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That story sounds pretty hot. I am not sure whether it's close enough but I would really like it if she would piss ob my lap while making out soaking both of our clothes. 

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On 7/18/2021 at 4:09 AM, Pinklemonade said:

Hi! My greatest fantasy is in my bio, about lap pissing, anyone else have the same? Tell me your gender and age please 🙂 I’m f25

This happened to me when I was about 14 and had not yet discovered how to produce the wonderful sensation of an orgasm.
The sensation of Peeing thru an eject prick without touching it really appealed to me.
I was small enough that I could get my butt thru the bare porcelain ring on the toilet,
so I would put my but thru the ring and wrap my prick in toilet paper and let the Pee flow.  What a nice sensation!
the Pee would collect in my lap and when I was thru Peeing I would push myself up out of the ring and the Pee liquid would gush back into the toilet past my legs.


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