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Site Question / Help How To Delete Your Account

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If you would like your account deleted, please reply below. 

Please be aware that requests made anywhere else, such as via private message or email, may not be seen - this is the one and only place to request deletion from now on.

Deletion requests will typically be processed roughly once per week, and are done so at the administrator's discretion. 

Before you request deletion, please consider simply turning off all email notifications, and logging out of the site. This will achieve a similar effect, but will mean that if you do ever wish to return, you have the option. I cannot stress enough how many people ask for their account to be deleted, and later change their mind and wish they hadn't lost all their posts/messages, and site access.

Once your account is deleted, that is final, and you will not be able to ever return. 

If you post below and change your mind, it is already too late, as your account has been queued for deletion. So please do not post below unless you are 100% sure you are leaving forever and never coming back. 

Thank you.

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  • 3 years later...

You may keep my posts if you like.

I'm sorry, I can't stay. I'm addicted to the fetisch like a drug and this forum makes it worse. I'm risking my job by answering messages at work while masturbating. I stay up all night pissing and watching porn. I thought I could control it, but I can't. I'm not ashamed of my kink, but I feel I could lose everything by pursuing it too far. I love indulging in piss-play so much, but I want more from life than that. 🙁 Love you all.

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Delete my account. 

Stop any future rebilling for Gold Membership. 

If possible, hide all my previous posts. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

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