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Short-Form Porn.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

"OK, wait... we're just going to go here?"

"I figured, yeah. This looks as good as anywhere."
"I agree, I'm not sure what you expected to find elsewhere?"
"No, I guess you two're right."
"Wow, I really had to go, this feels great."
"Can you hear how loud I am splash, it sound like storm-drain releasing."


"Ladies? Yes, you three... I know you want to show off your fountains, but this is the Splash Pad."
"Yea, SO WHAT? The bathrooms are all closed and there are no kids out this late."
"Just be glad we ended up here, our first suggestion was the grill pits in picnic area!"

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"Explain yourself young lady..."

"I never expect this to happen!"
"We told you having a house party while we were out was fine. IF you followed the rules."

"How was I supposed to know all the people would actually use the bathrooms instead of the carpet and furniture!?"

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What did I do to get called to the principals office? They even did it over the loud speaker.


Well that was unexpectedly pleasant, she just wanted me to pee in her coffee pot since her secretary was out. Still not sure why she randomly chose me....

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How did this rain start so abruptly. Anyways I this building should protect me. 

Pooh I think I can close my umbrella now. But- why did the pattering sound on my umbrella begin again. Hmm the ground beneath is all dry. 

So where does this come from. I took the umbrella down and looked up. But I couldn't see anything because of the rain. This is rain is kinda strange though. Pretty warm for rain. And the taste? I opened my mouth and it actually tastes somehow... salty. When I finally could smell the liquid that was raining down on my face, I realised what was happening. But it was too late to do something  the rain stopped an I saw the ass howering above my off the balcony...


This story ended up longer than I thought.

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Teachers' Lounge.
Teachers' Lounge?
Teachers' Lounge...
Wait, do Teachers lounge the same way I do?
I mean it would be a bit odd to take off your pants, plop down on a sofa, spread your legs, and pee past the other arm. Well, I mean during school hours anyway....

Maybe during lunch, it's so much easier to relieve yourself while eating anyway, it just saves time.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Another business style idea:

"Hey, did you hear what happened to Matty?"
"Oh, gossip! Do tell, give me all the details."
"Apparently the VP was walking through our area on a tour or something. Anyway Matty was on the phone dealing with an irate customer. The VP stopped to see how she handled it."
"Not good, then what?"
"Well Matty final got them on hold to look into a few things. The VP came over, told her to open her blouse top."
"NO WAY! You don't mean?!?"
"Yep, sure enough... The VP hiked up her skirt and pissed all over Matty's naked tits."
"Damn, when AM I  going to get lucky enough for a promotion? Some people get all the luck."

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  • 5 weeks later...

"Before, After, or During class. Remember peeing is only allowed if you are going ON or IN a classmate."

"Uh, IN? We're all girls..."

"Yes, so use that pretty mouth of yours' for more than stupid comments."

Edited by hentaixt
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"So there's this girl."

"And she's naked.
"Then she starts peeing on the floor..."
"Then What??"
"It goes everywhere and makes a huge mess."
"Oh Yeah and after that?"
"That's it."
"Seriously!? I can see why you are flunking your Literature Class......"

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Donna:"I need to go toilet. Haven't been all day. Going to be a long wee. Boring, innit?"

Then she smirked, "Mind you, going toilet can be fun sometimes. I was seeing this guy and he wanted me to piss on his bedroom floor."

Me: "Oh wow, did you do it?"

Donna: "Well it wasn't my fucking carpet was it, so I thought "so fucking what" and just pissed right there on his carpet. Good fun though, haha."

She grinned. "Pity I'm not in his flat now."

Me: "Do you want to do that?"

Donna: "I will if you want."

Me: "Go on then."

Donna: "Where to?"

Me: "Anywhere you want."

She waved her arm into the direction of the middle of the living room. "I'll piss here. I don't give a fuck."

Me: "Go on then"

Donna: "Alright I will."

And with that she lowered her jeans and panties, squatted down, and with a loud hissing and splashing, big grin on her face, she started pissing right there on my living room carpet.

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"Can I put you on hold for just a minute?"
"Margret? I need you to get line three."
"When you are done using Laura for a urinal, have her take line four."
"Actually strike that... have her take your call, I need you here so I can pee."
"Get Becky to take line four, she can use Susan for a urinal."

"We need to hire more bathroom attendants."

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{Bum Bing Bon Bo}

"This is a test of the Emergency Bathroom Break System."
"This is only a test."
"If you feel the need to urinate please advise those around you and check for the appropriate non-standard relief locations in your area."
"This is only a test."
"Had this been an actual emergency, the tones you heard would be followed by a list of volunteer names to assist you."

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"The girls had a wild night. They left puddles in the kitchen, the living room, even your room. And you see those cups there? They're all filled with piss."

"Why do I always have to clean their mess up?" He grabbed a mop and a bucket.

"Who said you would use a mop. Take this drinking straw. And don't leave a single drop."


Edited by Antonister
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Katie and Suzie are sisters and they have been liking to pee together in naughty places since they were teens.

They were in a restaurant, and since the bartenders were rude, Katie had the idea to ruin their day by pissing on the floor.

Suzie was excited by her sister's idea and together with her started pissing discreetly on the floor.

They weren't much hydrated, so their piss was yellow, like they loved it to be.

When they finished emptying their bladders, on the floor there was around 1L of nice, yellow pee, it was flooded, and to add to the mess the two naughty sisters wiped their pussies with some paper and threw it on the floor. They then escaped the crime scene and also left without paying.


Edited by NaughtyPisserLover
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On 2/20/2021 at 1:29 AM, kalle2020 said:

OK, I'll give it a try. Please forgive me any mistakes; English is not my native language:


You did not even take your coat off before you rushed to the toilet.

"I had to pee so bad for the last 15 km of the bike ride", you sighed with relief and smiled.

I walked up to you and kissed you on the forehead. You were still peeing.


Pee & bike rides sound like my sort of porn

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  • 2 weeks later...

[Outside a coffee shop, topless girl advertising products]
Try our famous diuretic coffee, guaranteed to make you pee twice your normal amount!
We now serve mocha latte frappee infused whipped topping.

Get it on our newest Boba Pee Drinks. Tea or smoothies with Boba prepared with an effluence mixed from the girls on staff daily!!

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Sure, I used to love a good night, but I'm afraid my bladder isn't up to it anymore.

Don't sweat hun, we know just the establishment for you.

Does it have plenty of toilets with short queues?

Urm, kind of. You'll see.

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