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Little things you find sexy

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Interesting thread. So here are a few random things I find sexy but not pee related:

A nice ass in tight jeans, and boots if possible.

Shaved pussy

Tight short skirts and shapely legs

An upskirt glimpse

Long straight hair

Cleavage, even better is a breast view from the side, and if there is a bit of nipple on show that counts as a wow moment

Tight dresses where you can see the pussy bulge

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Here's my random list in no particular order:

  • Any ass in jeans.
  • Semi-muscular legs.
  • Eyes.
  • The view from below.
  • Hairy or trimmed pussy.
  • Hot breath on my neck.
  • Being bitten.
  • An aggressive woman.
  • The smell of a woman's fresh sweat.
  • Wet hair. Regardless of how it got that way.
  • A little bit of a belly.
  • Whispering in my ear.
  • Intelligence.
  • Confidence without arrogance.

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One thing I find very sexy is hair patterns.. particularly ladies who are "wide-area" bushy enough that you can see clearly the directional pattern of pubic hair growth.. and especially if there is some "treasure trail" from her bush to her navel... like this ;)


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Belly-buttons. Innies, outies, pierced, non-pierced, they're all good.

White, cotton panties.

Watching a girl go through her nighttime ablutions. Getting undressed, combing hair, rubbing in lotion, and so forth. There's something elegant about it.

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One thing I find very sexy is hair patterns.. particularly ladies who are "wide-area" bushy enough that you can see clearly the directional pattern of pubic hair growth.. and especially if there is some "treasure trail" from her bush to her navel... like this :wink:


I totally agree with you on this one Ps&Qs. She's pretty much perfect. Got a name for her?

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Of course it is ... or are you just having a go with me? Wasn't Kate Bush a singer? Did some backing vocals with Peter Gabriel?

In any event, Thanks!

Sorry, just kidding! Yes Kate Bush is a singer. I saw that verdant shrubbery sprouting from her pants and the name just popped into my dirty little brain:biggrin:

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What little things do you find sexy?

I am not talking about full on sexual fantasies or experiences here, nor favourite porn vids or erotic literature. I am thinking more of the small things that interest us in a sexual way - items of clothing, particular accents, a particulure posture, a certain word or mannerism, anything like that.

Here's mine....

They aren't really as popular as they used to be but I have always found long dresses worn by women rather sexy.

I also find the combination of fair skin, blue eyes, and long black hair very alluring.

I know some might think me a little odd here, but I do find the German accent on a woman very sexually appealing.

In all of the above the influence of my first love - a German girl with fair skin, blue eyes, and long black hair, and a penchent for wearing long brightly coloured dresses - is immediately obvious to me.

But one other little thing that always sounds slightly sexy to me, which cannot really be attributed to her, is the word "piss" when uttered by any attractive female, however non-sexual the connotation. Not sure why this word from between female lips sounds so much more sexy than other words meaning the same thing, like "pee" or "wee", but it does sound particularly sexy to me.

Here is a selection from me of things that really give me that extra buzz:

I adore those open toed sling back black shoes that were so popular a while back....Soooo sexy!

I am potty about Indian girls. So many seem to be so beautiful with their coffee coloured skin and thick black hair. Not exclusively because of course I love all types of girl, but I have been lucky enough to make it with one or two lovely Indian girls in my life, which were fab experiences.

Knickers. I love girls knickers,particularly white ones and if they have hairs showing at the sides, that's just icing on the cake for me. love to see them upskirts. and when you get to slip them off a girl, if they are smelly with girl juices and pee drips.... wow heaven! (if she doesn't mind, I love to let a girl watch me smell her knickers after she takes them off, and see what it does to me!!)

You mention girls using words that turn you on. For me it's the C word, if a girls talks to me about her c**t I get so turned on to hear it!

As far as the physical bits are concerned, I love extra big flaps. Also when a girl has a huge clitoris, I love that and extra big nipples are a fantastic turn on.

Finally I love a hairy pussy, increasingly rare in this day and age it seems, but to smell lick and lick a very hairy pussy is just out of this world for me , I love it.

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I love seeing girls wearing glasses . they are still very attractive . As well as very Sexy in having to wear them. That it turns me - on so much in coming across a picture of a girl standing there smiling . As well if especially if she was peeing too/ In that picture of her there :wink: :wink:

Well I can tell you she's openly admitted to peeing in the shower.

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Well,shes very pretty anyway,whoever she is.There is (somewhere) on WGP,a vid of a similar looking girl,who is chained to the floor,and just does a strong pee,with a horny little squirt at the end,leaving a puddle on the ground.

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