photoshop script to pull a batch of grabs from their folder and to resize to a sensible size, then save as JPG with a moderate compression. The result is a much smaller image, still visually ok but a lot quicker to load and use - plus less chance of hitting the site 5MB size limit. 


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