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Exploring your pee fetish when you live with others

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Hi and welcome.

Sorry not great words of wisdom but why not try having an 'accident" in front of one of or a few of your house mates and gauge there reaction.

If favourable you maybe able to explore further.

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Hi @alwaysquietx - welcome to the forum.

Looking at @chubbybirb999 and @Jayne78 responses, I guess there's two ways to interpret your comment...   Whether you're looking to explore opportunities to play without being found out  - or whether you're looking to gauge the approval of your housemates?

If it feels like you're always in company and have to behave, then I guess it's how to catch those opportunities without being caught - whether it be locking yourself in the shower and doing the laundry straight after or maybe taking up an outdoor activity - jogging, cycling maybe where you can seek some sole company?

If it's the case of how to find someone understanding, there have been a few threads on the subject on the forums. To be honest though, I don't think anyone has a magic formula.  I do think that we, because we know we have this obsession and fear it as being seen obscene or weird, do tend to shy away from any conversation on the subject.  I know a few girls who will often declare to anyone listening that they're about to wet themselves, or be quite open about squatting when needed. I'm pretty sure they don't think anything weird about it and haven't got a clue what effect it has on me...

If you were seeking to gauge someone's opinion I'd be tempted to engineer a situation...  eg. coming home from pub - tell them how badly you need to go, ask them if they don't mind keeping watch while you sneak a pee, then later tell them how liberating it felt, how naughty, ask if they've every considered or done the same.... You'd be able to gauge pretty quickly whether they were curious, fascinated, amused or horrified.

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I can well imagine it being tricky if you're sharing a house or flat with others.  It is I think a case of taking the opportunities when they arise, including when you're out and about.  You could always care a spare pair of panties to change into after those 'not so accidental' accidents.  

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Being drunk always helps the situation - you could go out with your housemates in the evening, get a bit drunk and then need to pee on the way back, find a quiet place and go for it.   They would probably accept that without too much of a problem and either it will lead to a conversation where they are OK with it generally or at worst case they might rib you a bit about it the next day, but you can blame the alcohol.

If they make a fuss at the time when you pee outside then you can always turn it round on them and just say that they are such prudes and doesn't everyone pee outside occasisionally when they are drunk?

The other option is to be naughty but discrete.   From your profile, I see you are female, that gives you an immediate advantage in that you can wear skirts to hide a multitude of activity.   With the right clothing you can do things like sitting in a pub, shuffle forwards on your seat and let a bit of pee out on the carpet - nobody would notice.   In a park, you can sit or kneel on the grass and pee into the grass right next to people and they won't know a thing.

When you are out and about on your own, then you have much more freedom and I guess you must get some time alone.  My wife knows about my pee interest, but doesn't share it.  So, I do far more of my peeing alone.   Car parks, alleyways, quiet corners in town, bushes, parks etc. are all options.   You also have the option of peeing on the floor in a public toilet or similar.     At home, if your housemates are out, then you can hop up on the counter and take a quick pee in the kitchen sink.  In the privacy of your room, you can pee on your laundry and then put it straight in the wash.

There are lots of ways - you just need to be creative and discrete.

Edited by Alfresco
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