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Right angle, hydro assisted, deep dive, frak drilling... with liquid pressure cooling.

Is this a construction thing or some strange Watersports Kama Sutra technique??

Edited by hentaixt
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Mother Superior?
The priest has run out of... uh, "blessings" while in the confessional and the girls soccer team just showed up.

They are waiting in the first row to be, "showered with the spirit" and he was wondering if you could take care of that while he gets, "refueled with divinity."

Excellent, I see you already have the proper attire. I will let them know you are, "ready to go..."

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Dear Sir or Madam,

Congratulation on your Nobel Nomination in the category of clean energy.

Your invention for micro hydro-electric urinals will be featured at the awards ceremony and make you eligible to take home the medal in your field.

We wish you luck with your future endeavors. Please find enclosed two tickets to the event for you and a plus one.

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Hey Mira, isn't that your ex at table 6?"

"Ugh, Brian's back? What a creep! He's been doing this for weeks now."

"If only there was someway we could make get him outta here."

"...Hey Izzy, don't you think his grilled chicken could use some more... homemade sauce?"

"Ooo, good thinking! I'll go ask if he wants a refill on his lemonade."

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"Hey, can you pass me those sock?"

"Sure, but I need those panties next to you."
"Would you two hurry up and finish? Your sister and I have been done for over a minute and the sound's starting to make people suspicious."
"Well, we told you we needed to pee badly... and you still insisted on going first!"

"We just need to wipe and we can get out of here. Sock're so much better than toilet paper."

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"I thought you said we were going to the toy store?"

"Yes and I thought you said you needed to pee?"

"I did, I do."
"Wellll... you pee in the middle of the store, with an audience and I get a discount on MY toy. Then when we go to the other store I buy you one of equal (or lesser) value for cooperating."
"Alright, get those pants off and get to it!"

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"Honey," I hear her voice call from behind me, still half asleep "turn around."

My eyes still shut, I roll over in our bed.

"Open your mouth."

Still too tired to question a thing, I comply

I hear her rustle the covers and soon feel the warmth of her skin touching my face. Feeling her lips pursed against my mouth I continue to kiss her until I realize in my groggy state which lips they are. As she wraps her tender legs around my head I hear her say "Keep it open, sweetie." from beneath the covers. I feel a hot sensation inside my mouth, as it cascades down my tongue it tastes almost sweet with a bitter aftertaste. From muscle memory I begin swallowing rapidly only letting a small spurt of her nectar reach the pillow below me. I hear her muffled sigh as she finds relief in using me; she revels in the act and the naughtiness of it. As if testing my performance she tries to challenge me. Aiming her spray at the room of my mouth, changing her squirt's intensity to that of an eruption, and releasing her stream in short bursts. After a minute and with my head still ensnared in her thighs, she wiggles loose the last droplets as I lap them away, as I've come to suspect she wants me to keep lapping, earning me another salty gift as she cries out in ecstasy into our mattress. All too quickly she drags her warmth away from me. Opening my eyes I see her laying right-side up again, as if it were all a dream.

"I told you we didn't need an upstairs bathroom." she breaks the silence with a coy wink and a kiss on my drenched mouth before getting up to reveal her bottomless form, still dripping with euphoria.

I need to pee.

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I hope this is ok! It’s an excerpt from something I’m writing. 

What came next was almost expected after the scene of self pleasure. Lucien took her piss-soaked rag, wrapped it around the head of his shrinking cock and relaxed. A golden stream erupted from the tip as he continued to stroke himself, savoring the last bit of his post orgasmic wave. The sound of the forming puddle and splash rang through Alibel's ears as she felt her arousal increase. Was she attracted to watching him piss, or was it the fact that he thought her own urine was a turn on enough to cause him to lose control and fill his own desires?

