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Morphology and bladder

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I have 2 questions about the morphology:


- is there a link between a woman's morphology (thin, overweight ...), and the capacity of her bladder?

- Do overweight women use the toilet more often, less often or the same than thin women?


Thank you !

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36 minutes ago, Peewee123 said:

I doubt it’s linked. I am very slim and have a huge bladder and hardly ever have to go. 

Wouldn't the fullness of a huge bladder be very noticable on someone slim?

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I suspect this is a bell curve, larger women generally have larger bladders until the extra size is health impacting. Of the women I have heard often enough to draw a conclusion, the most impressive are clustered around 5'7" and 170 pounds.

Possibly the most violent streams I've heard were emitted from a woman slightly taller and 60 pounds lighter while two heavier friends are frequency over quantity. Upside there is they'll squat most anywhere.

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18 hours ago, F0rester said:

I suspect this is a bell curve, larger women generally have larger bladders until the extra size is health impacting. Of the women I have heard often enough to draw a conclusion, the most impressive are clustered around 5'7" and 170 pounds.

Possibly the most violent streams I've heard were emitted from a woman slightly taller and 60 pounds lighter while two heavier friends are frequency over quantity. Upside there is they'll squat most anywhere.

I’m 5’7 but 115 lbs. 

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On 11/1/2021 at 4:19 PM, Peeman63 said:


- is there a link between a woman's morphology (thin, overweight ...), and the capacity of her bladder?

I don't think it is that linked personally. It may be if you took an average over thousands of people, but I doubt it'd make much difference. My ex for example was a petite girl, but she could pee for almost a whole minute! She used to get a little tummy poking out of her like she was pregnant when she was really full.

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  • 3 weeks later...
With my personal experience, I haven't noticed any correlation between these.
My wife was slim when we met for the first time but she had a large bladder.
Nowadays she is not-so-slim, and she still has a large bladder.
I know one woman who is overweight and I have seen multiple times a situation where she has to hurry to the toilet just a couple hours after last visit.
And I know another woman, about the same size as the previous , but she seems to have a huge bladder, at least based on a few events that I have witnessed.
And then I know 2 women who are quite small, and one of them seems to have small bladder and another probably has normal size.
But all these are just based on things I have seen and heard when being in a same room with them so I don't know any exact facts.
Edited by W1ll_B
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