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On 10/19/2021 at 6:01 PM, AntiqueSloth said:

Dear Madam Mayor,


      I live at number ### on Crescent Street, and I need to file a complaint. Although the populace seems overjoyed with your decision to reopen the pubs and bars downtown, I must criticize the seemingly baffling choice to keep public bathrooms closed after nightfall.

      Living in a property that backs up onto the path joining several nighttime establishments, I have witnessed my once beautiful garden transformed into a swamp of yellow-tinged mud and discarded tissues, with a reeking odor of stale, bitter urine.

     I get several dozen desperate women per night squatting over my flowers, crouching in my berry bushes, or sitting on the edge of my vegetable planter boxes, using them for a toilet. I want something done about it before I find my yard engulfed in a yellow lake of piss that I must wade through each morning.


PS: Please, do not tell me to just call the police. They already have a patrol route through the area. And the night before last I caught Officer Samantha *****, badge: ###, squatting with her utility belt around her ankles, urinating on my tulips.

If that were my house, I wouldn't be writing to the mayor, I'd be setting up cameras and enjoying the views!  Good story though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Uh Hi... My friend said you'd like to watch?"

"Yes, please!"
"I... I'm not sure if I can... with a new person watching..."

"What can I do to make you more comfortable?"
"Could........ I..... See your tits?"

"Oh, cheeky one. You like your friend, don't you?"

{nodding vigorously}
"Okay, here they are... thankfully this button front shirt makes it easy."

"Best get to it before you wet yourself. You have been fidgetting this whole time."
"Right! Sure, I...."
{long lone silence}

"I can't go."

"Can I help?"

"Eh, Uh, I-I! Oh! Is that your tongue?!"

{muffled noises and low panting}
{Rushed gulping}
"That's delicious! {huff} ... but more than I can drink so quickly. *sigh* Alright, let's get out of here, my presentation starts soon and I am pretty sure you ladies need to be in the auditorium for it. At least I know I won't get dry during my talk after all that good strong piss you just gave me."

Edited by hentaixt
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"LADIES! I AM HERE TODAY TO TELL YOU ABOUT THE NEW MANDATES AVAILABLE TO YOU! As many of you have heard, girls of all ages have been given the right to pee openly in certain situations. For the next hour, you will all be shown how to handle yourself when you begin urinating where and whenever you choose. To start I have a few assistance going out into the audience. You must ask politely, so you do not offend the people around you, but almost anything goes, LITERALLY! As you can see one of them is even soaking your teacher RIGHT NOW! TAKE A LOOK AT THE BACK! She's a fire-house of EFFLUENCE! So, do we have any volunteers that might need to......."

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Man I hate stopping here. The clothes are always too expensive... and wet. Well I guess I'll just do like most the girls in here, piss on the rack by the entrance where the staff can see me, and then leave. I can't imagine how this places stays in business.

Edited by hentaixt
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ALRIGHT LADIES! It is ELEVEN O' CLOCK. Get out of those chairs, I want to see naked bush in THIRTY SECONDS!!

Legs spread, hands on hips, ready, GO!


CONGRATULATIONS!! You all held out for over five minutes. There is so much spent piss on the floor it made it to the stairwell.

You've all done well, that means the strap-on orgy for Saturday is a GO!


Edited by hentaixt
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  • 1 month later...

Always a good Christmas morning, the whole family together. We get up and drink too much water, sit around getting desperate as we try to hold on while open gifts. Then we all strip down and pee on the discarded wrapping as a group. The kids love and it has become a wonderful tradition. Next we are going to invite the neighbors!

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Sweet, I knew this'd be the perfect time!

There's no one left in the school and all the doors are still unlocked.

Let's see, YES! Gym's still open too.


Just got to get my pants down, toes at the line, and shoot for the hoop with my stream... hopefully I don't keep spraying the backboard or launching over it entirely tonight.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The witchy young University librarian unfastened her jeans in front of the cart.

I got a breathtaking look at her thick hairy bush, and pussy lips, as she squatted.