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Sure it's fine. The idea's within the spirit of the thread. The only thing I'd say for advice's that it'd more self contained. What you posted can be enjoyed as is, but you still get the sense that there was other stuff you missed. The way I've been doing it's an ecapsulation with what feel like a start, middle, and end. Hope that helps and thanks for the submission. ^_^

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Mikala was beginning to panic, this was her first day helping the local fishers and she picked just about the worst time to drink a large iced coffee. She couldn't just whip her cock out and pee off the side of the boat like she would like to. Not only would it scare away the fish, but it'd probably scare away the fisherman who's supposed to pay her too!

While her partner was preoccupied, Mikala was scrambling around looking for some solution to her swollen bladder. She saw a white plastic box that was embedded into the ship. She opened it to find a tank filled with clear blue water, so there was plumbing on these kinds of ships, she knew it! As quickly as she could while out of view she tore down her overalls and panties and squatted over the lid of the tank. She pointed her dick at the waters and let loose a torrent as she relaxed her body in a sigh of relief. She stifled a moan as she blasted the clear waters with her yellow thundering deluge for nearly a minute. Her bladder at ease she shook the last drops from her tip and pulled her lower garments back into place before joining the fisherman at the front of the vessel.

"Oh, you caught one Mr. Keola!" Mikala applauded

"Sure did, lassie! Be a dear and put this in the live well, would ya?" The older man replied

Mikala paused now holding the fish, not sure what he was asking.

"The what?"

"There should be a little plastic tank with a lid in the back, that's the live well" Keola kindly responded


Mikala was beginning to panic again

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Mistybush hovered with her flapping wings just above my shoulder, per usual as I timidly walked my way farther into the cursed woods. A carnivorous plant had already stripped me of my shield so I was left with little but a sword and a tattered tunic. As I rustled my way through a thick layer of brush and emerged on the other side, I was ambushed!

"Watch out!" Misty was hardly able to utter before a goblin leaped at me with a dagger in hand. The blade ran down my back creating a brutal wound and further destroying what little coverings I had left. With one precise counterattack I slew the monster. Falling to the ground in pain I removed my ruined tunic, leaving me with naught but my boots for protection, my bare breasts and buttocks exposed to the still, dank, air polluting the woods growing darker yet darker.

"You need to be more careful! I thought you were a goner" the small fairy chided me.

"Here, lie on your back" she commanded, wishing to check my wounds it seemed.

As I lie there, boobs pressed to the dirt beneath me, I heard a shimmering sound and felt a warmth embrace my badly damaged back. I turned my head to see Mistybush, stripped of her leafy undergarments and peeing nonchalantly onto my open wound! Instinctively I jolted away in response, demanding to know what she was doing!

"I'm healing you, you big jerk! Don't you know that fairy urine heals sickness and wounds?!?!" She cried in pouty anger. Stunned at this new information I had no choice but to lie back down, now in the mud because of Misty's scattered urine. I looked over my shoulder at her relieving herself over my person as if it were any ordinary chamber pot.

"It's a lot more embarrassing now that I know you're watching." her face flushed crimson but her deluge didn't stop, if anything it was strengthened. She had long since covered the length of my cut, but was now simply pissing for her own relief. She swung her hips back and forth while hovering, as if bored with her stationary beam of glistening nectar. After letting loose a sigh to signal she was spent, she casually wiped the last droplets of her gift onto my discarded tunic not bothering to search for her small leaf panties in the tall grass she had tossed them in. I could already see her magic mending the slice across my back as if it never was.

"You're filthy, we need to clean you up at the nearest town!" Mistybush went right back to scolding as if nothing had changed.  

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"Hello, I'd like to file a complaint."
"I'm sorry to hear that Ma'am, how may I help?"
" I was with your attendant, Jayce for about a half hour and not ONCE did he offer to fuck my ass or pee in my mouth!"
"I apologize for that behavior. I know it is close to his off time and he has an appointment after work today. While I cannot do anything about providing you anal, since are both women, I would be happy to pee in your mouth if you like?"

"I suppose that's alright, I'm still not happy about the service... but I'll give it another try later. What was your name?"
I'm Amelia, thank you for considering us again in the future. I've got quite a bit stored, so here we gooo~."

