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Fun Reasons to Wet?

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So, for quite a while now, when I'm in a naughty mood and my house mates are out, I'll set myself naughty reasons to let out little spurts of pee.

For example, I will happily just sit playing on my xbox game, and if I loose I have to let a lovely little leak out. I've played for a fair few hours before just getting pissier and pissier. 😁 Anyone else do anything similar?

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Creating reasons to wet is an intriguing idea.  Generally I don't try to rationalize wetting, I simply do it.  The times when I have rationalized it are pretty much always when I'm outdoors and dirty (planting or weeding in the garden, cutting the grass, cutting or splitting firewood, etc) and the reason is always the same: not wanting to track dirt into the house.

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34 minutes ago, thisguy20 said:

Creating reasons to wet is an intriguing idea.  Generally I don't try to rationalize wetting, I simply do it.  The times when I have rationalized it are pretty much always when I'm outdoors and dirty (planting or weeding in the garden, cutting the grass, cutting or splitting firewood, etc) and the reason is always the same: not wanting to track dirt into the house.

Nice! That's a good enough reason to wet in my opinion! 😁

I just love creating qwerky little games to play that involve getting pissy. 😂

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You could basically do any drinking game. But everytime you would normally drink, you now have to pee your pants a little bit.

There are enough out there you can do on your own, too.

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4 minutes ago, Naughts said:

You could basically do any drinking game. But everytime you would normally drink, you now have to pee your pants a little bit.

There are enough out there you can do on your own, too.

Great idea. Instead of a sip, it's a little leak! 😄 Brilliant idea.

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17 minutes ago, Naughts said:

You could basically do any drinking game. But everytime you would normally drink, you now have to pee your pants a little bit.

There are enough out there you can do on your own, too.

Great idea.  Could also take a sip and let out a drip...

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Just now, thisguy20 said:

Great idea.  Could also take a sip and let out a drip...

Perfect idea. It'd be amazing to play as quite a long term game through the day. Making sure that each drink you take is bigger than the leak you release so you gradually fill up and achieve some good desperation as well (if you're into that side of pee fun).

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This is a good idea. I might try something tomorrow. I'm working from home but on my own and it's been a while since I was a bit naughty. I could play management-speak bingo. Every time I hear a piece of management BS on my Zoom calls, or read something equivalent in an incoming email, I have to let a little out 🙂. I may need to drink quite a lot during the day 😉

Edited by Kupar
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1 minute ago, Kupar said:

This is a good idea. I might try something tomorrow. I'm working from home but on my own and it's been a while since I was a bit naughty. I could play management-speak bingo. Every time I hear a piece of management BS on my Zoom calls, or read something equivalent in an incoming email, I have to let a little out 🙂. I may need to drink quite a lot during the day 😉

Sounds like a fantastic day! Grab yourself a towel as well! Each time someones voice call goes fuzzy, or whenever an email says "As per" or whenever someone sends you a screen shot of something etc etc.

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Guest jeanswettingfan

I do this sometimes. If im laying in bed or at my desk working and i dont want to get up its a great excuse. Or if im alone outside and feel I need to pee Ill just go in my pants. 

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Im still thinking about something better but i already have something that is not terrible:

Idea 1: 
You start by getting some bottles of whatever drink (juice, water, soda, tea, ...) you love. Then you play a game. Every time you loose you have to drink. Every time you win you can go to the toilet. Outside of winning you can only pee in the bottles. If there aren't any empty bottles left drink more. (Be a little bit careful tho because you don't want to go to crazy and get overhydrated https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_intoxication)

You can play this together as well. Have a party with some pee friends. Play this kind of drinking game and compare at the end. The looser is the person who accumulated the most pee filled bottles. The best thing about this game: most people don't leave the table because they pee in bottles. 

What game to play ? Your Favorite Video game, Truth or Dare (there is no winning in truth or dare tho), Trump Cards. 

Idea 2: 
You have to pee whenever and wherever you eat. You want to snack but you don't have to pee yet ? Wait till later. You are ready to eat your lunch in front of the tv ? Better find a nice spot to pee in the living room. 
You can do the same with spending money when outside. Whenever you want to spend money you need to pee outside of a restroom first. 

Idea 3: 
You can only clean (your dishes) with pee. You are allowed to rinse afterwards but you have to clean with the pee. 

Terrible Idea 4:
I've once seen this bad porn video where two siblings tried to stealthily cum on each other without the other noticing it. If you have a pee partner who is cool with this stuff you could try to surprise pee on each other while keeping score. 
You could also play the circle game (https://www.dictionary.com/e/slang/circle-game/) the looser either has to pee or gets peed on. 

Idea 5:
You could play The Game (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Game_(mind_game)). Its a mind game where you loose every time you think about The Game. Every time you loose you have to pee on the spot. This could be something to play over a long ass time and even in big groups. (I haven't thought about The Game in ~8 Years and im sry to everyon who lost because of this post).

Back in to the think tank. Im Back when i have more terrible ideas :D. 

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