Her thick stream of pee splashed noisily and spread into a puddle on the carpet, almost touched by her long jet black hair.

She curled her tongue at me and smiled.

The library's lights grew dim as she stood.


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I was out with a bunch of friends the other day having a good time.

We were actually in the park having an "Outdoors Day," playing with ball and throwing disc and some folks brought a few kites.

After everyone was done eating I announced the need for a bathroom break, to my surprise there were none around.

Instead, I got to pee right there in the middle of the park! All my friends were called over and stood in a circle around me, I was able to squat and be out of view.

They cheered me on while I went and a few of the guys got their cocks out and peed in the circle too.

It was so refreshing and fun, really hope we do it again soon!!

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So glad the city voted to install the new female urinals or "Gurinals."

The ability to just stop next to any building and pee in a water-less basin is so convenient.

It keeps us safer too, since there are dozens of people on the street with us, no tries to attack us for fear of getting beat up and arrested.

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  • 3 weeks later...
17 hours ago, hentaixt said:

Welcome to St. Agatha's School for Chaste Girls. I'll be your tour guide.


First we have the sports fields. All activities you can participate in are outlined in the class guide. If you are out here practicing, you can usually take a pee break under the bleachers. Ah, see there are a couple of girls now.


Here we have the cafeteria. Breakfast is served quite early and if you are late, there will be none left. I suggest you rush straight here after your alarms go off. If you miss your morning bathroom visit, the garbage cans are low enough to relieve yourself standing forward or backwards.


This is the English hall, however all languages are actually taught here as well. Down at the end of this hall and around the corner there is a maintenance closet that is never locked. There is a floor drain to use if you ever find yourself too far from the toilets with a full bladder.


Now we come to the Library. We have an extensive collection and the archives are in the lowest basement. If you find you need to take a leak while studying, find the sub-basement column three; row six. That is the medical books by alphabetic order, all subject starting with "U", you can find relief there... and usually one of the librarians!


Next we have the student union lounge. This area's not large, but most the girls actually hang out in the quad during good weather. We will be headed there next, but if anyone needs a break while we are here, please feel free to use a plant, the underside of the chair cushions, or even the carpet. The other girls will keep watch for you, but expect you to return the favor for them later.


The last part of our tour is here. The Quad is the courtyard that connects all our campiss... I mean campus together. Central to the Quad is the statue of the founder you can see her depicted kneeling with a book open in her hands with her head bowed. This is most common place you will see the ladies relieving themselves. The statue makes a good seat to piss on and if you are comfortable standing you can directly on Agatha's face or hair.


Now if you don't mind this has been quite the long excursion, I am going to take advantage of our location for myself! {as she's spraying down the whole statue} I hope you enjoy your time here at St. Agatha's and I'm sure you will never be short for places to pee. Once you get to know more of your classmates and teachers, there will be hidden "toilets" that are only shared by certain clubs... hopefully you can join the one that has the spot you like the most!


Anything to do with this school?

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  • 2 weeks later...

"But Mabel, do you really think he can handle all 3 of us"

"Of course. 3 is nothing to him. On my birthday last weekend my brother had to serve 12 pussies as toilet."

"Glad to hear that, I've been holding it since I left my house. Open wide boy"

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"This should teach him a lesson" the teacher thought and got on the student's table. 

She squatted down and a hard stream of yellow piss blasted out of the teacher's skirt hitting the sleeping student right in the face.

Torn out of his sleep he ecpected a "Good Morning" but the only thing he heard was "Never dare falling asleep in my class again".



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Sister Abigail! What are you doing??
I know you are still new, but I told you all this last week TWICE!
Now, first refill the stoup with your "Holy Water" before blessing it thrice.

Then, christen the chalice with your "Holy Flow" and swallow it all before wiping it clean twice.
Finally, pour the sacrament wine add a jigger from the stoup.

Place, those with the bread that is doused in "Mother's Bosom" that you milked by hand from Lady Superior.

We have a large congregation, so you will be preparing this five times.

Make sure you follow the rules correctly and have hydrated properly.

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