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No bathroom no problem

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The men’s bathroom at work has been out of order lately. The time to fix it was going to be rather lengthy so a portapotty was provided for us to use. This was located out a side door across a small ally between 2 long industrial buildings. I work nights and that ally is rarely ever used by anyone other than coworkers, so I know the traffic routine well enough to know when I don’t actually have to go in the portapotty. Now I’m a guy that’s grown up peeing outside his whole life so that doesn’t really excite me and my own urine isn’t exciting to me either, but the echos from peeing between the metal building in the cold quite night, and leaving large puddles on the concrete had been fun. I’d like to go there sometime with some female company to really enjoy the sights and sounds.

Lately what I’ve been doing which has been a little more exciting for me is, later at night I’ll go to my vehicle to have a quick smoke or grab something and I’ll pee by my vehicle. This is more exciting because the parking lot is closer to a road and although there isn’t much traffic at night and it’s easy to see the lights coming to give you enough heads up to get things put away. It’s exciting to hear cars approach, not quite sure if there coming your way. I always like to hope if I do get caught or seen (preferably by female) that it would excite them too just a little bit. Give them that little smirk you get when your mind goes dirty for a second. By the end of the night there is usually a very large puddle by my vehicle and it’s not hard to tell what I be been doing if you think for a second.


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On 10/19/2019 at 4:49 AM, beachmom said:

for guys it's not even an issue, you can go anywhere

Yes and no.   We do have the advantage of not having to completely undress to have a pee, but we still generally have to expose ourselves and risk the legal repercussions of doing so and generally it is quite obvious when a man is peeing as he will typically stand and face a wall or a corner and the stream will be quite visible.    In some ways, ladies have a better option in that they can wear suitable skirts that allow them to sit or squat under complete cover of the skirt and be able to pee without anyone even knowing.   Sit on a wall and pee down the back of it, sit on a kerb over a drain and nobody would have a clue.   Sit on grass with skirt surrounding you and you could pee with people just a few metres away without them even realising.  

I do accept that if you are wearing jeans or tight skirts then it can be more of an issue - so it just depends whether you dress with the intention of going to pee outside or not.   


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11 hours ago, Alfresco said:

Yes and no...     In some ways, ladies have a better option in that they can wear suitable skirts that allow them to sit or squat under complete cover of the skirt and be able to pee without anyone even knowing.   Sit on a wall and pee down the back of it, sit on a kerb over a drain and nobody would have a clue.   Sit on grass with skirt surrounding you and you could pee with people just a few metres away without them even realising. 

I agree. I've always thought that women have the better plumbing for naughty peeing.  Skirts open the door to a wealth of pervy pee possibilities. Also, the fact that women pee down, versus the way a dick makes us pee out (away from our bodies) makes the skirt pee even more practical. 

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Totally agree with @Alfresco and @Peevert - all the ladies who say 'it's all right for you blokes who can pee anywhere'.

Yes, granted we can aim easier than most ladies (apart from those ladies who've learnt the art) - but we can also get seen and arrested for indecent exposure more easily.  Imagine a bloke having a sneaky pee in a public park? Families and children about? Apart from being completely concealed in bushes, there's no way to do it without standing in the middle of the park with cock out.  Sitting, crouching, there isn't really a position that helps.  The only way I've found is to pretend I'm looking for something in my car boot and pee into an empty container or bottle.

I'm not going to repeat the list above of all the place a lady could have a discrete wee - but there are literally dozens of ways.  Add to that the getting to wear the flimsiest of underwear, be it lacy or a tiny thong - even if you let it flow down your legs, surely they're going to dry quickly.

Then (to go further off topic) I think society is more tolerant of a woman having an accident than a man.  In Western Europe at least it's almost universally known that childbirth can screw with the pelvic floor, so ladies who leak during activity, sneezing etc are treated as the norm (whether they realise it or not). The TV adverts for products etc are almost always women. It's folklore in the UK - or maybe true - that a pregnant woman can demand the use of a policeman's helmet when she is overtaken by the need!!!    I tend to think a desperate woman would get more assistance than a bloke - I could be wrong of course....  I often am.

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And to further develop what @gldenwetgoose says, If a man did pee in public places such as a park, it would be far more likely that women would report him for exposing himself whereas I can never imagine any man reporting a woman for exposing herself - the man would simply enjoy the view.

As to ways of peeing discretely in a park - I have found that if I am wearing shorts, I can kneel on the grass, hold a bag -e.g. a small rucksack or anything really between my knees and start looking inside it for something then slip my penis out of the leg of my shorts and pee on the grass between my legs.  I have done this with people quite close to me.  It can be done in long trousers and using the fly, but quite likely that kneeling on the grass that you are peeing on will result in wet trousers.....  Usually if I am wearing long trousers then I will find a secluded place behind bushes.  


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