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Feedback / Idea Member map - local time display

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HI. I think the local time display of individual member pins on the member map are not showing the correct local time. For instance, I looked at some UK pins at 15:30 UK time today, and they showed local time as 10:30. I checked in North America and the local time displayed also appeared to be wrong.

It's not really important, to be honest, but I thought you might like to know!

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This makes me wonder if when people are placing pins if they are using a VPN if that is changing the time and making the system think it's the correct local time. Or if the local time is based off the local time of the server that is hosting the site. Another thought is the time offset not correct on the server as in timezones with the chaning of the seasons. Only @Admin as far as I am aware could confirm how the member map works.

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I have just checked the ones I looked at the other day (in the East of England) ... and they are all showing the correct time! I can't explain what has happened there. All seems to be working fine. I am sorry if I've caused you unnecessary effort @Admin - thanks for looking.

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