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2 minutes ago, hentaixt said:

"So how's it handling? Is the suspension and get up what you expected?"
[From the backseat] "Are we allowed to pee during the test drive?"

"Sure are! We want you to test all the features. You will find the seats are absorbent and moisture wicking. It all flows down to the floor board drains, so even shooting off the seats is fine. It all gets collected and deposited on the road as you travel!"
"Thank goodness, this is going to be a LONG release."
[Parking back at the dealership]

"You go ahead with the paperwork, I still need a minute to finish peeing."

I'd certainly get a lot of use out of something like that ❤️❤️❤️

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"The founder of Teeny-tinysburg was truly a visionary. For the longest time us Teenians had lived in fear of the humans due to their immense size, but then we realized that having big folks around could help us out too! Take the volunteer fire brigade for instance!" says enthusiastic local Teenian, Jeremy Smallsmore.

We cut to footage of a punky girl in skinny jeans and a faded band tee towering over a Teenian city

"Name's Bridgett"

She hastily unzips her fly and pulls her semi-erect cock out from her grey panties

"So, where's the fire?"

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The dining room like the rest of his house was obscenely ornate and far too big for a single man to possess by his lonesome, yet here he was. I counted twelve empty seats between myself and Demetri and I was finding it difficult to maintain our conversation from such a long distance.

"I've come to hear many a tale about how blood is the only thing that can sate the thirst of my kind" the pale figure announced while cutting into a slab of steak, crimson to its very center. He continued "I can assure you, that is but a myth. There are many fluids that run through a body, and all serve just as well for us. I am a civilized type so I'd rather not cause any undue harm to humans." he boasted as if deserving of an accolade.

Before I could utter the question that had been on my tongue since I arrived, he appeared on my side of the table at inhuman speed. I could feel him behind me, the tall wooden chair the only thing shielding me from his shallow yet cold breaths. I felt his thin fingers caress my shoulders, just as hauntingly chill as the marble upon which my feet uneasily squirmed. He leaned his head towards my ear with his fangs bare, every movement calculated to keep me guessing. In a whisper I heard him speak

"Now might I ask you to remove those undergarments you are about to soil? I'm feeling rather parched and I wouldn't want to do anything.... rash, I shall say."

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I had long since given up hope of rescue as I used what was left of my energy to drag my burning carcass across the barren desert, no food, water, or hope of civilization as far as my weary eyes attempted to see. As my hands scraped across the scorching sand I felt something unmistakably solid in my grasp. It looked to be a container of solid gold. I attempted to pry it open in hopes of finding something, anything that could help me. I rubbed the sand off the side of it to see if there was perhaps an encryption on the side, and it was in that moment a plume of purple mist and smoke rose from the container. As it rose and circled around me I thought it to be a cruel mirage, taunting me in the moments before my certain demise.

Eventually the smoke and mist materialized into a physical form, a woman of dark skin and lavender hair in a purple outfit covering only her bottom half. As I lie on my back waiting for the end the figment spoke to me

"You have summoned me, as gratitude for my release I shall grant you three wishes. What is your first wish?" she looked at me with unphased yet inquisitive purple eyes. Even if she was but a mirage, I couldn't help but stare at her bountiful bare chest. My frayed and torrid vocal chords could utter but only one word.

"W-w-w-w-at-er" I said reaching towards the figure. She paused in silence for a moment as if taken aback.

"Oh my god, I'm soo glad you said that. I've been stuck in that thing for over a millennium, doesn't exactly have state-of-the-art plumbing. I'll tell you that." she quipped to me

Now it was my turn to be bewildered by her words. She proceeded to lower her purple parachute pants revealing an immaculately trimmed garden with carpet to match the drapes. She stood above me, legs on either side of my head, and adopted a low squat over top of my mouth. My only view now was of her vulva and her asshole with which I was now making eye contact. I began to second-guess my psyche if this was what I thought of in my last moments.

