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He wanted to know if I would go out with him again. What do you think?
I don't think so! His shyness certainly doesn't help his case!

One thing I learned out on the trail: If he's not comfortable enough to pee in front of you by the third date, the relationship is not going anywhere! :wink:

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If I were you, CrissyP, I would still go out with the guy again.

The fact that he had an erection as he peed, immediately after seeing you pee, was most telling. He may have turned away to pee because of that rather than pee shyness, because an erect cock is a dead give away that a guy is turned on. He might not have been sure that you were peeing for pleasure and not just out of necessity, so perhaps could not be certain that you wouldn't think him a freak if you saw that he'd been turned on by it.

I used to be seriously in the closet about pee fun myself, and my reactions would probably have been exactly the same as his in such a situation on a first date with you, so my guess is that on some level he is into piss too. A little more coaxing and you might bring out a very wild side to him, and much fun could lay ahead. Be cautious though, because even though he obviously enjoyed seeing you piss, he could possibly still be in denial about that. This could cause him to react in feigned disgust if you go too far too fast even though he is secretly turned on.

So date him again. He has promise, and appears at the very least to enjoy seeing you pee. But in terms of progression, move cautiously at first until or unless his response and willingness to pee for fun himself becomes so overt that it amounts to a green light.

All that of course assumes that you seriously like the guy and didn't meet him whilst wearing beer goggles.

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Mike's ok. I agree with Steve that he wouldn't have realized that I was peeing for pleasure. He shows some promise, I don't want to scare him away, thinking I'm too kinky. I'll work on him on the next date. I didn't mention that we have not had intercourse yet, and that was the first time I saw his cock.

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Mike's ok. I agree with Steve that he wouldn't have realized that I was peeing for pleasure. He shows some promise, I don't want to scare him away, thinking I'm too kinky. I'll work on him on the next date. I didn't mention that we have not had intercourse yet, and that was the first time I saw his cock.
Okay, I guess I was a bit too harsh on Mike. Apparently, he has promise, it's just that he's too shy. After all, it was the third date! :wink:

One thing I would caution you on, though, is to never rush into sex unless you both feel comfortable enough to pee around (I didn't necessarily say "on" :tongue: ) one another! :)

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Mike and I went out a couple of times previously. I don't have sex on a first date. I need to know the guy a little. Long time ago, a guy got lucky with me to soon, he turned out he was a creep. He gave me that I love you stuff, even though it was just a one niter. I was married once, I'm more careful , not looking for a permanent relationship right now. Someone once said the best way to get to know someone is to have sex. The problem is that now it may be too hard to get rid of them. I go out with a couple of others as well. One of the guys knows about my pee fetish and we indulge each other from time to time. Maybe I'll write about other adventures I've had in the near future.

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Hi Crissy, that was a great account and a fantastic way to introduce peeing casually. As others have said, he is probably not thinking that you did it because you have a specific interest in pee and he obviously wasn't put off by it because he proceeded to pee himself (what's the betting that he might well have been a gentleman and held on to avoid going if you hadn't peed first?), he gained an erection and he was happy to proceed to being sucked off straight away - If he was disgusted by it then I guess he would have been keen to get out of there.

He is probably having mixed feelings because he wonders why you (a) didn't squat down (b) didn't say something first and © didn't look for privacy behind the car or something. Most girls would either have held it or would have excused themselves to go somewhere semi private.

If I were in your position, I'd just build on it gradually - maybe make sure there are other options to pee outside, but let him know that you are going to do it and see if he tries to sneak a peak or even openly watches. Might be worth squatting down so that more is on show and see how that piques his interest. BTW, I'm sure the short dress with no knickers will be a definite attraction. It is my favourite attire for a girl.

On another note, I'd love to have that car park down the road from me. Sounds like an excellent place.

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