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Wilma's house party

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10 hours ago, paatujo said:

Wilma's house party, part 2


Getting back inside out of the cold was almost as relieving as the pee Laura had just had. As her elevator reached the level of the party, she was greeted by a clearly desperate pair of girls waiting for a ride down. Natalie was quite composed, but was slightly fidgeting as the door opened. The girl with her was Sandra, whom Laura sort of knew. She admired Sandra's cute outfit. The petite redhead had dressed in a white sweater with a little pink scarf around her neck, a dark blue midi skirt and black tights, and was shaking while holding a hand against her crotch. Laura paused for a second before realising she should probably step out of the elevator and make way. "Going out to pee?" she asked, as if it wasn't quite obvious. "Yeah, it has to be done" was the answer Natalie blurted out as the two hurried into the elevator. "It's pretty cold and windy out there" said Laura as the doors slid closed. Apparently the bathroom situation was common knowledge by now. The door to Wilma's apartment was unlocked, and Laura slipped in.

The party had clearly picked up during the short while for which Laura had been gone. As she entered the hallway, she encountered Wilma crawling on all fours, slurring that she'd go to take a quick nap. Hopefully the hostess passing out won't make the party get out of hand, Laura thought to herself and told Wilma to sleep well. Wilma disappeared into her bedroom and clumsily pushed the door closed, leaving Laura to giggle at this performance as she walked to the kitchen to get a drink. Another sort of performance was going on in the kitchen when she walked in. Kate was now sitting on the kitchen sink with her little black dress pulled up, black tights and blue lacy knickers around her knees. A small group of girls were standing around her, doing a relatively poor job shielding what was going on. As Laura walked past them to the fridge and gave Kate an amused look with a thumb up, a stream of pee began softly rattling into the metal sink. It quickly intensified and hit the metal making a much louder rattle, which was more masked by the girls around her drunkenly laughing. Kate was laughing too while looking also relieved. She went on voiding her bladder into the sink as Laura grabbed a carton of cheap wine, filled a glass and walked into the living room sipping it. "Like what you see?" she heard Kate say to Daniel, who had just wandered into the kitchen and apparently looked at her enough to notice.

Meanwhile, Natalie and Sandra had reached the ground floor and darted to front door. As Sandra got to the door and reached for the lock, a gust of wind blew snow across the courtyard. Quite a bit of snow blew right in when Sandra cracked the door, and she immidiately let it close again. "I'm not going out there", she said in a voice of concern and desperation. She spun on the spot, holding her crotch and bobbing up and down, looking for alternatives. Natalie glanced at the snow blowing across the yard, and decided she'd find an alternative too. "Over there?" suggested Natalie and pointed to a recessed stairway leading down from next to the elevator. She ran to it, pressing a hand deep into her crotch and leaping down the stairs. At the bottom was a small dimly lit landing and a metal door. It was locked and Sandra gasped at finding this, but wasted no time reaching under her skirt and lowering her panties and tights to her knees.

As Natalie reached the stairs and began descending them, Sandra was already in a high squat with her skirt gathered around her waist and butt against the door. Natalie got to the bottom of the stairs, and a strong flow of hot pee began pouring from Sandra onto the concrete floor. Sandra sighed, it was clear how much she needed this. Natalie unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down while squatting low on the bottom step, opposite from Sandra. Her stream shot out in front of her, splattered onto the landing and soon merged with Sandra's puddle, to which Sandra was still desperately adding a hissing torrent. "Looks like you really needed to go", giggled Natalie, watching her puddle join the much bigger splatter pattern closer to the door. The bottom of the metal door was also covered in pee splatters, and much of their combined puddle was now quickly flowing under it. "Fuck yeah", sighed Sandra contently with her eyes closed, still peeing. Her stream slowly began losing pressure and finally died down, and around the same time Natalie squirted her last spurts into their puddle. Neither had tissues, so both shook their bottoms a bit to remove rogue pee drops before adjusting their clothing. "Much better", remarked Sandra as they walked back up the stairs to the elevator.

Laura had barely taken a place on the couch next to Emily again, when she heard somebody announce the arrival of pizza. She quickly gulped down the rest of her wine and headed to the kitchen to get a refill and check out the food situation. "It's getting a little crowded in here!" shouted a slim brunette in a green sweater and black jeans, who was squirming around near the sink as Laura entered. Kate and some other girls were surrounding her, and a stack of hot pizza boxes had just been placed on the counter. "Calm down, Erika", said Kate and suddenly kissed her on the lips, causing the brunette to squirm some more and the rest of their circle to crack up. "Going outside is an option, I just went a while ago", advised Laura as she made her way to the pizza boxes and helped herself to something with at least pepperoni and pineapple. After filling her wine glass and navigating into the living room, she met Natalie and Sandra, who had just returned and were both lured towards the kitchen by the smell of hot pizza. "I guess you guys managed. Was it cold outside?" she asked them. Natalie and Sandra looked at each other and quickly replied: "Yes". Natalie slid off to get pizza, but Sandra continued to Laura: "We met a pizza delivery guy on his way down as we came back, and he gave us the funniest look. I'd be worried he saw us peeing, but I'm too drunk to worry now." She too then slipped away and Laura returned to her spot on the couch, where Emily and Maria were now chatting. Emily made a gagging face and laughed as she saw Laura's pizza slice.

"Would you excuse us, we were just about to go find a ladies room", Maria said and snickered while getting up and draining a glass of punch. She walked away with Emily, and left Laura to munch on her pizza. Laura enjoyed the little moment to herself while surveying the room around her. Taking into account how late it was and that the hostess had crawled to her bedroom on all fours a while ago, things were well under control. Even the music hadn't been turned high enough for neighbors to complain. Everybody was clearly drunk and the apartment was still crowded, but perhaps the most drunk and tired attendants had already gone home to sleep. Laura finished her pizza, drank most of her wine and watched as a group of girls gathered in a corner and whispered something to each other. Erika who'd been desperate in the kitchen was among them, and still looked like she was absolutely bursting for a pee. A beautiful blonde that Laura didn't know began handing out cigarettes to the group. Laura had very rarely ever smoked, but now she was in the right mood and walked across the room with her glass of wine. Just then she recognised the girl as Chloe with whom she'd talked earlier. "Could I join you guys if you're going for a smoke?" she asked. "Well, I guess so..." said Chloe and handed her the pack. "Actually some of us are going to pee too", she added in a whisper. "Okay, that's fine", said Laura, emptied her wine glass and set it on a side table.

To be continued

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