"Open wide" I heard her declare before a shockingly real stream of hot water graced my arid lips. Parched and desperate I began to suck greedily from the girl's lower lips as I felt her deluge of sour water patter down my aching throat. Lapping like an animal at her genitalia produced a sensual moan from the woman. She began to gyrate her hips as her downpour of urine intensified. The bounty from her urethra that was rejuvenating me, thundered down for a full minute. I greedily drank all she had to offer me. As the liquid gold she gave to me turned to a drip, I tongued the last drops from her and she rose back up from her squat, clearly satisfied by her immense release.

"First wish: granted. What's next? And no wishing for more wishes... or more genies"

Edited by Peenicks
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1 hour ago, Peenicks said:

I had long since given up hope of rescue as I used what was left of my energy to drag my burning carcass across the barren desert, no food, water, or hope of civilization as far as my weary eyes attempted to see. As my hands scraped across the scorching sand I felt something unmistakably solid in my grasp.


(Then things went in a different direction)

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8 minutes ago, oliver2 said:


(Then things went in a different direction)

I felt the unmistakable shape of a phallus within my hands. With what strength I'd left I dusted the sand off of its shaft, began to swallow its content, and rhythmically bob atop it in an attempt to coax something out of it, be it semen or piss.

Edited by Peenicks
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1 minute ago, Peenicks said:

I felt the unmistakable shape of a phallus within my hands. With what strength I'd left I dusted the sand off of its shaft, began to swallow its content, and rhythmically bob atop it in an attempt to coax something out of it, be it semen or piss.

Mmm I love it when you talk dirty 💦

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17 hours ago, Peenicks said:

I had long since given up hope of rescue as I used what was left of my energy to drag my burning carcass across the barren desert, no food, water, or hope of civilization as far as my weary eyes attempted to see. As my hands scraped across the scorching sand I felt something unmistakably solid in my grasp. It looked to be a container of solid gold. I attempted to pry it open in hopes of finding something, anything that could help me. I rubbed the sand off the side of it to see if there was perhaps an encryption on the side, and it was in that moment a plume of purple mist and smoke rose from the container. As it rose and circled around me I thought it to be a cruel mirage, taunting me in the moments before my certain demise.

Eventually the smoke and mist materialized into a physical form, a woman of dark skin and lavender hair in a purple outfit covering only her bottom half. As I lie on my back waiting for the end the figment spoke to me

"You have summoned me, as gratitude for my release I shall grant you three wishes. What is your first wish?" she looked at me with unphased yet inquisitive purple eyes. Even if she was but a mirage, I couldn't help but stare at her bountiful bare chest. My frayed and torrid vocal chords could utter but only one word.

"W-w-w-w-at-er" I said reaching towards the figure. She paused in silence for a moment as if taken aback.

"Oh my god, I'm soo glad you said that. I've been stuck in that thing for over a millennium, doesn't exactly have state-of-the-art plumbing. I'll tell you that." she quipped to me

Now it was my turn to be bewildered by her words. She proceeded to lower her purple parachute pants revealing an immaculately trimmed garden with carpet to match the drapes. She stood above me, legs on either side of my head, and adopted a low squat over top of my mouth. My only view now was of her vulva and her asshole with which I was now making eye contact. I began to second-guess my psyche if this was what I thought of in my last moments.

"Open wide" I heard her declare before a shockingly real stream of hot water graced my arid lips. Parched and desperate I began to suck greedily from the girl's lower lips as I felt her deluge of sour water patter down my aching throat. Lapping like an animal at her genitalia produced a sensual moan from the woman. She began to gyrate her hips as her downpour of urine intensified. The bounty from her urethra that was rejuvenating me, thundered down for a full minute. I greedily drank all she had to offer me. As the liquid gold she gave to me turned to a drip, I tongued the last drops from her and she rose back up from her squat, clearly satisfied by her immense release.

"First wish: granted. What's next? And no wishing for more wishes... or more genies"

Have you by chance read my story?


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5 minutes ago, hentaixt said:

Have you by chance read my story?


Ooo, I have not, but I certainly will have to check this out when I've the time! Also love the art too, did the artist you commissioned want to stay anonymous?

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